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What ever happened with Spawn

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Well, apparently she's not gonna be in perilous situation after perilous situation and is replacing Darlene Connor as the computer whiz at CTU...


...oh, you mean the comic book. I don't know, and don't care...

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Well, its a long trip from 66 to the present but I'll try to help.


Reminder. Im goint to include a lot of spoilers, but looking for the *love* Spawn has here... I guess you dont care ;)


Im not sure (My Spawn collection is away at the momment) but I guess 66 is a few issues after Spawn return to hell.


I think he started an arc where He joined Saw & Twitch and fight some vampires on the alley, then one creature (the Heap or something... a character from Eclipse) attacked Spawn and almost killed him, this attack hurt also Cyan, because in some way that I actually dont remember they are linked, later one of the bums, Bootsy is revealed as an Angel in disguise and helped Spawn breaking one of Spawn symbols he left when he was attacked, that set Spawn free and sent Bootsy to heaven *punished* for his intervention.


Well... I guess Ill better check my Spawn and come back later for more updates.

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I stopped reading Spawn around issue 66ish...that's when the comic book store I worked at closed down.


What major things happened?

Angela died, Tiffany (the rip-off of Angela that Todd tried to ram down everyone's throat) kept showing up, the child killer Billy Kincaid came back as a ghost who possessed the black ops boss Martin Sheen played in the movie and went on a killing spree, forcing Spawn to save the man who had him killed, and Spawn became a free agent in the Heaven-Hell war and chooses to stay in the alley and pout.....

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Did Angela and Tiffany ever fight and if so, what issue?

I dont think that Catfight happened. :angry:


Angela did challenged a bunch of Angels before #100 but there wasnt a fight. In fact, I dont remember the last time Tiffany showed her @$$.

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