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Guest wwF1587

The one and only SummerSham 2003 Thread

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Guest Dmann2000

The truth of the matter is, there is no explanation for this. And I'm not here to attack Hunter, oh no. I can't blame the man for wanting the glory.


But I do ask HHH this: what have you gained?


Oh sure, you're marrying into the McMahon family, you've held the title (minus one month) for a year, longest reign in a long time.


But unless you lose to Goldberg tomorrow like Sting lost to Vader at GAB 92, what's left?










You've beaten them all, and unlike the man you're trying to pattern yourself after (Flair), you haven't made it seem like any of them had a legitimate shot at beating you. You're too dominant, and you haven't been a draw currently to warrent staying atop the mountain like this.


Why should I watch your matches if I know you'll win in the end. Why should I care about your character when I don't feel a conection to the guy facing you because I know he's going to lose.


What good is marrying into the family on top of the business if that business slips downward, in part because of a lack of interest in watching you. Why should I pay money to watch you wrestle when it's a forgone conclusion that you won't lose.


You're not a face like Hulk Hogan, so you can't be a face draw like him. And you're not a heel like Flair, so you can't heel draw like him.


It's your life Hunter, you can be king right now but what good is the throne when in a few years there could be no kingdom?

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A Coach heel turn, though? Is that really necessary?

No Evil Coach love? I thought that was absolutely AWESOME.

Oh, don't get me wrong... Watching Coach in heel mode was funny as hell, especially when he was doing the "I'm not touching you" bit with Austin. But we all know that heel turns for face announcers lead nowhere, unless you count Bischoff in WCW when he turned nWo. And I don't think Coach is about to join Evolution or something. But, who knows, maybe the turn will actually work, because afterall, the crowd seems to hate Coach, unless that was just out of spite for replacing JR.

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Guest God Junior

Am I the only person who hoped Coach has been secretly training to become a wrestler?

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Guest God Junior
Wait wait wait...


They made Goldberg PUNCH GLASS?


The company is against him afterall.

:lol: I thought the exact same thing.


But this was UNBREAKABLE glass!

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Guest Retro Rob

Realisticly, they can't put the title on Goldberg. Due to his contract the guy works very limited dates and has creative control. He also isn't all that interested in wrestling as opposed to making money. Now that bill also fits Triple H, but at least Vince doesn't have to worry about the Game taking his ball and leaving any time soon.

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Guest wrestlingbs

OK, just got done wathcing tonight. I watched SS for four matches: RVD vs. Kane, Brock vs. Angle, US title match, and EC match. Everything else I thought would, and did, suck. Here's my thoughts:


La Resistance vs. Dudleys Prediction: Dudleys

Raw-level match with a terrible ending. Just let this team lose already! It's like watching a dying animal. Poor Rob now has to play Rico to a team that already has "lost cause" written on them.

Prediction rate:0/7


UT vs. A-Train Prediction: UT in a squash.

One match in which I'm glad Taker gave nothing to his opponent. The thing with Steph at the end hopely means the end of their fued. Now UT can go to Raw and "help" Kane's career.

P.R.: 1/7


Eric vs. Shane Prediction: Super Shane.

Only good for the debut of EVIL COACH! I wish Coach would have gone nuts and stunned Austin. Eric loses, and then loses again backstage to Linda. "Well, it's better than unemployment."

P.R.: 2/7


Eddie vs. Benoit vs. Tajiri vs. Rhyno Prediction: C2W.

Great match, even though it was short. Amazing job by Eddie, as the guy could go to Mars and still be a fan favorite. The way they talked about Benoit I smell a heel turn.

P.R.: 3/7


Angle vs. Brock Prediction: Angle

Slow to start, but amazing near the end. It's hard to judge if it was better than WM. If you told me in January that Angle was going to be booked as a strong face champion, I would have laughed.

P.R.: 4/7


Kane vs. RVD Prediction: Kane

Good match, and the announcers did a good job of covering for Kane's mistake. You knew RVD was going to lose, but with all the effort he put in I think the WWE should reconsider their position on the guy.

P.R.: 5/7


EC match: HHH vs. Goldberg vs. Orton vs. HBK vs. Nash vs. Jericho Prediction: Goldberg

Way below standard and worse than the last one. I'm not going to even get into how stupid it was for HHH to win and for Goldberg to plow through the rest of the guys. Nash may go on until someone puts a stake through his heart, but rest-assured his career is dead and buried. Jericho did what everybody thought he would do: carry the match and get nothing for it. Goldberg got a surprising reaction from the crowd, but that loss sets him back even further than he was before. I think that for a more traditional feel HHH should have beat GB with a taser. After all, if you're going to bring down a promotion, do it with style.

P.R: 5/7

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

Apparently it's only bullet proof, but you CAN punch it and break it.

