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Guest Zack Malibu

The O.C.

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Peter Gallagher is awesome as the dad. The last episode he had two great moments. The first was when his father in law was coming to visit, and he was talking to his wife. I forgot the exact lines, but it was something like "He still has it in for me because I'm Jewish. It's just a phase though, I'll get it all out of my system by the time he comes." That, and when Seth said he was taking Summer to the party, he went "Summer. Summer's HOT!"



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Does anyone know the real name of the 24 year old girlfriend (Gabrielle)? Is she a model or a playboy playmate? I seem to remember her from somewhere.


By the way the main reason I watch the show is because the women on it are very hot.

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Guest El Satanico

Of course the girls being hot is a plus. But that alone wouldn't be enough to get me watching the show every week, which I have.

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Guest Choken One

tonight was just great for just the Seth/Summer stuff...Marissa and Ryan is getting QUICKLY annoying though...


When does it come back and how good were ratings? I know it was good enough for a Renewal...

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I actually like this show, its funny thou. I liked last week's episode when the guy got shot. I better not hangout in O.C. because I might get mugged by a white dude driving a Porsche. :lol:

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tonight was just great for just the Seth/Summer stuff...Marissa and Ryan is getting QUICKLY annoying though...


When does it come back and how good were ratings? I know it was good enough for a Renewal...

It'll be back after the playoffs. It was always scheduled to be a fall show, this early run was just to build the fanbase.


And holy shit, the LAST thing I expected to see was Marissa overdosing last night. She's a main character so you know she'll live, but what a shock to see that.


Peter Gallagher once again was the most hilarious portion of the show.


(Summer shows up to go on the trip.)


Seth:Nothing can ruin my mood right now

Sandy:She's hot stuff son.

Seth:And it's ruined...

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The Seth/Summer storyling rocks!! You keep pulling for him to get some, but you love the attitude she gives off.


The mom continues to pull off the milf hottness.


No appearance by the neighbor's wife was definately a good thing as she has become the one character I don't like, despite her Leah Remini hottness.


Sandy rules, nuff said.


Good turn with Marissa, as we wouldn't want her to be too goody goody. She's so thin I was expecting a bulimic (sp) episode, but drugs works too.

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Guest El Satanico

oi...I hope we don't get a bulimic episode...I hate those. Besides, Marissa isn't sickly skinny so there's no reason to make us see a damn bulimic episode.

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The Seth/Summer storyling rocks!! You keep pulling for him to get some, but you love the attitude she gives off.

Seth and Sandy are great as the comic relief. Sandy's more subtle, but last night's exchange with Summer in the car ("They've got religion on their side. I'm not going to beat God.") was hysterical. And when he called his hair his "Jew 'Fro".


I'm psyched to see what happens. I mean, it's pretty obvious Mischa Barton isn't getting killed off this soon, but I wonder how they'll follow up.

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Fox Makes no sense...B.P had good ratings and it moves it to shit central?

BP has been on a steady downward spiral ever since they brought Michael Rappaport onto the cast, continued doing "shock for shock sake" storylines (the Vice Principal arranging for a riot to break out to ensure students who were complaining about the status quo at the school were put in their places and the smart alecy office assistant who got knocked up), and kept getting rid of secondary student characters who were interesting and replacing them with boring replacements.


Sending it to Friday seems to make it seem that Fox wants the show to die, especially given the night having a history of being the dumping ground for unwanted shows by Fox...

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Quick Update on the show:


Apparently Fox realized it had a hit on it's hands, so rather than the Thursday night timeslot the show was supposed to get, it will return to the air on Wednesday, October 29th. That's good news, since Fox obviously has faith in the show and didn't want to throw it to the dogs by having it up against Must See TV, CSI, etc.

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Guest El Satanico

Well good Wednesday is probably the weakest night on Television and the show should do well.

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First off, saw that Natural Born Thriller started a thread for O.C. Sorry buddy, but we need the original, so we can look back and remember when myself, OldSchool, Choken, Satanico, and others came together as fans of this great show.


Anyhow, tonight's the big night. 9pm EST on FOX. This show did better than anyone expected, and was luckily spared from a Thursday deathslot and given a home on Wed. nights. Here's the official O.C. thread, and I look forward to recapping the show with you guys later.


If you haven't seen it, WATCH IT. You're not going to be disappointed, and with the new story arc starting tonight, it's the perfect intro if you missed the summer run.


