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Guest wwF1587

The one and only SummerSham 2003 Thread

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Guest God Junior

Just remembered something JR said at SS:


(On Kane tombstoning Linda): How could a human being bah gawd do that to someone?


I don't get Raw, so could someone tell me if he commonly inserts 'bah gawd' into the middle of sentences or is this a new occurrence, perhaps illustrating his further descent into insanity?

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Guest Trivia247
It's the battle of the hoss-cries!!







Nah Taz doesn't do a Hoss War cry....he just clotheslines em down and suplex them around until their necks break and then choke them out...



Tazz however just sits comfy behind his table with Cole and make goofy comments..

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It's the battle of the hoss-cries!!







Nah Taz doesn't do a Hoss War cry....he just clotheslines em down and suplex them around until their necks break and then choke them out...

I'm not quite sure he actually meant wrestling Taz...


Though, would McMahon push Looney Tune Taz or no?

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I bet he wanted to...


Vince: Ok, so Taz, we know you had this badass gimmick in ECW where you'd kick everyones ass and were promoted as a very dangerous guy... well, ECW is the small time this is the WWE - so hows about you come down to the ring spinning around like a top and start slobbering all over the place??


Taz: That's the worst fuckin idea I have ever heard.


Vince: Okey Dokie, a feud with the Bossman it is...

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Guest The Real Nosferatu
I bet he wanted to...


Vince: Ok, so Taz, we know you had this badass gimmick in ECW where you'd kick everyones ass and were promoted as a very dangerous guy... well, ECW is the small time this is the WWE - so hows about you come down to the ring spinning around like a top and start slobbering all over the place??


Taz: That's the worst fuckin idea I have ever heard.


Vince: Okey Dokie, a feud with the Bossman it is...



Wait...Taz had a feud in WWF besides with Lawler?!

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

::tries remembering but flashes back to a looney toons cartoon with Taz and Bugs::

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

Was this when Austin beat the shit out of Michael Cole (and everyone cheered) during Austins "big" "heel" run?

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Guest Joe

I can sum up SummerSlam in one word...DUD...It was a disappointing show that just didn’t deliver in the way the second biggest Pay-Per-View event of the year should...The only way to do this is match by match, so here goes...


Dudley Boyz vs. La Resistance – Okay match...there was nothing wrong with it, but there also wasn’t anything special about it...I did like the ending as I wasn’t expecting it, and I really thought the Dudley Boys would win the championship...Well hoped...I’m sorry but La Resistance officially get X-Pac heat from me...I hate even seeing them on my TV screen...Their gimmick is cheap, they’re greener then healthy grass, and they just shouldn’t be the focus of the Raw tag team division at this point in their career...It’s that simple...


The Undertaker vs. A-Train – Another okay match...Again, it wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t good either...They definitely gave these two too much time...Probably because there were only seven matches and they needed to cover the time...Normally giving matches a lot of time is a good thing, but with these guys, it would have been better at five minutes instead of ten...The Undertaker winning bothered me a bit...I’m a big Undertaker fan, I am, and I hate A-Train with a passion, I do, but Undertaker never loses! He beats challenger after challenger, to the point where there’s really nothing left for the Undertaker to do...He could challenge for the world title but we’ve been there and done that...Taker should be putting young talent over now, not beating everybody who crosses his path...


Shane McMahon vs. Eric Bischoff – As a wrestling match, this wasn’t good...But from a sports entertainment standpoint it was easily the most entertaining part of the show...Yes, Jonathan Coachman turned heel...And yes, at first I had that “oh you’ve got to be kidding me” reaction as well...But the more I thought about it, the more I liked it...Coach turning was totally unexpected, yet well built (all the times Austin gave Coach the cold shoulder just to give JR back his job)...And Coach showed something last night that I thought only The Rock could bring out of him...Personality!...He was entertaining as he called the match from the ring...And then when he did the whole “I’m not touching you” thing with Austin, it was hysterical...Shane pushing Coach into Austin then and Stone Cold beating him down was great as well...And then we, of course, got the standard big bump from Shane McMahon...So overall, this was the most entertaining part of the show...


Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Benoit vs. Rhyno vs. Tajiri – I was mostly disappointed by this match...It just felt very uncoordinated and dragged for some time...I did get into the last few minutes of the match, starting from the Lasso from El Paso/Crippler Crossface spot...And it wasn’t at all obvious who was going to win...When it felt like it was time to end, I was at the edge of my seat for every near fall...And yes, I marked out when Guerrero won...But overall, the match could have been a lot better...I think had we seen two separate matches with these four men, it would have ended up a lot better...


Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar – This was a good match, I’ll give you that, but it felt like it was missing a certain amount of drama that could have made it a lot better...The wrestling in the match was solid, heck it was downright great...But there was a certain psychology missing that made the match fall somewhat flat...Hey, did anybody else hear the referee tell Angle “DDT” right before they tried the F5 reversed into a DDT spot? I’m glad they tried the spot again after botching it the first time since it turned out to be pretty cool...As for the finish, I’m not crazy about Lesnar tapping...To me, it sets his “monster” character back a lot...In the last two weeks they’ve have Lesnar become a cold blooded monster, beating Spanky and Zach Gowen to bloody pulps...Then you have Lesnar tap out to the ankle lock, which frankly takes away from his heat for me...I would have rather see Lesnar “pass out” from the pain then tap out...


Kane vs. Rob Van Dam – Yes, it was better then I expected, but it still was only okay at best...I liked that RVD got quite a bit of offense in and really looked good against Kane...I also liked a number of the spots the two men hit...But there was just something about it that again didn’t work for me...I think the feud just wasn’t built well, which really made me not care about who won or loss here, and if you don’t care who’s going to win, unless the guys put on a four-star wrestling clinic, it’s just not going to stack up...Oh and way to blow a perfect opportunity to add some heat to the Kane vs. Shane feud by NOT having Shane McMahon make a run-in during this match...Would it have been obvious? Yeah. But sometimes the obvious is good...


Elimination Chamber: Triple H vs. Goldberg vs. Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Randy Orton vs. Kevin Nash – Wow, did THAT suck...There was just so much wrong with this match...Not only was there a lack of cool spots, but really of any story at all...The one spot I enjoyed was when Michaels hit Nash with a super kick, only for Jericho to pin Nash...Other then that, it was a waste...When Goldberg came in and eliminated three people (Orton, Michaels, and Jericho) without even breaking a sweat, I was angry...And when Triple H, who didn’t perform even one wrestling move in this match, managed to win and retain the title, I was down right pissed off...How does it make any sense to keep the title on an injured man? You have to know that if it weren’t Triple H a.k.a. Mr. Stephanie McMahon as the injured guy, the champion would have dropped the title for sure...Now it’s obvious that Goldberg will win the title at Unforgiven...I swear, the feuds and storylines in WWE have become so obvious and boring that it’s really starting to feel like a chore to watch...


Overall the show just didn’t deliver on the level you expect from a SummerSlam...But I don’t blame the show itself...I blame the build up to the show, which naturally has to fall on the creative team...And from there it falls on the burnt out genius Vince McMahon...If SummerSlam had a better card, with better matches and better storylines/feuds leading up to those matches, it could have been a great show...But that’s if...The reality is a waste of a show...SummerSlam 2003 should go down as one of the worst SummerSlam events in WWE history...

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