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MOTYC so far.

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Guest Angle-plex
Then they come out with "Kurt Angle has never had a bad match" (I eagerly await an Angle fanboy to ask me to name a bad Kurt Angle match,

All three Angle/HHH PPV matches were bad, the third was awful.


Angle/Hogan was bad, but it's been forgiven because Hogan tapped.


The second Angle/Kane match wasn't very good at all.

Don't forget Angle/Taker at Survivor Series 2000.

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Guest BionicRedneck
Then they come out with "Kurt Angle has never had a bad match" (I eagerly await an Angle fanboy to ask me to name a bad Kurt Angle match,

All three Angle/HHH PPV matches were bad, the third was awful.


Angle/Hogan was bad, but it's been forgiven because Hogan tapped.


The second Angle/Kane match wasn't very good at all.

Indeed. Every match he has ever had with Taker has been bad. His match against Tazz was pretty bad. All his matches with Show have been bad (good for Show matches, but still not good) etc.

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Guest eiker_ir

the Angle vs. HHH match at RR 2001 ws pretty good imo, heatless but very good and underrated.

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Guest Anglesault
Then they come out with "Kurt Angle has never had a bad match" (I eagerly await an Angle fanboy to ask me to name a bad Kurt Angle match,

All three Angle/HHH PPV matches were bad, the third was awful.


Angle/Hogan was bad, but it's been forgiven because Hogan tapped.


The second Angle/Kane match wasn't very good at all.

Indeed. Every match he has ever had with Taker has been bad. His match against Tazz was pretty bad. All his matches with Show have been bad (good for Show matches, but still not good) etc.

The later Tazz matches (InVasion) were much better.


Also take into account that Tazz, Kane and Taker are awful.


The early HHH matches are the best example. There was no reason for those matches to be bad.

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Guest BionicRedneck

I agree. My point is, Kurt Angle had/has bad matches. I like the guy, but man is he overrated by some people.

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Guest Choken One

Flair and Benoit had bad ones too...but it was never their fault damn it!

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Kurts first two matches w. Kane (one on Raw in late 2001, and one on Smackdown in early 2002 IIRC) were really good - which gave me hope for their WM match - but that ended up sucking.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

The fact that Big Show was in the 3 Way automatically prevents it from reaching anything about ***1/2.


Match of The Year is far and away Benoit vs Angle from the Royal Rumble and I highly doubt anything will top it (cept maybe Benoit vs Brock).

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Guest eiker_ir

the one in late 2001 was the best (the one when Kane tapped to the ankle lock)

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Guest caboose
The fact that Big Show was in the 3 Way automatically prevents it from reaching anything about ***1/2.

I hate that kind of attitude. If the match is good enough, then regardless of Big Show's prescence, the match should be rated above ***1/2.

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Guest Anglesault
Kurts first two matches w. Kane (one on Raw in late 2001, and one on Smackdown in early 2002 IIRC) were really good - which gave me hope for their WM match - but that ended up sucking.

I liked Mania muc better than Angle/Kane II, and I didn't really like Mania.


That reminds me. I fail to see why he didn't go over with the AngleLock at Mania.

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Guest Choken One
The fact that Big Show was in the 3 Way automatically prevents it from reaching anything about ***1/2.


Match of The Year is far and away Benoit vs Angle from the Royal Rumble and I highly doubt anything will top it (cept maybe Benoit vs Brock).

How so? He threw about 2 punches...and did like two Chokeslams and was f5ed and Angleslamed like a rag doll and laid outside the ring like a good smart fellow.

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Guest Anglesault

And I really fail to see why they did Taker/Flair and Angle/Kane instead of Taker/Kane and Angle/Flair.

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Guest Choken One

Because Taker/Kane been done so many times and the idea was LEGEND VS LEGEND for Mania...although an certain OTHER match with the same premise overshadowed that

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Guest Dynamite Kido
choken: dynamite said it, SK...and look at the old "kurt angle's best matches" thread. a disturbing amount of people put it in the top 3.


and i thought angle/benoit was ****1/2 as soon as the bell rang, before the standing O. doesn't affect the match at all. in fact, it's the other way around, as the match's greatness itself prompted the ovation.


jericho/hbk had a good last 10 minutes with the fatigue and the near falls and such, but it went very slow. the summerslam match with trips had the same problem. all the spots & reversals & whatnot were good, they just took twice as long to get through as they should have. shawn's not in as good shape as he ought to be. i remember the mat wrestling in particular being pretty slow and ugly.


EDIT: and NO WAY is that shawn/trips summerslam match better than angle/benoit, much less five stars.

GTD I NEVER said the Vengence was in the top three matches, I put the best matches of the year up in no particular order, sorry if you were confused bro.......

