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Guest GameCop

The 2000 WWF PPV collection

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Guest GameCop

In the same vein as the 2001 WWF PPV collection thread, I'd like to present my STAR RATINGS for the year that was 2000.


Royal Rumble 2000 from Madison Square Garden in New York City, USA:


Kurt Angle vs. Tazz -- *** This match, albeit quite short, had lots of energy, killer suplexes we haven't seen since then, and a very, very hot crowd to boot.


Dudleyz vs. Hardyz in a table match -- ***3/4 This was the first table match in the history of the WWF and it didn't disappoint. It had insane ladder spots, sickening chair shots, and jaw-dropping table bumps. Historcially speaking, it's a very significant match that served as a template for future TLC matches.


Y2J vs. Holly vs. Chyna -- **1/2 This match was slightly disappointing, but mostly due to Chyna's weak-looking offense. Jericho, however, did win much to the delight of the MSG crowd.


Swimsuit competition -- It had gorgeous women in titillating swim apparel and, of course, a sight that I will never expunge from my mind. In hindsight, though, seeing Mae Young trying to flash her "puppies" was hysterical.


Acolytes vs. New Age Outlaws -- 1/2* Way too short.


Cactus Jack vs. HHH -- ***** I don't think anyone can disagree with this rating. Best match of 2000, period.


Royal Rumble -- ***1/2 The Rock winning was somewhat predictable, but it was still fun to watch Rikishi eliminate 6-7 people and dance with Too Cool, the return of Bob Backlund, and a Rock/Big Show finale that was very suspenseful.


Verdict: THUMBS WAY, WAY UP for one of the best PPV's ever.

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I agree with those ratings, first PPV i ever watched, ah the memories.

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Guest dwdw_IGN

I think you are right on the button with preatty much all of those ratings but I would give the RR constesnt ***3/4.

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Guest BionicRedneck
Kurt Angle vs. Tazz -- *** This match, albeit quite short, had lots of energy, killer suplexes we haven't seen since then, and a very, very hot crowd to boot.

Get real. It lasted 3 minutes or something. Jeez, people here seem to have a "everything Kurt Angle does = 3* or above" policy.


Cactus Jack vs. HHH -- ***** I don't think anyone can disagree with this rating.


I do.

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Guest GameCop

The Kurt Angle vs. Tazz match did last three minutes but it was non-stop action with no rest holds. Moreover, the match didn't need to be longer than three minutes; it served its purpose quite well in those three minutes.

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Guest Dangerous A

When I first watched Tazz/Angle, I was marking and didn't care about the match, only that Tazz had arrived. I rewatched this match about 4-5 months ago and I agree with Bionic, it is not 3 snowflakes. It's passable and not bad, but definitely not in the 3 flake range.


HHH vs Cactus is very good for a brawl, but not 5 snowflakes. On a generous day, I go 4 solid snowflakes, but 5 is out of line.

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Guest BionicRedneck
The Kurt Angle vs. Tazz match did last three minutes but it was non-stop action with no rest holds. Moreover, the match didn't need to be longer than three minutes; it served its purpose quite well in those three minutes.

You hear that folks? three minutes of non-stop spots = ***!! My ass.


Seriously, it was like *. There was no build, no selling and they blew at least one spot.

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Guest BionicRedneck
Give me a brawl that's better than Cactus vs. HHH




Wargames 92



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Guest Dangerous A

Nevermind, saw the post.



Oh, don't forget Benoit vs Sullivan BATB 96

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Guest GameCop

Funk vs. Flair was a great match, but it wasn't at MSG, it didn't involve a barbed wire bat, it didn't encompass any sick spots, it didn't have a 0.9 Muta blade job by HHH nor the copious loss of blood, it didn't have the better storyline (Mankind transforms into Cactus Jack), it didn't have the better selling, it didn't have the unpredicatable atmosphere that HHH-Jack had, and it didn't cement a new star in HHH.

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Guest BionicRedneck

No offense, but, You fucking suck, pal.


That was the most ridiculous post ever. EVER.

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Guest GameCop

Oh, and Benoit vs. Sullivan and GAB 1996 is highly overrated. Ooohhhh...they fight on the stairs and in the bathroom. We've seen Steve Austin fight in the crowd and on the arena stairs how many times? Once I saw Benoit vs. Sullivan after hearing all the hoopla, I was very unimpressed.

Edited by GameCop

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Guest bob_barron
Oh, and Benoit vs. Sullivan and GAB 1996 is highly overrated. Ooohhhh...they fight on the stairs and in the bathroom. We've seen Steve Austin fight in the crowd and on the arena stairs how many times? Once I saw Benoit vs. Sullivan after hearing all the hoopla, I was very unimpressed.

Oh christ-


Austin started brawling around the arena- AFTER Benoit v. Sullivan.


Benoit v. Sullivan was highly influential.


Although Triple H v. Cactus is the better match IMO

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Guest BionicRedneck

"OOOOHHHH they fight on the stairs" isn't half as stupid as "It was in MSG!".


If you think more blood/weapons=better match you dont have a clue what wrestling is about.

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Guest GameCop

Sorry, wrong again. Austin was brawling around arenas before Benoit vs. Sullivan. It's called ECW, look into it.

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Guest Retro Rob
If you think more blood/weapons=better match you dont have a clue what wrestling is about.

