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Guest RollingSambos

Does anybody remember...?

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Didn't Jericho give him a D-X crotch chop in retaliation during their Last Man Standing match?


Trips had a "What in the fuck?" look on his face immediately after.

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I wonder if HHH or even Jericho remembers that remark? It is was a pretty good comment because it's almost four years later and people still bring it up and get their panties in a twist about it.

WWE apologist #100.

No, just a guy that has better things to do than live four years in the past.


And WWE apologist = Stupidest.Name.Ever.

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Didn't Jericho give him a D-X crotch chop in retaliation during their Last Man Standing match?


Trips had a "What in the fuck?" look on his face immediately after.

Triple H was beating the hell out of him and Jericho kept doing the 'come on, come on' thing. Then out of nowhere he tells him to suck it- Triple H and Stephanie's faces are hilarious

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WWE apologist is such a stupid term.


I much prefer 'mark'.

I prefer "mark" too, but what else can you call a person who actively opposes news about backstage politics like FBP does?

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Um, that "news" is 4 years old and it happened on TV so I really wouldn't call it "backstage." If you really need something to hate HHH for, use his deteriorated hair. At least that's in the present. You guys are grasping for straws going back four years in the past.

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Um, that "news" is 4 years old and it happened on TV so I really wouldn't call it "backstage."

What this thread was talking about wasn't really news, but what HHH said on TV 4 years ago most likely did relate to the fact that he's been holding Jericho down for a while now anyway. So anyway, what do you think would be a good name for you, since you're not a mark or WWE apologist?

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Guest wildpegasus

More evidence of HHH's attitude towards Jericho:

HHH was on Off the Record here in Canada right before his Wrestlemania bout against Jericho. Anyway, somehow he got on about how Jericho's just missing that "extra something" to be a truly elite superstar. That was just a little less than a year ago so it still seems like he's out for Jericho. If memory serves me right I've also heard him refer to his opponents in the quad tearing match as "two guys" while naming himself and Austin.

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More evidence of HHH's attitude towards Jericho:

HHH was on Off the Record here in Canada right before his Wrestlemania bout against Jericho. Anyway, somehow he got on about how Jericho's just missing that "extra something" to be a truly elite superstar. That was just a little less than a year ago so it still seems like he's out for Jericho. If memory serves me right I've also heard him refer to his opponents in the quad tearing match as "two guys" while naming himself and Austin.

Um, your math is off. That was well OVER a year ago. And alot of wrestlers refer to their opponents as "guys." Besdies, the interview wasn't about Jericho/Benoit, it was about HHH. It would also be a bit dumb not to mention his tag team partner was Austin, the most popular wrestler of the late 90's. Besides, in the grand scheme of things, the Quad Tear match was not really that important, as good as it was.

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Um, that "news" is 4 years old and it happened on TV so I really wouldn't call it "backstage."

What this thread was talking about wasn't really news, but what HHH said on TV 4 years ago most likely did relate to the fact that he's been holding Jericho down for a while now anyway. So anyway, what do you think would be a good name for you, since you're not a mark or WWE apologist?

I shouldn't have to get a label at all. I just don't give a crap about an offhand remark made almost four years ago.

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For someone who doesn't give a crap, you sure seem to be posting a lot on the subject [/FBP Logic]


The "Quad Match" had the top two heels in the company beaten by Benoit and Jericho - which was supposed to be a momentous occasion... which of course wasn't cause it took a back seat to HHH's injury.


I don't know why HHH burying Jericho is even discussed anymore, it has been well established and there really isn't more to add to it.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
For someone who doesn't give a crap, you sure seem to be posting a lot on the subject [/FBP Logic]


The "Quad Match" had the top two heels in the company beaten by Benoit and Jericho - which was supposed to be a momentous occasion... which of course wasn't cause it took a back seat to HHH's injury.


I don't know why HHH burying Jericho is even discussed anymore, it has been well established and there really isn't more to add to it.

I'm sure HHH purposely tore his quad, then (even though he was being operated on and was not in creative meetings) told Vince to sign the Triple Threat match that made the faces look weak.



Oh wait... that's all bullshit. VINCE didn't have faith in the Canadians, not HHH.

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Did it seem like I was saying HHH faked his injury? I mean, I wasn't, but if I was I am terribly sorry. I mean, that would be just stupid of me to say. Absolutely stupid. I am sorry you got that impression. Absolutely stupid.


But then again, they didn't have to focus all the attention on the injury and make the storyline/match the backstory (see, non-issue). But then again, I'm sure HHH's gimmick is more important than elevating talent...

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For someone who doesn't give a crap, you sure seem to be posting a lot on the subject [/FBP Logic]


The "Quad Match" had the top two heels in the company beaten by Benoit and Jericho - which was supposed to be a momentous occasion... which of course wasn't cause it took a back seat to HHH's injury.


I don't know why HHH burying Jericho is even discussed anymore, it has been well established and there really isn't more to add to it.

No, I'm posting on the obsurtidy of bringing up such an old topic. I don't care much about HHH's politics today, why should I care about something that happened so long ago?

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I thought you meant "opening the topic for discussion."


Anyway, I think you fail to understand what I'm trying to say. I do not care about HHH's politics. Thus, I would definately not care about an offhand remark made in 1999. However, I thought it was a bit ridiculous, with all of the recent dirty dealing of the man the IWC loves to hate, that people could find something better to bitch about than a little jab at Jericho from '99.


And I opened the topic because I thought that MAYBE there was something new in here. And if not, I expected to read about the little "Off the Record" comments. But really, digging up something this old is pathetic. Especially since it was a backhanded remark.

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Guest Korgath

OMG! I'm joining an argument thread for the sake of having my username in here! I R0X0RS! LOL!


Jeez guys, does EVERY HHHate thread end up degenerating into this?

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And today I was actually not HHHating. "You can't work just like Jericho" is just plain wrong. If anyone else tries  pulling stuff like that, they get reprimanded. Not HHH. I tell you he will be the reason the WWE fails.

Yes, but you seem to forget that happened way back in 1999, you know, when HHH was dating Chyna? When he had no influence was just another in a long line of roid monkeys Vince was pushing as in the case of Lesnar today. HHH said the shit and got away with it. Who fucking cares?


And the "long blonde hair" theory is just so stupid. The days of mullets and flowing hair are over. Only a select few like HHH, Jericho, and Nash are hanging on for dear life. And really, if the theory is true, why has Jericho not cut his hair off yet? You'd think that since Jericho is HHH's No. 1 burial priority, he'd have done everything in his power right now to get rid of Jericho's long, blonde locks. Especially before non-issues like Test, Christian, and Bradshaw. And speaking of stupid theories, didn't some idiot post something about Jericho cutting his beard because of HHH?

And now, with Jericho's proposed Hair vs. Hair match, I'm going to bet you can kiss Y2J's rockstar locks of hair goodbye. Jericho vs. The Clique with ANYTHING worthwhile on the line = Automatic "L" for Jerky.

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