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Guest HBK16

I need to vent some heat

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Guest HBK16

God dammit!!!!!! I got another speeding ticket today! Thats my 6th speeding ticket and my 7th overall. He would have cited me for not wearing my seatbelt but he gave me a break since I was able to guess the exact speed I was going, 58 in a 40 zone. So I think this time I get my license suspended. I will find out soon. But thats what they told me last time. I cant go to traffic school seeing as I just went last month. FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!!!!!! I dont wanna see what happens when my insurance company sees this. They already threatened to kick me off when I had my accident seeing as it was my fault. Im so pissed.

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Guest HBK16

I dont know what it is with me and speeding. I try not to but I always find myself going over. Even if I dont try. It just seems like 40 is way to slow.

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Guest HBK16

Good point TSA. Hopefully I will still have my license. I dont know what I would do without one.

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Looks like it's mopeds for you. Not to be mean or flame, but if it's taking you 7 times (8 if you count your accident) for you to realize that you need to drive safer, then quite frankly you shouldn't have a license.


Quite frankly I'm sick and tired of how people drive today. Everybodies all in a rush to get where they're going. They care nothing for the laws, nothing for the safety of the other drivers. They run stop signs, they speed, they pass on a double yellow line, and tons of other things that if luck hadn't had been on their side they could have been killed for doing it. I mean god-damn people, what's it going to take for you to realize that there are other people on the roads and to take concern for your fellow man when you're inside steel going 60 mph down the road?


Sorry about the rant.

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Guest Choken One

No offense but you must be a god damn idiot.



You already have what? 5 speeding tickets? and your pretty young right? This should send signals to you..."SLOW THE FUCK DOWN"...going 46 in a 40 is understandable but NOT 18 miles over the speed limit...What the rush?


I've been driving for 8 years...and ONE ticket for Running a Red Light when I was 18.


Don't get me wrong...I speed like a motherfucker...I have to, being the son of a race car driver...you get that "blood" in you but the key is too know the police placements...I've drove around long enough I know when and when NOT to speed. That's the most important thing...You don't need Scanners...just use senses...If it's a Holiday weekend...don't speed..if there is a big event in town...don't speed...


Insurance is a expensive right? Of course it is for me, a SAFE accident free driver so I can only imagine it's higher for a Driver whom has 6 prior tickets and a well documented Automoble accident that you were responsible for....So I wouldn't blame the Insurance Company for dropping you...You aren't holding up YOUR end of the bargain.


I like you and shit but I can't feel ANY sympathy for someone whom decides to speed for no reason other then "I HAVE TO"...if it's such a case...then you got a problem...that needs to be looked into


If you REALLY need to speed...Do it legally...


Look for Local Racing Clubs in your area...It should statisy whatever "urge" you have to speed.


That's what I do sometimes...I go to the local track and grab a junk car and I race at the track for fun and to release agression. It's legal and you make $$$ of it.


My Opinion...Your license SHOULD be revoked because on 6 occasions you have shown zero care for yourself and others on the road around you. Not one of those wimpy slap on the wrist 6 month ones...I'm talking 18 months to 3 years...That should hammer the point...


I'm sick of seeing well known speed violators get those weak slaps on the wrist...


I know you like your car and you like to show off...that's Natural...


Lately, You've had some shit happen to you and YES your frustrated and angry...don't use that gas pedal to release it man...THINK.

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crandamaniac, even though I'm 19. I agree with you on the subject. I mean, hell, I don't understand it with that. I mean, is there really a need to make a pass over a double line? Is there an emergency that you NEED to speed over 40?

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Guest HBK16

Im not the worse driver though. I dont consider myself a bad driver at all. Speeding doesnt make you a bad driver. I witnessed 4 of the worse drivers I have ever seen driving to my girlfriend's house yesterday.


Someone forgets to check before they change lanes and almost hits me. It was an ambulance by the way.


Someone cuts me off so close that I had to hit my breaks.


