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Guest DeputyHawk

Brock Lesnar

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Guest DeputyHawk

in years to come, you think the blown shooting star will be his defining moment?


no matter what else he does in his career, that was his Big Moment - main eventing his first WrestleMania, winning the gold in a Dream Match with Angle, busting out The Big Move which had been talked of in hushed tones since his debut. and he fucked it up. will history record him as the guy who screwed up the defining moment of his career?


as an adendum, you think he'll ever be allowed to try repeating the spot to put to rest his own demons? that shit must eat him up inside.

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Guest Choken One

Nah...Just like Steiner's Slip won't define his career. or just like The Times Bret Botch a spot...


Lesnar is only 27. He has 10 years to make his mark.

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Guest DeputyHawk

that was a BIG spot to botch. there will be no escaping it when looking back on his career.

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Whenever I think of Brock Lesnar for the rest of my life, I'll always instantly think of the time he almost killed himself as he tried to do the SSP for the first time in WWE.


I don't see how anyone could help but think of that.

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It'll definately be remembered. but I really doubt it'll mar his career. People will remember him more for running down and F5-ing Big Show than landing on his head during the SSP at WM (a dangerous move anyone could easy botch up).

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If you were just gonna ignore any opposition to your opinion why start the topic ;) ? While it was a big spot Lesnar will be involved in many top spots over the years and the ssp will eventaully only be remembered by smarks like us.

EDIT: sorry my smilie disapeared :huh:

Edited by frozenblockofpissreborn

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Whenever I think of Brock Lesnar for the rest of my life, I'll always instantly think of the time he almost killed himself as he tried to do the SSP for the first time in WWE.


I don't see how anyone could help but think of that.

Eh...I stand corrected.


*brushes off salt*


Still, I don't think it'll be career defining. If he ended his career doing the move, maybe, but as is it's really not that big a deal.

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I'm glad he went for it ever since it caught me by surprise when I saw the famous OVW clip.


I'd love to see Brock do it again, but doing it sucessfully so he can prove his critics wrong. He was interviewed one or two months ago in PWI and he said that exhaustion was the reason why he botched the move and that he shouldn't have gone for it so late in the match.


Either way you look at it whether he botched it or not, it was still a Holy Shit sight. I found it more amazing that since it was probably one of the scariest moments in professional wrestling, Brock was able not only able to still move, but he got up and finished the match! To me, that was unbelievable what transpired those last 5 minutes of WM XIX. Maybe it would have worked out right had Angle just been closer to the ring post...

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Whenever I think of Brock Lesnar for the rest of my life, I'll always instantly think of the time he almost killed himself as he tried to do the SSP for the first time in WWE.


I don't see how anyone could help but think of that.

Eh...I stand corrected.


*brushes off salt*


Still, I don't think it'll be career defining. If he ended his career doing the move, maybe, but as is it's really not that big a deal.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think it'll hurt his stock in the Pro. Wrestling industry at all all. Not in the eyes of the fans, promoters, other wrestlers, anyone.


Still, it was a huge moment. The up and coming rookie sensation, the big fan favorite, finally main eventing WrestleMania in his first year of performing, and then almost killing himself going for his much talked about secret weapon, the SSP.


It wont hurt him, but it'll always be remembered as a side note. Like I said, I don't see how anyone could ignore or just forget such a moment.

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Guest Choken One

I wouldn't be shocked if they brought it back...If Lesnar was a face...They could build it up...Lesnar couldnt do the move...have the heel against him point it out and then come ManiaXX in MSG...He goes for it and hits it for his redemption but if he misses...it adds to the heartbreak of the story.


The botched spot humanized Lesnar.

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Guest DeputyHawk

exactly, it really dented his superman aura.


i think the only way of erasing the stigma (if not the original event) is by doing it again next mania (the stage needs to be just as big if not bigger) and hitting it correctly. it's the only thing that'll put the blemish to bed, for the fans and probably for lesnar himself. unfortunately, i can't see the office allowing it again after what happened. if he fucked up a second time, his credibility would be shot.


also, fans DO still talk about it. my friends who are casual viewers still discuss the ouch factor in similar terms to foley's HIAC bump.

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I don't think it dented anything. People screw up, have a bad match, get hurt really bad, and all of that at times in their careers, and it eventually just becomes overshadowed by everything else they eventually did.


Had it ended his career and that was that, then it obviously would have hurt his imagae, and that would be that. As is though, he'll be ok in terms of it hurting him.


