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Just give Shane the belt already

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Guest Quik

I dunno, I mean, my problem with that angle last night wasn't Shane kicking him into a flaming dumpster. It wasn't that far-fetched, I mean... he slid off his back in desperation (he was headed for a flaming pit-- it's like sobering up when you have to talk to your parents or something), and mule kicked him, knocking Kane back 6 inches, but off balance enough that he would fall in. It's not horribly ill-conceieved logically in a "oh, I can see how that would work" way.


My problem is with the storyline. He put him into a flaming dumpster, and then said "Burn in hell, you son of a bitch." This isn't a Bruce Willis movie, it's Raw for Christ's sakes.

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I dunno, I mean, my problem with that angle last night wasn't Shane kicking him into a flaming dumpster. It wasn't that far-fetched, I mean... he slid off his back in desperation (he was headed for a flaming pit-- it's like sobering up when you have to talk to your parents or something), and mule kicked him, knocking Kane back 6 inches, but off balance enough that he would fall in. It's not horribly ill-conceieved logically in a "oh, I can see how that would work" way.


My problem is with the storyline. He put him into a flaming dumpster, and then said "Burn in hell, you son of a bitch." This isn't a Bruce Willis movie, it's Raw for Christ's sakes.

I'll give you that. I thought that the whole idea of Kane being burned alive was pushing it. The only way that would have ever worked is if they wanted to kill off the Kane character (say back when he had the mask and costume,) and reintroduce him as a completely new character. I was just saying that the storyline works from Shane's standpoint and he's not steamrolling the roster or taking an undeserving spot.


I did like the burn in hell line though. Shane's character is badass. I wouldn't mind seeing him as a regular main eventer on Raw.

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Guest Anglesault
Potential to do what? Make Shane look good? Derail Kane? Prove that Shane is better than the wrestlers? What?

Potential to solidify Kane as the logical #1 contender.

Having a back and forth feud with a guy who's not a wrestler does that?

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Guest The Real Nosferatu
I did like the burn in hell line though. Shane's character is badass. I wouldn't mind seeing him as a regular main eventer on Raw.

Sure, Chris Jericho doesn't disserve his spot on the roster. GIVE IT TO A FUCKING MCMAHON INSTEAD! THATS FUCKING BRILLIANT! Someone give Albert Einstein here the fucking Nobel Prize.

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I don't want him to take Jericho's spot as the #3 heel. I want him to take Nash's spot as the #3 face. If you notice, Nash was the regular main eventer who got bumped last night for Shane.


Oh, and the purpose of the Kane/Shane feud isn't to solidify Kane's spot as the #1 contender. It's to give Kane something to do while the Goldberg/HHH feud is going on. It would kill a lot of his heat off if he got left off of Unforgiven or even tried to drag out his crappy feud with RVD for another month.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

Nash is #3? I thought that was Hurricane. Roosevelt gets better reactions than Nash. And Goldust. And Dudley Boyz. And Jim Ross. And Jerry Lawler. And Stone Cold...

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Well right now, I'm talking about who the WWE's pushing as a main eventer, not who's getting pops from the crowd. Since Nash was one of the three faces in the main event at SS, that would technically make him the #3 face.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

So....RVD is BEHIND Nash? That's sad...


Just because Nash was in the EC Doesnt mean hes #3. He jobbed in 1:58 clean! Everyone else lost after taking a REAL shit kicking...except Goldberg of course.

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Guest Anglesault
Oh, and the purpose of the Kane/Shane feud isn't to solidify Kane's spot as the #1 contender. It's to give Kane something to do while the Goldberg/HHH feud is going on. It would kill a lot of his heat off if he got left off of Unforgiven or even tried to drag out his crappy feud with RVD for another month.

Having Shane McMahon of all fucking people get the upperhand on him will kill his heat worse.


The unstoppable monster has been stopped twice by The owner's kid.


Well right now, I'm talking about who the WWE's pushing as a main eventer, not who's getting pops from the crowd. Since Nash was one of the three faces in the main event at SS, that would technically make him the #3 face.


That logic makes Orton the number three heel.

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Guest Sakura

It's not like Kane is going to squash Shane at the ppv. Knowing WWE it will almost certainly be a real match. Shane will actually go toe to toe with Kane and give him a run for his money. I doubt the intention for this is to stall and give something Kane to do. They probably honestly believe that a Kane/Shane program is highly anticipated and a dream match.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

Agreed, Kane should not be selling for Shane more than a REAL wrestler.

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It's not like Kane is going to squash Shane at the ppv. Knowing WWE it will almost certainly be a real match. Shane will actually go toe to toe with Kane and give him a run for his money. I doubt the intention for this is to stall and give something Kane to do. They probably honestly believe that a Kane/Shane program is highly anticipated and a dream match.

Listen to this woman. Everything she just said is true.

And why would you want Shane as a main eventer? He's a horrible wrestler and on top of that he's not really a wrestler at all! Why should he take the spot of a wrestler?

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

I second that motion...with a Vengeance! (tosses random shotguns to board members)

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He's not a horrible wrestler. He's a great brawler, he's got good highspots, and he can sell. That's already more than 3/4 of the Raw roster.


As for Orton, he's the #4 heel right now. Kane was obviously being kept away from the title for the time being, and that was the purpose of the SS match. Kane is the #2 heel (if he's not dead).

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

Mcmahon Can't WRESTLE. He does high spots. And if brawling consists of playing dead for 6 minutes (see WM X-7) then I can't argue that.

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How does Shane sell? Oh yeah acting dead and then spearing his opponent out of nowhere and making him look like a complete fool by beating on him like he's nothing. Yeah great selling.

I back up what whoever said it said....Shane is basically a glorified backyard wrestler. And if you think he's better than 3/4 of the RAW roster then you obviously don't watch wrestling.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

Lets see...The only person I can say id watch Shane instead is Goldberg, Test, and Scott Steiner. So Shane is better than 4% of the roster.

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I didn't say Shane was better than 3/4 of the Raw roster. I said he could brawl, do high spots, and sell, and 3/4 of the Raw roster couldn't. Here's a list of people I can think of that can do all three:


Chris Jericho




Uh, that's about all I can think of right now.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

It's sad that someone like me who does backyard wrestling (but not hardcore style, more traditional) can wrestle better than Shane.


Fuck, At least I can string 4 moves together without having to use a weapon or kick someone in the groin.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu
He's not a horrible wrestler. He's a great brawler, he's got good highspots, and he can sell. That's already more than 3/4 of the Raw roster.


As for Orton, he's the #4 heel right now. Kane was obviously being kept away from the title for the time being, and that was the purpose of the SS match. Kane is the #2 heel (if he's not dead).

You DID Say he was better than 3/4 of the roster. DUMBASS

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OMG Raven. You can't read. Go back and look at my first post and then look at my second post and then you'll either feel like a dumbass for your last post or just sit there with a big blank stare on your face.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

he can do things 3/4 of the roster can.t THATS SAYING HES BETTER THAN 3/4 OF THE ROSTER!

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Guest Anglesault
As for Orton, he's the #4 heel right now.

At this point, I'd say Christian is higher, certainly heatwise and debatable with his card position.


Non wrestlers (Since we count Shane) Both Bischoff and Flair have him beat.

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No it's not. There's also other aspects to being a wrestler like submission-based wrestling etc. I clarified that I was just saying he could do those things better in my post where I said he wasn't a better wrestler than 3/4 of the roster.


However, as an all-around performer with mic skills and the like, I would say he's definitely one of the top 5 or 10 wrestlers on Raw.

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