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Triple H's Backstage Power

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Dont think this has been posted.


"Right now, Triple H has more influential power on Vince McMahon than his own son, Shane McMahon, does. Vince is said to listen and be more persuaded by Triple H's ideas and suggestions than he does with Shane. It is said he trusts Triple H more than Shane and has been known to critisize and shoot down many of Shane's ideas, while he always respects and generally agrees with Triple H's ideas."


credit: Torch Newsletter


That is pathetic.

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Guest NoCalMike

Yah, but who is to say how great Shane's ideas are. We already know how bad Steph's ideas are.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Shane's ideas probably involve Test....which is never good.

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Guest cpac

I am pretty sure that the only person in Vince's will is his real son Paul Leveque or however you spell his name.

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Guest Dangerous A
Yah, but who is to say how great Shane's ideas are. We already know how bad Steph's ideas are.

Exactly. Just cause everyone here loves to suck Shane's cock because he decides to throw himself off of high places doesn't mean he has good ideas about wrestling. It's been said that Steph has a better grasp about wrestling than Shane does and that's from Meltzer years ago. For all we know Shane's ideas could be Russo-esque. This isn't that big of an issue.

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Guest AndrewTS
I am pretty sure that the only person in Vince's will is his real son Paul Leveque or however you spell his name.

"I have only one REAL son, and his name is Triple H!" -- Vince at Backlash 2001.

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Guest Anglesault


Vince needs to SO die so Shane can take over.

Why do we want Shane to tke over?


He makes friends with the worst on the roster.

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Guest NoCalMike

Well for one, this is all Vince's fault basically. As has been said a million times before. Triple H would have absolutely no stroke at all if Vince told Triple H to go to hell, but he doesn't and alledgedly listens to him.....Fault = Vince McMahon.

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Guest Dangerous A
I don't care what Shane's ideas are. That is no excuse. I knew HHH had an abnormal amount of stroke, but this is just wrong.

So what's exactly your beef? Taker and Hogan have Vince's ear as well and they are just as big a political monster as HHH. Or is your beef with the fact that Vince gives his ear to a worker over his own son? Again, Vince has had wrestlers in his ear about ideas since he started promoting. Not big news here. It just so happens that HHH is the one who has the ear.


If you beef is with HHH having Vince's ear, than say it.

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Guest Dangerous A
Well for one, this is all Vince's fault basically. As has been said a million times before. Triple H would have absolutely no stroke at all if Vince told Triple H to go to hell, but he doesn't and alledgedly listens to him.....Fault = Vince McMahon.

Give the man a prize. In the end, it's Vince's bad.

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Hogan and Taker dont seem to have as much stroke to me. Hogan left and Taker is feuding with Cena and the FBI while HHH holds the Fake Title for a year while squashing everyone and claiming he is the best ever. He makes me sick.

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Guest HartFan86

Yeah, now thinking about it...Shane is just as bad as Vince. Maybe worse.


This comapny is...I dunno. Messed. I just think it's odd that his own son no longer even has stroke.


How long will it be til HHH has more stroke with Vince then Linda does?


Can't say we should be THAT surprised.

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Guest Dangerous A

That's because according to insiders like Meltz, Steph has a better head for wrestling than Shane, which must mean Shane is a complete retard when it comes to wrestling.


*looks and sees Shane's contiued push for Test and feels validated*

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Guest CanadianChick

You know, I've always wondered, if Triple H was retired and still gave ideas and such, would it be a good thing? If his own personal gain was out of the way, would his ideas be good for the company? He probably has a good mind for the business, so it's something to ponder.

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Guest HartFan86
If Vince dies Steph will get control and not Shane.

Booo. Where did you hear that? And what if Vince dies before Linda? I'm assuming she still owns the company.

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Guest Dangerous A
You know, I've always wondered, if Triple H was retired and still gave ideas and such, would it be a good thing? If his own personal gain was out of the way, would his ideas be good for the company? He probably has a good mind for the business, so it's something to ponder.

Unfortunately we probrably won't find out for a million years. :angry:

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Guest BoboBrazil

Shane pushed for Test, but the product on a whole was actually good when he was on the writing team. He actually listens to fan suggestions, unlike the others who treat the fans like idiots. A woman shouldn't be on a wrestling booking team anyway.

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Guest Ripper

Whoa, whoa, whoa...What's all this about HHH and backstage power? I never heard about any of this before.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
Hogan and Taker dont seem to have as much stroke to me. Hogan left and Taker is feuding with Cena and the FBI while HHH holds the Fake Title for a year while squashing everyone and claiming he is the best ever. He makes me sick.

Taker has enough "stroke" to have the ME of a PPV changed (Taker/Brock 1).


Plus, it's been said Vince is a huge mark for Taker.

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Guest Dangerous A
Isn't Stephanie to blame for the end of the Love Triangle?

That was HHH who pushed for that. The natural progression would've been for Steph to align herself with Angle and that would've given HHH the motivation for a full babyface turn, but HHH didn't want to work against Steph since their relationship was just heating up.

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Guest Raven_Effect01
That's because according to insiders like Meltz, Steph has a better head for wrestling than Shane

Then what the hell was with the Dawn Marie/Al Wilson angle earlier this year, or Steph and Vince coming up with the "Stephanie had sex with Vince's business partners to get him what he wanted" segment? Not to say Shane's any better though, because anyone who pushes for Test, makes wrestlers look inferior to him once he(Shane) comes back to TV, and takes pointless bumps that also make wrestlers look weak, is no better than a clueless, breast-sagging, soap-opera-loving bitch or a senile, toupee-wearing jackass, which leads me to believe that WWE will eventually be going out of business(duh!) because of the McMahons' incompetence on knowing how to run a wrestling promotion.

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