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Guest Anglesault

So, Uhm, Yeah. Randy Orton is Main Eventing the

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Guest Anglesault
So? It's just a run in... Arn Anderson used to do that sort of thing all the time and no one thought he was a main eventer. I guess I'm just a little tired of people over guessing how much Orton is going to get considering I've seen him proclaimed the next World Champion, IC Champion, and the man to retire Michaels and Foley.

Still, what other so called midcarder gets to look like a threat to the MEs?


Or shove Foley down a flight of stairs?


Or be inserted into a match with the five top guys and it's not totally definate that he won't win?


Suckbag gets alot more than your average midcarder.

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Guest Anglesault

Orton gets total silence as well.


And I wasn't happy with an unover shitty worker going last year either.

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Guest JHawk
Orton gets total silence as well.


And I wasn't happy with an unover shitty worker going last year either.

You know, AS, I've known you for close to a year and a half now, and I think you've been less happy with the product than I have. And that's saying something.


If Orton wins the title, then go ahead and bitch, but he hasn't won it yet. He probably will, but until then, don't worry too much about it.

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Guest Goodear

Still, what other so called midcarder gets to look like a threat to the MEs?


Test beat Nash. Hurricane beat The Rock. John Cena has beaten Jericho. Just about every midcarder you can name has had some sort of moment where he's been a threat to someone much, much higher on the card. Except for like, Rodney Mack and Rosey.


Or shove Foley down a flight of stairs?


Well since Foley was around for like a week, not many. But if Foley was around more often, he'd get pounded more often considering that was basically all he did during his career, take beatings.


Or be inserted into a match with the five top guys and it's not totally definate that he won't win?


It's pretty definite to me that he's got no hope. The only person with less is Nash in my opinion.


Suckbag gets alot more than your average midcarder.


That's true. But not as much as people are making it out to be, with Orton being 12 times World Champion by this time tomarrow. Can I just add that Suckbag is just about the worst nickname ever? I perfer OrtBran myself... it makes him seem all flavorless and dry while still being unique.

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I can't believe that I'm going to defend AS here, but I don't think his point is that Orton is going to win the title, but that he just doesn't deserve to be in the match.



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Guest Zack Malibu
I can't believe that I'm going to defend AS here, but I don't think his point is that Orton is going to win the title, but that he just doesn't deserve to be in the match.



We know, but that opinion has evolved into smark dread that the uberpush may now concern a World Title reign. I think it's a very good possibility that they may be doing it, and while they're trying something new (something we always ask for them to do), they're doing it with the wrong guy.

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But look what he's become.

Because that's the norm.

Well, how else do you expect these new guys to get over? The WWE is obviously too impatient to let the guys be built up at a natural pace so they are going to push and push until they get over. Most of the big stars are going to be the OVW guys which no one has heard of until they show up one day. Honestly, next year at this time Orlando Jordon or Jindrak will be in the same position as Orton, barely over heel with sizeable push.

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Guest Lightning Flik
I can't believe that I'm going to defend AS here, but I don't think his point is that Orton is going to win the title, but that he just doesn't deserve to be in the match.



I'll one up you Dames.


I'll admit that Orton doesn't deserve to be there PERIOD. What the fuck has this kid done to be anywhere NEAR the top? He hasn't won a secondary title (even if it is crap), he hasn't gotten the monster push like Brock, and fuck all, I don't think he's ever done anything than run in on matches and perform the most God awful RKO (heard it's even gotten WORSE then when I last saw it 7 weeks ago). And he deserves to be in the ME? Fuck that.


Orton is just a glorified midcarder that got stuck into that match by PURE luck and that should he win, this'll be how it goes down.


Nash <- Jericho <- Triple H <- Goldberg <- Michaels <- Orton.

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Guest Adrian 3:16

You guys are over-reacting as usual. Orton is only in the match as cannon fodder, he has about as much chance of winning as Rikishi had in the 6 man HIAC.


As for pushing Foley down the stairs, what's wrong with that? I thought it was actually clever booking- does no one else see the symbolism in HHH's little buddy pushing down the guy he retired? And it was all to build anticipation for going over HBK at some point- a guy many of you supposedly hate, but are now outraged he might job to Orton in the future.


And in Foley's day everyone smacked him around, even the Mean Street Posse jumped him a couple times. I don't remember seeing World Champion Pete Gas, do you?

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Guest Human Fly

Orton is not getting an "Arn Anderson" type of push. Arn Anderson would interfere in matches to help Flair when else would he interfere in big matches? When did you ever hear Arn Anderson gloating about doing any of that the way Orton has by calling himself a legend killer?


And I don't recall Arn throwing Dusty Rhodes down the stairs to put himself over, or cost Sting two matches against anyone but Flair.


Edit - As soon as they announced the match the first thought that popped into my mind was that Orton would take it. Goldberg isn't going to get the title, HHH is injured again, Y2J won't get it, and I don't think that the WWE is dumb enough to put the title on Nash or HBK. I would rather see the title on Orton than Nash or HBK at this point. He may suck, but at least he sucks and is a full time wrestler who has the ability to run.

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Guest TheArchiteck

Orton got put in the right angle at the right time.

I still don't really care for the guy promo/ring skills.

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Guest Downhome
Orton is not getting an "Arn Anderson" type of push. Arn Anderson would interfere in matches to help Flair when else would he interfere in big matches? When did you ever hear Arn Anderson gloating about doing any of that the way Orton has by calling himself a legend killer?

