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Guest Ray

Who is MORE overrated?

Who is MORE overrated?  

32 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is MORE overrated?

    • Shawn Michaels
    • Kurt Angle

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Guest Ray
I understand that it's your opinion but your raising a big stink over something ONE GUY said. Get over it

Well.....when one says something THAT dumb, a raising of the stink is called for. :spank:

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
Where's Bret Hart?

He's overated? C'mon. Once one's been on top of the heap, do they have to be dubbed overated? He's probably the best WWE World Champion worker they've ever had. He's had watchable matches with everyone he's ever faced, and more times than not, has brought out the best matches of people's careers when working with them.

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Angle is generally considered to be one of the top four wrestlers in the WWF today. Some people claim he is better than Eddy or Benoit, and that's why he's slightly overrated.


However, many people claim Shawn Michaels to be one of, if not the greatest wrestler in history when he isn't even in the top 20. He is the most overrated wrestler of all time.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Not while Akira Taue is still around.


I like him when he's in tag matches involving anywhere from 1-3 of the best workers in the history of wrestling. In singles action though, I can't stand him.


He had a year or so of great work, and has either been unremarkable or bad otherwise. He's carryable and nothing more, yet is often seen on lists of top notch workers.

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Guest BAR

^^^Agreed. I don't have nothing against the guy. But, he tags with Toshiaki Kawada which helps. 1995 was his year though.

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Guest BionicRedneck
He's carryable and nothing more, yet is often seen on lists of top notch workers.


No he isn't. Everyone usually forgets about him. Plus, he wasn't carried in the classics. Plus, his best matches would make Shawn Michaels' look like shit. Plus, he was much better at selling than Shawn and he was a much smarter worker.


I was like you once, then I saw the light. Taue~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

His best match 6/9/95, does indeed kill Shawn's best stuff.


I always hear Taue get mentioned in the same breath as Misawa, Kawada, Kobashi, and Jumbo, but aside from a tag match or two, he's never shown me anything that puts him in that league.


The best singles match I've seen him in was with Misawa at the 95 CC, if I'm not mistaken. Misawa's stuff with the other 3 AJ greats of the time is SO much better, though. Aside from that, I've never seen a Taue singles match that I would say is worth a shit.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

I have yet to see anything bad from Taue. I have most of his work from 93-95, and its all goooood. He wrestles kinda like Tsuruta, which is a very good thing. Heck, if he could keep up or even match what Kawada and Co. were doing in the mid 90's, he is definately not overated. People can't get their hand held to that good of matches, its impossible.

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Guest BionicRedneck
Misawa's stuff with the other 3 AJ greats of the time is SO much better, though


Nah, it isn't.


I am hardly an AJPW expert but Taue has had a hell of alot of singles matches "worth a shit".



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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I never said he was HELPLESS.


He obviously knows how to have a good match, but it's also obvious that the other three were doing the majority of the work in those classic tags.


and although this is a can of tuna that's been opened before, his offense doesn't look like it hurts. I don't care how credible it is, tapping someone's scalp and pushing someone by their neck does NOT look threatening with brutal kicks and suplexes getting fired off around him.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

So you're suggesting that matches like 6/3/94, 1/20/97, and the two Tsuruta matches in 90 are worse than his Carny match with Taue? That sounds kind of bonkers to me.

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I'm so sick of this Taue is overrated shit. So once again, I'll go through all these points, and see if someone pays attention this time.


1. Taue was better than Kobashi from 95 to 97, and was operatating at the same level as Misawa, and in a few instances was better than him. And when I say Taue was better than Kobashi, I don't mean he was slighty better, I mean that they weren't in the same fucking league. Compare, Misawa/Taue 9/95 to Kobashi/Misawa 10/95 if you want proof. So Misawa obviously wasn't doing better stuff with the other three at the time. Misawa/Kobashi had a good match in the 95 Carnies, but it can't touch the finals with Taue.


2. Around mid 95, Taue passed Kobashi in the tag work department. In 96 when Taue was doing his best tag work, Kobashi wasn't even in the fucking equation, not particpating in any of the classic 96 tag matches, and the ones he did particpate in can't touch Taue's work.


2. No, Taue wasn't being carried when he went on his awesome run. At times, he was calling most of the shots as in 9/10/95, when Misawa set back and let Taue run the match. That match is arguably better than their previous match at 95 CC finals, in which Misawa was controlling the match(though it wasn't a carry job).


3. Aside from Misawa, Taue also had two great matches with Kawada in the 95 and 96 Carnies that blow away the Misawa/Kobashi matches from the same years. And no, Kawada wasn't carrying Taue. In 96, Taue carried a rusty and out of synch Steven Williams to a very good match that is actually better than HBK/Mandkind from the same year.


4. Taue wasn't horrible in pre 95 either, though it was obvious he wasn't operating at the same level as his peers. Still, he knew his role, and allowed himself to be carried to some excellent matches, which is something a 95 Kobashi couldn't do.


5. The whole weak offense thing is fucking bullshit! The Dynamic Bomb, Dynamic Kick, Throwing Backdrop, Dangerous German(one of the nastiest in the business), and even his Nodowa were all very brutal moves that could stand toe to toe with anything Misawa, Kawada, Hansen, Kobashi, or Jumbo could dish out. Hell, Taue's German could be even more sicker than Steven Williams' Backdrop Driver. My advice, WATCH THE DAMN MATCHES!


And yes, his Nodowa was very bad ass when he had guys like Kawada and Kobashi bumping for it. Hell, Kawada would often come close to taking it on his head, and Kobashi would come damn close to going through the ring. I think alot of people just confuse his choke toss, with his actual Nodowa Otoshi. He did have a pretty weak Nodowa around 92 or so, but that was before All Japan were having stiff matches regulary(they still had them though).


Overall, Taue was a good wrestler who had a peak that kicks the ass of anything that Ric Flair, HBK, or Bret Hart ever did. He wasn't as good as Misawa, Kawada, Jumbo, Hansen, or Kobashi during their peaks, but he is still worthy of being labeld one of the best Heavyweights of the 90s. Sure he had only one or two truely great years, but than again so did Kobashi(93 and 97).


One a side note, I prefer Taue's matches with Misawa over Kobash's bloated bumpfests with Misawa. They were more focused, and had better selling and structure to them.

Edited by Coffin Surfer

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Where's Bret Hart?

He's overated? C'mon. Once one's been on top of the heap, do they have to be dubbed overated? He's probably the best WWE World Champion worker they've ever had. He's had watchable matches with everyone he's ever faced, and more times than not, has brought out the best matches of people's careers when working with them.

Everyone? EVERYONE? Even Brian Adams. Now that's over-rating someone. I vote Bret.

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Call me immature, but knowing what I know about Shawn, I just can not get into any of his work from 1994-present (except vs. Sid at SS96, Foley in 9/96, and UT in HIAC). I recognize he has had some extrodinary matches, but I never care to watch them. I can understand why people mark for him, but I just can't watch a mid-late 1990s Shawn Michaels match and not get the Clique out of my head or other political agendas save for the 3 matches listed.


I know it's petty, but I'd rather pop in a random 1980s CV then HBK's greatest work.

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