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Guest Dmann2000
Dmann, you made a lot of sense there.

I better, I'm a college graduate.

A film example. Bond films are repetitive like HHH matches these days, who ever thinks Bond ISN'T gonna win, get the girl.


But why does Bond's formula work and HHH's not? Because Bond has charisma out the ying-yang and is entertaining. Hunter you are NO, NOWAY WHATSOEVER, like James Bond.

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I really hate Triple H, with a passion, he has destroyed some of the passion I had for wrestling in general.

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Guest wwF1587

just read the results... few notes on the event i noticed


-shocked that coach turned heel... i thought it was a typo but damn


-not suprised by HHH's win, had i watched it i may be more pissed... HHH's reign as champ for 8 FRICKIN months continues.. yeah title reigns that last a long time are nice but 8 MONTHS.. come on kids... and HHH is not even that over...


-glad to see Kurt won the rematch he deserved to win


i guess i will wait for some reviews tommarow to see if its worth the replay... i doubt it though

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Guest TheArchiteck

Seeing Coach turn was gold.

I was REALLY hoping to see him walk to the back with Teddy Long. Lord knows Long can make any show 25% better!


Not seeing Haas/Benjamin perform was bullshit. I like pretty much all their tag matches.


I was really into that 4way match. Great shit. Angle vs Brock was pretty good also.

Angle was pulling out all types of reversals.

Reversals makes matches pretty damn fun in my opinion.


On to the elimination chamber.

HHH sucks.


The man did pratically NO wrestling moves whatsoever. He did more with a fucking broken treachea(sp?) at the last EC.

I really wanted to see Goldberg or Jericho win. Goldberg was insanely over, everything would have ended perfectly.

Its also a shame Jericho had to leave so quick, Flair got more offense in then he did!


So so summerslam....seen better PPV.....also seen worst.

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Guest TheArchiteck

I'm surprised no one mentioned Goldberg's "Scared Kick."

Dude was doing his punching/kick intro and when he was in the kick the pyro boom went off and he like lost his balance.


Unless it was a new "kick and twist" thing.

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Guest Ronixis

The end of Raw is near.


I am happy that Smackdown Is Free. This way I can avoid the crap that is RAW.


Since when Vince ever gave a damn about Smackdown? OH YEAH- when he played shock and awe games for us (Kiss My Ass Club, anyone?)


If those men that want to work, fuck being live because YOU WILL NEVER go over as long as HHH holds that title.


Take it like men, and be taped. Head to Smackdown. Help Get Buyrates for Smackdown's PPV's.


This is just as worse as Orton winning the title.




When will people ever learn. RVD was OVER when he held the title for 22 months. Austin was OVER when he held the title for a year plus.


HHH days of being over- when he gained 25 pounds and lost speed.


Thats all.


It's time to push the REAL WWE title- this World "Title" is nothing. Even the US Title is more important than this world Title.

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The show was about what I expected of it, but Triple H's retain left a sour taste in my mouth. It seemed like the first time in a while that they might switch the title, even if it was only till Triple H's groin heals. The US Title Match and Brock/Angle were pretty good, basically everything else was slightly below or above par for a normal TV show.

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The show was everything I expected it to be.


I mean if you're going to do rematches, I expect to see new stuff.


Kurt, Brock, I'm looking at you. Also, why the fuck did Kurt cheat like 5 times??????


If you're going to have a 4 way between 4 amazing workers, I expect to give it at least 20 mins.


If you're going to do the current biggest gimmick match ever, why not do something new and amazing. What seperated EC from a simple cage match? Nothing. Plus it was amazingly short. What they should have done was have Jericho win, but if GB had to win, they should have had him locked in his capsule for a really long time. That way Jericho and HBK could have torn the house down for a while.


But no. It was so standard and quick. Just awful.

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Guest Choken One

Fuck what Meltz says...He's a glorified Mark.


Good, if not great Journalist that has made the IWC drink his kool aid.

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Guest Ray
Ray should be renamed Brocksault.

Heh....I just noticed this. :lol:






Sorry if I was a dick earlier...I've had a bad day. ;)



Ooooh, Meltz is slamming The EC match pretty good on the LAW..


A little off topic.....


What is the deal with LAW? They haven't updated the show since 7/21. The live streaming audio has never worked for me but I could always listen to the show after they put it up a few days later, but they don't do it anymore.

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He's spending more time in the Mojo studios during the week and has made the LAW low priority. Basically, he's workin his way up the ladder and the LAW is draggin him down.


He has his own show during the week, forget when it's on.


In other newz,


is everyone ready for BATISTA vs. GOLBERG??!

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Guest Coffey

I like Batista's entrance...until he comes out and walks like a girl.


That's it.


Just his theme...

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