I just say people remember it, I don't think many, if any fans who are not hardheaded, allowed that event to hurt his image in their minds.

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Guest Choken One

This time Lesnar if he does it again will know not to have angle or the guy so far away...


I still think Angle should have just rolled over since the camera wasn't on him for a good 3-5 seconds but of course he didn't realize how far away he was...Angle was of course smart enough to create the illiusion that he moved outta the way...

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Guest Fook

It'll be remembered, but it won't mar his career at all. Hell, it might even help. They can always remind us that Brock finished the match despite landing right on his head.

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Guest Choken One

It was a dream match


A dream match infers that it's match that people wanted to see for a while...


"DREAM" match has nothing to do with the actual quality of the match


Hogan/Rock was a dream match...but it wasn't *****

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personally, I think this could have been covered beautifully had WWE decided to NOT forget about it, but explain it was from the exhaustion of the match (which Brock says it is because of). The match was really even until Brock hit Angle down to go for the SSP, and Brock was VISIBLY dazed. So why not say it's because of how competitive the match was? Makes the match seem better (not that it was bad), and gives us all a valid reason why he botched it.


It'll be A defining point, but not THE.

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I dont see whats so good about Lesnar and Angle. Austin/Goldberg is a dream match. Rock and Hogan is a dream match. Sting and Hogan was a dream match. I would voice my opinions about the two guys, but you can find them in the "ITS NOT A GODDAMN CARRY" thread.

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Guest Retro Rob
personally, I think this could have been covered beautifully had WWE decided to NOT forget about it, but explain it was from the exhaustion of the match (which Brock says it is because of). The match was really even until Brock hit Angle down to go for the SSP, and Brock was VISIBLY dazed. So why not say it's because of how competitive the match was? Makes the match seem better (not that it was bad), and gives us all a valid reason why he botched it.


It'll be A defining point, but not THE.

I wouldn't say they forgot about it. Every couple of weeks someone brings up how Brock almost killed himself whether it is Angle, McMahon or Cole.

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Guest DeputyHawk

lesnar was an amateur champion, angle was an olympic gold medalist. it had a certain credibility to it which built it up to be a dream match whether you personally like the guys or not.

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I like them, I just think they are over rated. I'd rather see AJ Styles and RVD, two guys with the same build and have shown the same styles. Angle and Lesnar isn't a dream match to the average fan because they haven't seen Lesnar mat wrestle. To Jacob Kingwood in Orlando, Brock Lesnar is a Goldberg knockoff, not a NCAA champion.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Angle/Lesnar was only a dream match because WWE said it was over and over - but not mentioning HOW it was supposed to be a dream match. Their amateur backgrounds were only mentioned in passing by the announcers, no footage of them as amateurs was shown as far as I can remember, and the 'buildup' was just one attacking the other (usually Lesnar tossing Angle around), which can be seen in basically every other feud in WWE.


Angle/Lesnar cannot touch Hogan/Warrior or Austin/Rock in the dream match territory, and I don't understand why certain posters here insist that Part III should be held off until Mania, or that they should only feud with each other until then.

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Guest Coffey
Angle/Lesnar was only a dream match because WWE said it was over and over - but not mentioning HOW it was supposed to be a dream match. Their amateur backgrounds were only mentioned in passing by the announcers, no footage of them as amateurs was shown as far as I can remember, and the 'buildup' was just one attacking the other (usually Lesnar tossing Angle around), which can be seen in basically every other feud in WWE.


Angle/Lesnar cannot touch Hogan/Warrior or Austin/Rock in the dream match territory, and I don't understand why certain posters here insist that Part III should be held off until Mania, or that they should only feud with each other until then.

I didn't even think their Wrestlemania 19 match was that good. I watched it live, and was jaded because I was just waiting for someone to go down and not get back up...especially Angle whom shouldn't have even been wrestling.


I watched it a second time the next day and I still didn't think that it was a great match. I wouldn't give it more than ***.


It wasn't a dream match to me. A dream match to me would be Austin Vs. Goldberg. How many people thought about that match when WCW was alive and kicking? I know that I did! Goldberg might now be the best in the ring, but neither is Hogan and I really like his matches because they bring out so much emotion from the fans. I thought that Hogan Vs. Rock was a Dream Match. I think a Goldberg Vs. Austin match would be a dream match. Out of the people active and/or alive, those are the only dream matches I can think of.

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To be honest to me his defining moments so far is how he's thrown the Big Show around so easily. That and how the crowd went nuts for him towards the end of his match with The Rock at Summerslam.

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