Different strokes for different folks. Not everyone has the same criteria for why a match should be *****, which is what makes ratings subjective to the person. Bottomline, Gamecop backed up why he gave it *****, now instead of going back and forth you should say what you liked/didn't like about the match and your rating. I'm just trying to move this along a little, so we can get past the bickering and back on topic.

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Guest GameCop

A match based solely based on blood and weapons isn't necessarily a good match. The HHH-Cactus affair had blood/weapons to complement Cactus' hardcore persona and the drama that had been built up until that time.

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Guest BionicRedneck
Bottomline, Gamecop backed up why he gave it *****,

With what? "It was in MSG"!??! No he didn't


now instead of going back and forth you should say what you liked/didn't like about the match and your rating.  I'm just trying to move this along a little, so we can get past the bickering and back on topic.


We never really got off topic. We are still discussing views on HHH/Cactus. He was the one who said "name a better brawl than HHH/Cactus" several people did and he started spewing more crap.

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Guest GameCop

Spewing more crap? I just offered a few retorts. If you can't be civil, then you need to get the hell of this board. I'm sick of these insults; if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it. For once, listen to what your mommy taught you.





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Guest Dangerous A
Oh, and Benoit vs. Sullivan and GAB 1996 is highly overrated. Ooohhhh...they fight on the stairs and in the bathroom. We've seen Steve Austin fight in the crowd and on the arena stairs how many times? Once I saw Benoit vs. Sullivan after hearing all the hoopla, I was very unimpressed.


Edit: You're the dumbest motherfu**er alive if you think Benoit vs. Sullivan is better than HHH vs. Cactus.

Bob Barron ever so graciously said what I was about to say.


While Austin was brawling in stands SOME in ECW, it wasn't the entire basis of his matches there. A lot of Austin's work in ECW was actually in the ring along with a prop or two. They weren't brawls so much as ECW matches.



And yes, Benoit/Sullivan almost serves as a template for brawls copied by WWE from 98-present.



If I feel that it was better, so be it. It doesn't make me the "dumbest motherfucker alive". I am sorry you were unimpressed by Sullivan vs Benoit, but don't fucking call me names because I disagree with you, you fucking arrogant douche.


Edit: Call me some more shit, I'll 0wn you mother's face for fuckin with me, you goddamned cocksucking sack of dog shit.

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Guest BionicRedneck
You're the dumbest motherfu**er alive if you think Benoit vs. Sullivan is better than HHH vs. Cactus.


Funk vs. Flair was a great match, but it wasn't at MSG, didn't involve a barbed wire bat, it didn't encompass any sick spots, it didn't have a 0.9 Muta blade job by HHH nor the copious loss of blood, it didn't have the better storyline (Mankind transforms into Cactus Jack),


These are just two examples of you talking crap. Sorry, but is the fact that HHH/Foley was at MSG actually a reason for making it better than Flair/Funk? C'mon man.

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Guest Dangerous A
Spewing more crap? I just offered a few retorts. If you can't be civil, then you need to get the hell of this board. I'm sick of these insults; if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it. For once, listen to what your mommy taught you.





What do you mean civil? You just called me the dumbest motherfucker alive for thinking a different opinion than you.


You are not only an asshole, you're a hypocrite as well.

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Guest slabinskia

i give high ratings to matches i like.i think benoit/sullivan and hhh/cactus are both 5 stars.hhh/cactus is far better imo but i think both are 5 stars.

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Guest GameCop

Hey, at least I had the civility to put two astericks where the "c" and "k" are.


I think I got you and Bionic Redneck mixed up. I thought Bionic Redneck was the one who said Benoit vs. Sullivan was better. Because Redneck used the F word to insult me, I thought I'd get him back with the "dumbest motherfu**er retort.


But...damn you sure got really indignant, Dangerous A. Just for your troubles, you can stick Masahira Chono's middle finger straight up your loose ass.

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Guest TonyJaymzV1

For me, personally, I would give the RR match 5 stars, becuase of the storylines, the quality, and the fact that I mark for Foley. I can see from a workrate perspective that it isn't the best brawl ever, but hey, stars are opions, and should not be taken as fact.


oh and DA, I love that pic of Misawa/Kawada

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Guest Retro Rob

You know what, as soon as I saw who started this thread I *KNEW* it was going to degenerate into something like this.


Secondly, what does using asteriks have to do with anything. Calling someone a motherfucker is the same as saying motherfu**er. Well, that is the least of the vulgarity in this thread. I mean "GOON????". That was harsh.


As for using MSG as a reason to make a match *****, as I said earlier, different strokes for differfernt folks. That may be an idiotic reasoning that is not at all based on the actual match, but it still stands as *his* reasoning. What I would like to know is what would Kane vs. HHH get since it also eminated from MSG? ****1/2?

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Guest Dangerous A

If the Dumbest motherfucker part was not intended for me, then my apologies.


However, I do agree with Bionic about Benoit/Sullivan being just a tad bit better than HHH/Cactus.


I see Benoit/Sullivan as more a ground breaking brawl. This would equate to HBK vs Razor from WMX and comparing it to the TLC's that followed. If you watch the TLC's, they blow away the WMX match in terms of stunts and spots and such. But if it weren't for WMX, the guys in the TLC matches wouldn't have been inspired to do what they did.


Austin probrably wouldve switched to brawling eventually to hide his physical limitations, but I saw Benoit and Sullivan do it first and do it better. I see Benoit and Sullivan being one of the first templates for great brawls and HHH/Cactus taking that torch and running with it to further heights with the blood and outrageous spots. However for me, I always leave a spot in my heart for originals.

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