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Guest Jobber of the Week

Democrats, Republicans both agree that

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Guest TheMikeSC
What's taking so long?


US War History


Revolutionary War lasted about 4 - 5 years.

War of 1812 --- 3 years.

Civil War? about 4 years.

WWII took us about 3 years.

Korea? 4 or so, if memory serves.

Vietnam? Geez, shall we even mention it.

Yes, but generally the media and the public find something else to talk about after 12-18 months. Maybe because war = $$$$ like never before now it's different, but eventually the war is just... There. Everyone just kind of ignores the gorilla in the room until it goes away, and it is never brought up again until electiontime.


Man, I'm glad FDR didn't have to deal with psychotic conspiracy nuts like you back in 1941. By June 1942, he'd be hearing "Why are we still fighting Japan? Why are we in Europe? It isn't our job to be there"


I don't know about that, but I do know there's people on both sides of the fence who wish we'd stop running around fighting others' battles and protect our own skin. Granted, those on the right are mostly isolationists, but anyway....


You can't stop terrorism? You can --- it is not easy, but it is eminently doable.


No, you can't. You can stop large terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda, but you can't stop every Tim McVeigh, Columbine shooter, mailbomber, etc worldwide. To do so would require changes that would be too much of a burden overseas and darn near unconstitutional at home. The best you can do is get rid of those with the resources to pull off something really scary.


Listening to you, the civil rights movement was a bad idea, etc because you "can never rid _____ off of the Earth".


What the hell?

1) Who gives one little crap what the media likes? Wars take time and the media, more than anything else, has conditioned the American people that NOTHING is worth taking more than 20 minutes to accomplish. The MEDIA is the problem here as warfare isn't always exciting (thus, not a ratings-grabber), so they have to gripe to try and garner attention.


And wat costs more now than before? Compare the debt incurred in the Revolution to ANY war recently as a percentage of GDP and you'll realize how asinine an assumption that is.


I won't say much more as I'm SURE Marney can make the point on this much better than I ever could --- suffice to say, you're WAY off here.


2) There are always going to be isolationists. Fortunately, they tend to be bloody idiots who will gripe immediately when anything bad happens to us because we "let it occur".


3) Yes, you can stop them for all practical purposes. Piracy on the high seas used to be a HUGE problem --- it no longer is.


You wish to eliminate terrorism? You hit the terrorists infinitely harder than they could EVER hit you and you do it EVERY time they hit you. This is why I FULLY support allowing Israel to do whatever they wish to Palestinians whenever a bomber attacks.


4) You can never get rid of racism, right? Then, using your logic with terrorism, wasn't the whole civil rights movement a waste of our time, energy, and money?


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Guest TheMikeSC
Sigh. I wish we could get back to the original topic instead of just throwing partisan attacks.

Dean isn't a riveting topic.


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Since people have been talking about Dean speeches. Today at 8PM Eastern on CSPAN:


08:00 pm

1:00 (est.) LIVE


Dean Campaign Rally

Dean Presidential Campaign

Howard Dean , D-VT

The beginning and end of this live program may be earlier or later than the scheduled times.

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I've changed my mind.


I'm going to vote for Dean after reading this story:


Gov. Dean Heals Leper, Walks on Water

(2003-08-04) -- Gov. Howard Dean cemented his Democrat presidential frontrunner status today when he healed a man of leprosy then walked across the surface of a small lake to his next campaign appearance.


The Vermont Governor also shocked the pundits with his simultaneous appearance on the covers of Time, and Newsweek.


Print journalists are writing about all the Dean talk and broadcast reporters are talking about all the ink he's getting.


"Momentum is everything in politics," said one unnamed political consultant. "Dean has grabbed it by doing startling things like criticizing the President, and rolling up his shirtsleeves. You should see the forearms on that guy."


Professional journalists continue to chronicle the miracles performed by this former medical internist. Besides healing lepers and walking on water "Dr." Dean has also raised hundreds of thousands of dollars on the Internet -- a feat previously accomplished only by online pornographers and gambling companies.


Actor-Director Mel Gibson has optioned a script about the last 12 hours of Howard Dean's life.


Truly, the Messiah has come!

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Guest JMA
Truly, the Messiah has come!

You could be one of his twelve disciples. I'll be Judas. No, not Judas Iscariot, the OTHER Judas. The one who gets a bad rep for having the same name.

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I've changed my mind.


I'm going to vote for Dean after reading this story:


Gov. Dean Heals Leper, Walks on Water

(2003-08-04) -- Gov. Howard Dean cemented his Democrat presidential frontrunner status today when he healed a man of leprosy then walked across the surface of a small lake to his next campaign appearance.


The Vermont Governor also shocked the pundits with his simultaneous appearance on the covers of Time, and Newsweek.


Print journalists are writing about all the Dean talk and broadcast reporters are talking about all the ink he's getting.


"Momentum is everything in politics," said one unnamed political consultant. "Dean has grabbed it by doing startling things like criticizing the President, and rolling up his shirtsleeves. You should see the forearms on that guy."


Professional journalists continue to chronicle the miracles performed by this former medical internist. Besides healing lepers and walking on water "Dr." Dean has also raised hundreds of thousands of dollars on the Internet -- a feat previously accomplished only by online pornographers and gambling companies.


Actor-Director Mel Gibson has optioned a script about the last 12 hours of Howard Dean's life.


Truly, the Messiah has come!

Bah -- let me know when he turns water into wine and then I'll be interested...

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Guest MikeSC
Dean isn't a riveting topic.


Neither is Bush. What's your point?

Well, one is President and one is Governor of a state that nobody really takes seriously.


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