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From The Inside - 8.16.2003

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The latest TNA news from Jeremy Borash...


Hats off to the entire crew for what ended up being one of my favorite shows in TNA history this past Wednesday night. I think I know the Asylum crowd better than anyone, and I can’t think of a time where the crowd was as up as they were Wednesday night. In fact, I will go as far as to say that I have never heard the crowd louder than they were during the Raven/Shane Douglas match. It was a rush being out there during it.


TNA Xplosion has improved to the point where we are thinking of renaming the show Xpansion. Stations are being added weekly, and we hope to have some very good news to cable television subscribers in New York City and Philadelphia soon.


Xplosion also has a new look and feel to it, as we now have lots of backstage interviews that are shot during the show with the wrestlers as they come back through the curtain. It is a bit different, and really is worth checking out. Go to NWATNA.com for a complete station list.


The TNA show for one penny will be on September 10th, and will be a must see for those of you who subscribe to iN-Demand PPV.


Those of you with DirecTV will have a very special show of your own that night as we will be airing the Best of TNA Championship Matches. This 9.95 PPV will be a first look preview of our upcoming DVD release by the same name.


While Chris Daniels has been preaching the gospel according to the Fallen Angel, Jeff Jarrett has been logging some serious road miles preaching the good word of TNA. Last weekend Jarrett spoke before a large gathering of cable television operators in Canada. Getting the word out on TNA is the absolute key to our success. I think the product is there… the awareness now needs to grow.


How much does a crowd impact the performers in the ring? More than anyone probably gives it credit for. The more responsive the crowd is, the more the wrestlers get into it. I’ve noticed that pretty much everywhere I’ve been.


3LK had a great ovation for their PPV debut, and were very over with the fans.


The Fallen Angel will make his in-ring PPV return this Wednesday night as he teams with Legend to take on Jeff Jarrett and Erik Watts.


Look for the upcoming Ultimate X match to be like nothing you’ve ever seen in wrestling. If Sabin, Kazarian, and Shane pull off half of what they have planned for this first ever (not many of those left in wrestling) event, this match will have people talking.


From the mind of Don Callis, this Ultimate X match will have two highwires crossing in the center of the ring with the X-Division title hanging above. There will be no ladders. The only way to get the belt is to scale your way across the highwires to the middle of the ring. This idea alone leaves the door open to some spectacular moves.


Ballpark Brawl will take place next Sunday in Buffalo,NY at the home of the Buffalo Bisons. Jeff Jarrett, AJ Styles, Raven, and many other TNA superstars will be on the show.


I was flooded with some great indy show stories in response to my column last week. And what timing, too. Bill Behrens had a great story from last Friday night at a show he was at in Athens, GA. Anytime the cops are called to an indy show, usually there is a great story to come of it.


Our condolences go out to the family of longtime Minneapolis wrestling personality Ray Webbe who just passed away. Webbe hosted the very first wrestling radio show I had ever listened to back in the 80’s. I used to sit outside in my mother’s car for two hours every Sunday night and listen to their show because no radio in our house had good enough reception. Ray was a great friend of this business, and will be missed.


AMW will take on Simon and Swinger in a double bullrope match this Wednesday night. I really have enjoyed this feud in TNA.


I don’t get home to Minnesota much anymore, but there are certainly a lot of people I miss involved in the wrestling business from that area. My good friend Slick Mick Karch (from our Wrestling Radio show) still resides there, as well as former TNA office guy Mortimer Plumtree. They are all running a big show in early September with Jeff Jarrett and AJ Styles on the bill, but unfortunately I will be in Montana during that time, and will not be able to make it. Minnesota has a great wrestling community with some very colorful personalities… it is the one thing I really do miss about not living there.


TNA’s Super X Tournament is going to be spectacular. TNA is bringing in everyone from the UK's Johnny Storm to Mexico's Juventud Guererra. Nosawa will be debuting for TNA in the tourney as well.


Look for Abyss to become a big time player down the line. He moves incredibly well for a man his size and came back a completely different person after a year in Puerto Rico. All that ring time must have done him some good. Little known factoid about Abyss… he has a masters degree and played for the Steelers in the NFL! Not bad for a big scary dude.


That is all for this week! Thanks to the many of you who support our product every week… we really do appreciate it.


Jeremy Borash

[email protected]

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Guest JacK

I'll buy the DVD's, gotta buy them, gotta support TNA somehow since I'm not the one paying for the PPV's; and besides that DVD sounds like it Reeks of Awesomeness. I only hope that THIS time they'll respond to my emails about shipping costs. I mean if you set up an email, TELL people to email for overseas shipping costs; why THE FUCK would you not reply to an email ASKING ABOUT OVERSEAS SHIPPING COSTS?????



International shipping prices available on request by emailing [email protected]. Recipient isresponsible for customs fees and any applicable taxes.

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Guest JacK

YES!!!! I HATE that SO much. Oh man, I hadn't even thought of that, hadn't even contemplated the most detestable of thoughts that TNA would stoop to such degenerate levels and stooge us on a most basic of levels . . .

Ok, now that I've got my required quota of big words out for tha day, I can talk normally! They probably will do that, now that I think about it; but we can always hope against hope that they won't!!!

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Wonder why In-Demand is getting a $.01 show and DirecTV isn't. Doesn't matter, I have In-Demand and I'm getting the show.

TNA went to In Demand and Direct TV with the prospect of airing a 1 cent best of show. In Demand agreed to it, Direct TV didn't.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

I doubt Direct TV will get any buys. If they do, they'll be from 3 or 4 idiots who don't know any better. When is the $0.01 PPV again.........(Reads first post) OK So I admit I'm a lazy bastard.


September 10th, Free PPV. WOOO!

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Guest JumpinJackFlash

As long as the DVDs contain XXX vs. AMW, I'll be one happy camper. :headbang:

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As long as the DVDs contain XXX vs. AMW, I'll be one happy camper. :headbang:

Most likely they will, TNA is fully aware of what people think of that match. I will say, it WILL be on the DVD.So will Rvan vs. Jarrett because they think that match is the king shit.

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