Arn DESERVED to be there with Flair however, he is/was fucking Arn Anderson.


Randy Orton is nothing, and has not proved himself even worthy enough to be on RAW period, much less next to the other five guys.


I agree with you.


To say that Orton is getting a AA push and saying it's ok is insane. Orton shouldn't be allowed to ever be mentioned in the same breath as AA.


Maybe this will change over time, but as of now, Orton is deserving of nothing.

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Guest Downhome
I would rather see the title on Orton than Nash or HBK at this point. He may suck, but at least he sucks and is a full time wrestler who has the ability to run.

I somewhat agree with you about Nash, but I in no way prefer Orton over HBK. HBK is leaps and bounds a better all around performer than Orton.

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Guest Anglesault
You guys are over-reacting as usual. Orton is only in the match as cannon fodder, he has about as much chance of winning as Rikishi had in the 6 man HIAC.

So put Flair in there. He's about 70 times more over than Orton, and is STILL the best worker in Devolution.


? And it was all to build anticipation for going over HBK at some point- a guy many of you supposedly hate, but are now outraged he might job to Orton in the future.


He wouldn't job to Jericho when the time was right, but he'll job to one of the worst all around guys in the company. No problem there.

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Guest Dangerous A
He wouldn't job to Jericho when the time was right, but he'll job to one of the worst all around guys in the company. No problem there.

Blame Vince. Nuff said.

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Guest AndrewTS
Hey guys....let's not forget here.


Randy Orton is better than Lou Thesz.


Why shouldn't he get the title?

Yup, he's a better worker/wrestler/talker than a corpse. What's your point?

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Oh, come on, guys, Randy Oton hasn't even been booked so he can beat MAVEN cleanly. You guys think the WWE is so stupid that they'd put the WORLD TITLE on him?


... Okay, actually, that DOES sound like something they would do.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

It does bother me that they'll just throw someone so unover into supposedly important matches.


But he's a third generation superstar...so you knew he'd get pushed to no end.

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Guest nl5xsk1

It's either going to be a heel that wins it so a healthy (and turned-face) HHH can feud with him over the belt that he "never really lost". (My guess would be Jericho for that role - they'd save the Orton 'feud' for something more drawn out)


Or it's ging to be a face that wins it to feud with Kane (my guess would be Goldberg).


Regardless, I really can't see Orton walking away with the belt. He's the longest of long shots, in my eyes.

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Guest Dangerous A

Remember WWE mentality.


Homegrown talent > Actual talent.


Randy Orton is all WWE. Jericho, RVD, Benoit, and Co. all had stints in other major promotions before coming to WWE.


Notice how Orton, Cena, and Brock have been pushed harder than those jackasses that decided to work elsewhere before coming to WWE.

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Guest CanadianChris

They can't possibly put the title on him. The booking thus far in no way supports a title reign for him. Look at the situation: he's a green up-and-comer who's never held gold and who's not even booked to be the most important person in the group he's in, and he's getting the world title over five established main-eventers on the second-biggest show of the year?


And then, how would they get out of it? It should be painfully obvious to even the WWE bookers that he's nowhere near ready to even be in this match, let alone carry the big belt. Best case scenario is that he becomes Rocky to HHH's Faarooq and takes control of Evolution, allowing HHH to turn face (which he apparently wants) and beat Orton for the title when he's fully healed. (Yeah, I know, some best case scenario.) Worst case, which would dig a hole so deep that it would become the Marianas Trench of stupidity, is that they do a Fingerpoke Of Doom the next night on Raw and return the belt to HHH.


So no, I don't think we have anything to worry about with respect to Orton winning. I think Goldberg pins either Orton or Jericho, with HHH getting pinned by HBK or Nash early on, to set up HHH winning the belt back clean at Unforgiven. Voila, you've officially buried the entire promotion (except for the Clique).

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Guest The Old Me

I think Orton will walk out of SS with the belt. I'm not sure how to feel about this as he doesn't deserve it, probably isn't ready yet, etc. But I think a change is in order. I'd give him the IC title first and see what he can do with that. Give Y2J the belt at SS. *laughs*

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Guest Choken One

Poor Jericho.


He will have to carry 4 bags of Suck, One Injured triple cripple.


He better pray Shawn goes Bump happy...

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Guest Goodear
Notice how Orton, Cena, and Brock have been pushed harder than those jackasses that decided to work elsewhere before coming to WWE.

Let's not get crazy. Brock got the push of all pushes (as did Angle) and made something out of it. Cena and Orton have yet to even be secondary champions and haven't won on pay per view in months as far as I can recall.

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Guest Dangerous A
Poor Jericho.


He will have to carry 4 bags of Suck, One Injured triple cripple.


He better pray Shawn goes Bump happy...

You may hate HBK and whatnot, but one thing I wouldn't call hm is a bag of suck in the ring.

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Guest Dangerous A
Let's not get crazy. Brock got the push of all pushes (as did Angle) and made something out of it. Cena and Orton have yet to even be secondary champions and haven't won on pay per view in months as far as I can recall.

Yeah, that was kind of a general blanket statement. However, Cena and Orton are being pushed harder than Jericho, RVD, and Benoit right now.



The difference with those guys and the homegrown guys is that the homegrown guys may get multiple chances to get over while the smark fav's get one, two shots if they are lucky.

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Guest Anglesault
He wouldn't job to Jericho when the time was right, but he'll job to one of the worst all around guys in the company. No problem there.

Blame Vince. Nuff said.

These guys cause the problems.


Vince just fails to stop them.

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