Someone wasnts paying enough attention and the left arrown turns green but the light to go straight stays red but he goes anyways.


And even witnessed an accident. There was a traffic jam ahead and the cars were completely stopped do to an accident ahead. He wasnt watching and noticed the cars too late, floors his breaks, and the car behind him rearends him. Where as I, behind the second car, pull into the emergency lane to avoid rearending that guy.

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Guest Choken One

Yeah...I never said you were the worst driver but let's face it Speeding isn't neccesary either...


It's really getting outrageous because all the fucking teens today are starting to get that Fast and Furious mentality thinking SPEED=GOOD.


It's not...Speed is never anything more then a Ego Stroke.

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Guest HBK16

I dont speed to race. I dont speed to show off my car. I was in a GEO at the time. I have learned most of the strategies of the police. They hide under shaded areas like tunnels or uder trees, they sit on the on ramps, or some hide behind bushes. The one that stopped me was under a tree under shade. I had a friend in there so I wasnt paying too much attention. I should have seen him though.

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Guest Choken One

Your just making excuses for your mistake...


You can only blame yourself...unless your friend was pushing the pedal...


If your speeding to race or to show off...then WHAT meaningful and logical reasoning do you have to speed?


You said eariler "I don't know Why I do...I just do"...then that clearly indicates problems...

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Guest The Old Me

Slow the fuck down. I have kids, and if something were to ever happen to one of them because some fucker "was in a hurry", I'd hurt their fuckin ass.

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Guest HBK16
Your just making excuses for your mistake...


You can only blame yourself...unless your friend was pushing the pedal...

Thats not it at all. I take total blame I know it was my fault. I havent had a speeding ticket in 4 months. I am ussually on top of police cars and catch them before they see me but not this time.

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I am ussually on top of police cars and catch them before they see me but not this time.

:huh: So you mean that if there wasn't any cops around, you'd STILL be going at that speed regardless?


Am I mistaken? Because if you mean it as such, I think that without a doubt you deserve to lose that license of yours.

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Guest Choken One

U know what annoys me? People with fucking Police Radar Screeners...


Fucking Cumwatts.

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Guest HBK16

Im not always speeding. With my girlfriend, I never speed. With parents I never speed. I will speed when Im coming home from my girlfriends and Im on the freeway at 2am. A cop passed me without even noticing me going 75. The freeway here is 65mph. It was 1am so I think he didnt care so much. Im not a constat speeder but I do find myself speeding more often that what I should.

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Guest HBK16
U know what annoys me? People with fucking Police Radar Screeners...


Fucking Cumwatts.

My friend had one. It went off everytime there was a cop half a mile away. That thing went off like a motherfucker and the cop wasnt even on the same street. We quickly took that off.

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Good point TSA. Hopefully I will still have my license. I dont know what I would do without one.

I predict you will get on a bus which will explode if it goes below 50, and be forced to drive it.

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Guest Choken One
U know what annoys me? People with fucking Police Radar Screeners...


Fucking Cumwatts.

My friend had one. It went off everytime there was a cop half a mile away. That thing went off like a motherfucker and the cop wasnt even on the same street. We quickly took that off.

Exactly...My good friend ran a Stop sign and he had one of them deals (which apprently didn't work eh?) and was pulled over...


The cop just looked at it and smiled as he handed the paper to my friend and was whistiling a tune on the way back...

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Guest HBK16

My friend is a firefighter, he has a decal on his car. He gets away with a lot of shit that most wouldnt. But Im studying to be a firefighter so my time will be.

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Guest HBK16

I have never been stopped in the same city twice. All 7 tickets were in diferent cities.

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When I was going to and from Charleston for College over the last couple years, I used to dread taking I-95 through North Carolina. The speed limit is 75 through North Carolina. But of course, the speed limit is 75, people would go about 90 (closer to 100 at night it seemed). And over about 8 trips, I think I saw at most 5 cars pulled over and probably close to double that number in accidents just in NC alone.

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