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Guest Stennick


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Guest Stennick

I think an apology is in order Incandenza, I mean I think me, you, we got off on the wrong foot! I didn't mean to make you upset by my highly controversial post in general chat speaking about the double standard of racism. So I've been trying to figure out if I should be angry or if I should be a bigger man and just let everything go. Well I've decided I'm going to be that bigger man, I'm gonna let everything that has been said between us just be forgotten. In fact I'm gonna do one better Incandenza, I'm going to tell you a little bit about "the real" Stennick Lesner....sorry I had to do that! Getting back to my point, I'm gonna tell you a little bit about me so you don't get any more of a wrong idea about me! So here goes!


My name is......*gasp*Stennick*gasp*, I know, surprise, I'm 21 years old, I own my own entertainment organization, this icludes running a wrestling promotion, writing several books, promoting three bands, being a fifty/fifty partner in a night club, AND still finding time to fuck around on this board! I'm working on my FOURTH local book about pro wrestling! Now a bit more personal....


I enjoy long walks by my lake, I lay awake at night and look at the stars wondering if we're alone, I enjoy a good dry martini, I love animals, I guess thats about it.......oh yeah on emore thing.....


I fucking HATE you, you little fucking pussy! What the fuck is your major problem with me! You wanna call my posts fucking dumb? FUCK YOU! The way I see it, is I haven't had ONE post that everyone thought was stupid and thats the Cena post! Over half the people that posted in the general chat agreed with me! Doesn't sound like a stupid fucking post to me! What it sounds like to me is a little attention whore such as yourself trying to BUTT into my threads! What the fuck is your major malfunction, I don't know you, I don't wanna know you, what I do want is for you to stay the fuck outta my threads! In fact if you DON'T stay the fuck outta my threads, I'm going to make it a point to fuck with you in every one of your threads, I was totally cool with you up until you told me you don't even FOLLOW wrestling, yet you wanted to call my Cena post stupid, FUCK YOU! You had NO FUCKING CLUE what that post was about, and you still fucking stuck your nose in it.


This is the only time I'm telling you to stay the fuck outta my posts unless you have something interesting to say! Because the next time you come in one of MY posts and flame me! I swear to fucking God, its gonna be on! You WON'T be able to get rid of me, I'll be in every fucking one of your posts talking about how fucking stupid you are! Wait........come to think of it.........


I've only seen you start one FUCKING thread, that was something about post a fucking picture of the album your listening to? What the fuck, then you admit the fucking post is stupid! So what your saying is when you do a stupid post its cool, but because for some reason you wanna start a flame war with me, whenever I post something YOU don't like its cool? Well we'll see, this is the ONLY time I'm fucking warning you! Stay the fuck outta my posts if you intend on flaming, because I'm not fucking playing when I tell you I'll be up in every one of your posts!


Have a nice fucking day!

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You think he insulted you, just wait until everyone else reads this thread.


*shakes head and leaves*

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Nothing is more pathetic than bragging about life outside the internet in a flame post. You're just looking like a total idiot lately Stennick and your flames are just repetitive "fuck you's".

Hey I've liked your posts and such so far, but please, pull your head out of your ass and dont mess with Incandenza.

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Hey I've liked your posts and such so far, but please, pull your head out of your ass and dont mess with Incandenza.

Yeah, I'd watch it, Stennick. Incandenza is far more popular here than you could ever hope to be. Good luck though...it might be fun to watch you get yourself banned.

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Did I miss something? Like the point of all this...

He posted stupid shit, Incadenza called it all stupid...well so did I actually, yet he really doesn't like Incandenza now. I think the moral of this story is...


I am more likable than Incadenza.









Well...okay maybe not, but dammit thats what I'm telling myself.


*walks out whistling happily*

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*shakes head and leaves*

You know, that's bordering on gimmick infringement. Like when WCW created The Renegade because they couldn't sign Warrior.

I have no idea what you are talking about sir.




This thread is of the non-heterosexual variety...but not gay or ghey because that would be gimmick infringement and very homophobic.

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Let me get this straight, basically Stennick got called on the fact he posted crap. So now Stennick has decided to flame Inc for pointing out the truth.


This is stupid.

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*walks out whistling happily*

Now Ripper, you've just made history. This could be the gimmick catchphrase of a lifetime. Greater than *scratches head and leaves*, even. For this one would only make appearances in positive, worthy threads such as "Jericho wins World Title", or "Russo Gets Lobotomy".

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Inc, he sounds serious dude...maybe you should back off.

You wouldn't want him to ...well...post..stuff. Well do you? IS that what you want...POST???

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Guest The Old Me

This thread sucks now. Where is this crazy cat who wants a piece of Inc, yo?

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This thread was dead when he decided to SWERVE~! us all with the beganing of the post.


"I'm cool and nice and have lots of money and I want to bury the hatchet and....




HA HA, bet you didn't see that coming even though this is in the No Holds Barred folder!!! Now bow before my supreme intellect!!"

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A swerve in NHB is like one during a road trip with HBK16 driving. You just know it's coming, and the end results are never pretty.

Yeah, it will end up with cops getting testy and fingers getting lost.


BTW, off topic, but if all that guy has posted is true, he truely is living a fucked up life right about now.


Hey Stennick, you should take him in and let him run the club with you or something. He needs some happy time. Just don't let him drive the company car.

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Guest The Old Me

A roadtrip with HBK16 would be phatty in the Caddy, that is until the ticket bringer severed his fingers.

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Guest Stennick

I could give a two fucks less who likes "Inc." and who doesn't! My post wasn't fucking stupid! The post "Inc." called me out about was a WRESTLING QUESTION, then "inc." admits he don't know shit about wrestling, fuck him! He's been up in my posts since day one! I'm not out to win a popularity contest, I'm out to tell "Inc." to stay the fuck outta my posts! So again I will say to "Inc".


"Stay the FUCK outta my posts, and I won't say shit to you back in return, but I swear to GOD if you fuck with another one of my posts, if you flame me in ONE more fucking post, then I'm going to fuck up EVERY fucking post you make from now until your so sick of seeing the name "Stennick" in your threads that you stop showing up. Maybe that can't happen? Maybe I can't make you leave the site? Well then I guess we're in for a LONG flame war aren't we?


Oh and by the way I still want "Inc." to have a NICE FUCKING DAY!

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Guest The Old Me

If Fooster was here, he'd put this dumbass in his place. Fooster has not been seen reading this though.

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You're threatening that you'll do the same thing you're accusing him of doing if he doesn't stop it? What is this, kindergarden?


Either show some balls and flame him the right way (ie with wit and not by saying fuck a lot) or don't bother. No one cares.

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Guest The Old Me
"Stay the FUCK outta my posts, and I won't say shit to you back in return, but I swear to GOD if you fuck with another one of my posts, if you flame me in ONE more fucking post, then I'm going to fuck up EVERY fucking post you make from now until your so sick of seeing the name "Stennick" in your threads that you stop showing up. Maybe that can't happen? Maybe I can't make you leave the site? Well then I guess we're in for a LONG flame war aren't we?

Fooster would eat you alive! And what kind of threats are those anyway? You suck Stennick or whatever your name is.

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