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Guest godthedog

i wasn't picking on anyone in particular for the "angle's best matches" thread. i just remember this post popping up more than it should have by various different people:


top 3 angle matches:

RR '03

summerslam '01

wrestlemania XIX

not exactly, but something to that effect.

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Well, I know I'm gonna get massacred for it, but here's mine.


1. Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle vs. Big Show (Vengeance) ****1/2

2. HBK vs. Jericho (Wrestlemania) ****1/4

3. Filthy Animals vs. WGTT (Vengeance) ****1/4

4. Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle (Royal Rumble) ****

5. Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle (Wrestlemania) ****

6. Chris Benoit vs. Eddie Guerrero (Vengeance) ****

7. Chris Benoit vs. Matt Hardy (Smackdown) ****

8. Rey Mysterio vs. Matt Hardy (Smackdown) ***3/4

9. Kurt Angle vs. Big Show, Charlie Haas, and Shelton Benjamin (Smackdown) ***3/4

10. Goldberg vs. Chris Jericho (Bad Blood) ***3/4


One small defense: The sound wasn't working at the bar during the Angle/Benoit match and it really pissed me off. Still don't think the match was all THAT good though. There haven't been a lot of really good matches this year.

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I think for the same reason Angle-Brock could be overrated (injury), I think a case can also be made that is under-appreciated by some because of how loaded that card was. It was an extra hour which is not what we're supposed to see at PPV's, and being the last match on the card, could have worn out the crowd & PPV audience too.


I do not think it is MOTY, but I don't think it is too far-fetched to be considered on of the top 3-7 matches so far.

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My top five this year so far...


1. Angle vs. Benoit

2. America's Most Wanted vs. XXX Cage Match

3. Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels

4. Eddy/Tajiri vs. Team Angle III

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Guest CanadianChris

That anyone would think that Goldberg/Jericho was even close to Angle/Benoit is laughable.

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I have four matches at *****. I dont know if it is because I'm easily impressed or if it is that this has been the best year of wrestling in the history of the WWE. I love Vince McMahon.


UT vs Show *****


Sable vs Stephanie *****


Vince vs Gowan *****


Now Seriously:

Angle vs Benoit *****


HBK vs Jericho ****1/4


Rey/Kidman vs WGTT ****1/4


Angle vs Lesnar ****


Angle vs Lesnar vs Show ****


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Guest bob_barron

I haven't read through the thread but my top 5-


1. London v. Dragon

2. Benoit v. Angle

3.WGTT v. Filthy Animals

4.London v. Daniels

5.Brock v. Angle

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Guest DanNJ316
I have four matches at *****. I dont know if it is because I'm easily impressed or if it is that this has been the best year of wrestling in the history of the WWE. I love Vince McMahon.


UT vs Show *****


Sable vs Stephanie *****


Vince vs Gowan *****

This has to be a joke right? Please tell me you're not being serious here when you rated those three matches ***** I would assume you would have to be, there's just no other explanation for it.


For the record, my Top 5 MOTYC would be:


* Kurt Angle Vs. Chris Benoit-Royal Rumble


* Shawn Michaels Vs. Chris Jericho-Wrestlemania


* Kurt Angle Vs. Brock Lesnar-Wrestlemania


* Chris Benoit Vs. Eddy Guerrero-Vengeance


* Mysterio/Kidman Vs. Haas/Benjamin-Vengeance


You can also throw in the Michaels/Jericho WM rematch from Raw, that was a great match also, but not as great as the other ones I listed above. I would also like to mention Austin/Rock from Wrestlemania, a match people seem to forget about, that was rated ***3/4 at the time by Dave Meltzer. It's been a great year as far as match quality goes in WWE, it's gonna be hard to pick one at the end of the year.

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Guest bob_barron

I still fail to see what was so good about HBK v. Jericho Part 2.


Samoa Joe v. Homicide is another match that could also crack my top 5

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Guest BionicRedneck

Nah, the 2nd HBK/Y2J match aint one of the best of the year.


We are only talking about WWE here right?

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Guest JaKyL25

My Top 10 Favorite WWE matches of the Year:


1.) Angle vs. Benoit, Royal Rumble

2.) Lesnar vs. Angle, WrestleMania XIX

3.) HBK vs. Jericho, WrestleMania XIX

4.) Benoit vs. Guerrero, Vengeance

5.) Eddie/Tajiri vs. Team Angle, Smackdown the week after JD

6.) TWGTT vs. Rey/Kidman, Vengeance

7.) Rock vs. Austin, WrestleMania XIX

8.) Mysterio vs. M. Hardy, SmackDown where Rey wins the title

9.) HHH vs. Flair, Raw

10.) Benoit vs. M. Hardy, SmackDown.

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