::waits in anticipation::

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Hell yeah baby!!! Glad its back. I remember back when it went off it seemed like it would be forever before it returned. And it was!!!


Unrelated, have you had a chance to watch Skin? I watched the first episode and it wasn't bad. Missed monday's show and hear it might already be on the chopping block.

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Guest Choken One




It's amazing...the hype this show is getting...It's insane.


When it debuted it got very little play because Fox figured it was a 6 week and done show so very little hype.


Now Fox pretty much GAVE the O.C the #1 time slot in TV at this moment with ZERO competition for it's market...I'm sorry but West Wing doesn't draw that demo.


If it got these great ratings in the summer where no one watches TV...it should get amazing ratings now it's such a IT show.

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Guest El Satanico

Yes, we must use the original thread.


I was surprised by the success this show has seen. Glad to see Fox was smart enough to give it a primo spot, instead of the Thursday death trap I believe they originally said.

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I haven't seen skin, OldSchool. Keep forgetting about it due to Monday being RAW (even though it sucks, it's hard to break an old habit). I hope it doesn't get cut soon so that I can give it a shot (and tape the ones I missed during reruns). Choken said it was pretty good though.


I heard a radio ad for The O.C. today and Holee shit does Julie Cooper sound as bitchy as ever. I hated what she was doing in the ad, nevermind tonight.


BTW, anyone catch the cast on Regis and Kelly this week? I caught Mischa yesterday and Benjamin McKenzie (Ryan) was on today.

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Ya, Summer is a babe. But that mom is a bitch. I just want to reach through the TV and punch the shit out of her. She is like Guber Part 2, on a power trip and stuff.

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Guest Choken One

I know...It's awesome.


She's like the Vince McMahon Circa 1998 of TV Moms.

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Guest Choken One

It's hard to figure out what I love most


-The Summer and Seth relationship

-Dad and Seth ("Summer's A babe" is still the best line of the year of all tv"

-Ryan vs Evil Cunt

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Guest SweetNSexyDiva

This is somewhat off subject, but Mischa is causing some drama over the new video she's in for Enrique Iglesias because she is topless and shows like half a tit or something. The drama is that she's 17. The thing is though, she has been in a lot of scandalous movies, so I don't know why the video is a big deal. She had a small part on the series Once and Again where she played a lesbian teen, and she was in a movie I saw on HBO a couple of weeks ago where her roomates where lesbians and were all naked and getting it on. So what, she shows half a tit?

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Great episode. I remember after episode 1 I thought Marissa's mom was so hot. Now the bitch has me wanting someone from Chino to come take her ass out! Sandy makes me laugh in pretty much every scene he is in. The man is hilarious. Summer is smoking. Too bad summer (no pun intended) is over because I bikini scene would have owned all. Seth's mom does it for me as a definite MILF. Jimmy continues to remind me of WWE's Christian, only in a face role.



So what to do with Luke? He got limited airtime, but I still think is a good character. Does he go face, or remain heel?

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I went to a friend's last night, and we were watching movies, but at around 5 past 9 I said "fuck this, we have to go downstairs and watch The O.C.". I had been taping it at home of course, but I NEEDED to see this show.


The end result? I'm HIGHLY satisfied, and I've converted two people to O.C. fans. They were hooked by the end of the show.


Mindy Clarke played the psycho-bitch role to perfection, to the point where I was cussing out the TV with how pissed I was at her. I'm sure the divorce means limited airtime for her (was she even listed in the opening credits last night? She never was before.) but the storyline of her trying to get sole custody and Jimmy walking on eggshells all episode was awesome.


Another touch I liked was when Ryan confronted her in the Cohen kitchen, and started getting pissy, and Sandy told him to "watch it". I thought that was a nice touch to show us that Ryan wasn't just lucking out by being with the Cohen's, and that Sandy was genuinely concerned for his actions like he was his own. That was a great scene.


I marked like a bitch when Marissa kissed Ryan on the cheek. I'm pretty sure that was the first time they kissed at all, right? Of course the previews for next week then show that the "big moment" is coming, but you KNOW something is probably going to happen.


Pretty shocked to see Luke not sell out the gang during the escape. I think they're trying to have him put up a front, but when shit hits the fan (like the second episode with the fire) he does what's right.


Seth is great. The whole "nude studying" exchange with Summer was hilarious.


All in all, the O.C. streak continues, and the show just earned two new fans out of my friends last night.

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