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Rob Black in trouble again

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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood

This story is pretty old isn't it? I thought the indictment happened back in December.

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Guest RickyB

No, this is a new one.


And yes it's fake


"While the movies themselves are not illegal, U.S. Attorney Mary Beth Buchanan said it is against the law to send them through the U.S. mail or, in the case of the Web site, display them via an Internet connection that crosses state lines."


it's the distribution of them which is illigal.

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Guest Doyo

Yeah the article says they "depict" the acts, not that they are real.


This is a law that never gets enforced, but Rob Black has become

very well known to the authorities with all the people calling them about

the puppy-snake thing and with him being on America's Most Wanted.

Some higher-up must have decided "let's go after this sicko."


I believe their offices were raided months ago, but they hadn't been

charged with anything until now.

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No, this is a new one.


And yes it's fake


"While the movies themselves are not illegal, U.S. Attorney Mary Beth Buchanan said it is against the law to send them through the U.S. mail or, in the case of the Web site, display them via an Internet connection that crosses state lines."


it's the distribution of them which is illigal.

it's not illegal, consdierng the warning message on EA's site is sufficient warning to those against porno. If they access the site, they have to go through that, so the whole thing is being done via a loop in the law system. it's unlikely it'll go very far.


Those looking to show their support for the assanine allegations against Lizzy and Rob can use any of the following banners in their signatures on message boards or on their web sites:




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I'll support Lizzy.


And by support, I mean vigorously thrust my penis into her vaginal cavity. And by thrust my penis into her vaginal cavity, I mean have sexual intercourse. And by sexual intercourse, I mean fucking. And by fucking, I mean....eh, I got nothing else.

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I'll support Lizzy.


And by support, I mean vigorously thrust my penis into her vaginal cavity. And by thrust my penis into her vaginal cavity, I mean have sexual intercourse. And by sexual intercourse, I mean fucking. And by fucking, I mean....eh, I got nothing else.

You better wear a steel plated condom, 'Mortal. The inhabitants of her girlie curls might bite through a normal Trojan.

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Guest Doyo
it's not illegal, consdierng the warning message on EA's site is sufficient warning to those against porno. If they access the site, they have to go through that, so the whole thing is being done via a loop in the law system. it's unlikely it'll go very far.


But the same thing can be said against the people who ordered them through

the mail. They didn't just send them out to random people. I don't know about

on the internet, but in regards to the US mail, it is a real law. They are in big trouble.


I just did a search on google for "obscene united states mail law" and I found this:




DOJ brings obscenity charge against West Virginia couple


The U.S. Department of Justice announced on 27 March that a couple from Lewisburg, W. Va., was charged with using the U.S. mail to deliver obscene videotapes and DVDs. The materials were marketed through the "www.girlspooping.com” Internet Web site they operated.


Michael and Sharon Corbett were charged under 18 USC 1461 for “offer[ing] for sale and delivery, via the U.S. mail, a total of 53 video tapes and DVDs, 40 minutes to 2 hours in length, depicting graphic and sexually explicit scenes of defecation and urination,” according to the DOJ press release. The criminal complaint was filed at U.S. District Court in Beckley, W. Va.


“The complaint further alleges that during the investigation of these charges, the Corbetts mailed six to 30 parcels per day, five days per week, to locations throughout the United States and in foreign countries. Bank records of the Corbetts … indicate that in one three-month period alone, the Corbetts earned approximately $70,000 in customer receipts from their videotape distribution business, using the…website,” the DOJ press release stated.


The investigation was conducted by the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, with the assistance of the FBI, the West Virginia State Police, and a city police department. “The Department of Justice will vigorously prosecute those who pander obscenity in our society,” said Deputy Assistant Attorney General John Malcom

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That's bullshit. How can that be illegal? If you send a copy of a movie that depicts a murder through the mail, should you be able to get hauled off to jail? They're just going after him because they feel like it.


You know when I've mailed packages, I've seen warnings against explosives and poisons and the like, but never one that says "send something we judge to be indecent and we'll haul your ass off to jail for fifty years."


It's like a fucking totalitarian state. That kind of shit right there is exactly why I'm a libertarian.

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Guest JMA

Rob Black is scum, don't get me wrong. But I don't think he deserves fifty years in jail for sending "obscene" videos through the mail. Lizzy was just there, so she shouldn't be charged at all. I hate to defend the guy (I mean REALLY hate it) but I don't agree with using a loophole to throw this slime in jail. If anything, he should be accused of animal cruelty for promoting that hideous puppy-snake thing.


I'm surprised the family of the victims of John Wayne Gacy haven't sued him yet.

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Lizzy was just there, so she shouldn't be charged at all.

Lizzy is Rob's wife, thus she most likely took partial ownership of the company. Bet she's kicking herself now for it.


It's not even the fact that the government is using a loophole to get them. It's the fact that in 2003, a case went to the Supreme Court concerning gays have anal sex, Wal Mart just realized that homosexuals are as equal as races, and still, it's illegal to make pornography that is considered obscene to the general public.


How fucking pathetic.

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Guest Doyo

Lizzy is co-owner, so she also gets charged for what her company does. I've read

that she directed and came up with some of the ideas for the videos, so I doubt the

authorities will show her any more sympathy.


Looks like they are going to crackdown on more companies in the land of the free.

Here are some excerpts from an article:


LOS ANGELES -- The Justice Department on Thursday charged a wholesaler of adult films here with violating federal obscenity laws, launching the first of what it promises will be a wave of criminal cases against purveyors of pornography.


The 10-count federal grand-jury indictment against Extreme Associates and its executives, Robert Zicari and Janet Romano, set off a wave of anxiety at adult-entertainment companies in California's San Fernando Valley, considered the capital of the multibillion-dollar pornography industry in the United States. Attorney General John Ashcroft promised upon taking office that he would crack down on the distributors of adult-entertainment material such as movies, magazines and Web sites, much as his Reagan administration predecessor Edwin Meese III did in the 1980s.


"Today's indictment marks an important step in the Department of Justice's strategy for attacking the proliferation of adult obscenity," Ashcroft said. The department will "continue to focus our efforts on targeted obscenity prosecutions that will deter others from producing and distributing obscene material."


"Every time we get a Republican administration, these kind of cases seem to perk up," said attorney Elliot Abelson, who defended the industry in obscenity cases in the late 1970s and mid-'80s. "Back then, people definitely had a bracing sense that this was coming."

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Anyone want to bet that if Black is convicted and sentenced to a lengthy prison term, he's probably going to tell the judge, prosecutors and jury that their mothers "suck cunt"?


I've got a feeling he's NOT going to go quietly if convicted. Rob Black would try to start a riot.



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