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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

The 1Inch Hates MLW Thread

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

Sid officially announced retirement from in ring wrestling last year I think.


Besides, hes probably coaching a softball team this month.

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I just remembered back in September, Ring of Honor said Boogalou suffered a career-ending injury at Unscripted, when in reality he had worked for XPW. Now, everyone knew he worked XPW, so why would RoH insult us by making up a story?

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Guest Markingout

The mystery man is probabley Somoa Joe,seeing as Joe and Steve are great friends. A real no talent brawler LOL.


Plus,MLW had to give a reason for Corino not being there. Corino just cannot be booked. They gave a reason,yeah Kayfabe is dead blah blah,but you just don't have the champion not showing up without any explanation.


The MLW War Games should be alright,two rings. TNAs War Games had great talent but it sucked soooooo much. Also you hate MLW for something like MLW giving a reason? Meh

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist
I just remembered back in September, Ring of Honor said Boogalou suffered a career-ending injury at Unscripted, when in reality he had worked for XPW. Now, everyone knew he worked XPW, so why would RoH insult us by making up a story?

Because They didnt want to dignify XPW by mentioning them, probably

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Ring of Honor didn't have to mention anything about MLW, they didn't even have to give a reason why Boogalou was gone, but they did, and they lied. Why tell your fans a lie about one of your stars when RoH and CZW soon after made a big deal about XPW.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Because its XPW, who tried to spitefully kill pro wrestling in Philadelphia and run by a pervert who's about to go to prison

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Guest Gene_Madrid
"Believe it or not, thats why i hate MLW (I didnt send that letter though). It's the year 2003, Kayfabe is dead, deal with it."

I appreciate and respect your opinion, but, if you think kayfabe is totally dead, then why do you watch any wrestling at all?

When they pin someone by trying to get a victory....they're kayfabing you. When they sell something, they're kayfabing you. When two guys get in a ring and pretend to fight, they're kayfabing you. I'm just curious, and maybe it's none of my business, because I don't understand your reasoning behind being a wrestling fan when you make statements like that.

You state that you're a big ROH fan and their product is focused mainly if not strictly built around pure wrestling. You're also, however a Russo and WWE fan and their product is strictly built around the entertainment end of wrestling. Russo runs angles himself, but you don't like angles. Don't take offense kid, I'm just trying to get inside your brain.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

I watch wrestling because I wanna be entertained. ROH , when theyre on, entertains me. Most of Russo's stuff entertains the hell out of me.


Yes, i know its fake, and everything along those lines, but screw it, I've been watching since I was seven years old, which is why i can tolerate both ROH and Russomania, because I've lived through both.



When I said I didnt like angles, I didnt mean i dont like what i see on TV, i meant i disiked when a company tries to con you in the way MLW did with Corino.


Oh, and by the way, for any MLW fans out there, the best of luck with both the Mtrats platform and the Six Sided ring, because youre gonna fucking well need it

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Guest Markingout

"When I said I didnt like angles, I didnt mean i dont like what i see on TV, i meant i disiked when a company tries to con you in the way MLW did with Corino."


Just like ROH tried to con all indy fans.


"Oh, and by the way, for any MLW fans out there, the best of luck with both the Mtrats platform and the Six Sided ring, because youre gonna fucking well need it"


Matrats is for one match. Six Sided ring we dodn't need help,those things are hella cool.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist
"Oh, and by the way, for any MLW fans out there, the best of luck with both the Mtrats platform and the Six Sided ring, because youre gonna fucking well need it"


Matrats is for one match. Six Sided ring we dodn't need help,those things are hella cool.

Well, they better have someone from Tourymon booking it with whoever is in the match, otherwise its gonna be an out and out mess.


And how did ROH try to con all indy fans?

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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood

Jody Fleisch vs. the Amazing Red


Final Battle 2002. Five minute screwjob with mass run-ins, and it was the most heavily promoted match on the show.


Probably the worst booking decision Gabe ever made, promising an "International Dream High Flyers match" and not delivering.


It's not a knock on ROH- every promotion does stupid shit at some point.

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I'll admit that Zandig is one BAD BAD BAD wrestler and just as bad at brawling.


As far as events go, XPW have like one good match a show. They then go into BAD stuff.


CZW is filled with okayish stuff, and sometimes, they pull out some GREAT stuff. OK, so the bad stuff is there as well, but overall for consistency in events, I would say CZW are better.

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From what I've heard, CZW pulled a stunt at the end of their last show was the probably worse than anything Rob Black has ever tried to do in XPW. I always hear everyone jumping on XPW when they do something bad, but where is all the criticism about CZW after hanging someone by hooks on their back?

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist
From what I've heard, CZW pulled a stunt at the end of their last show was the probably worse than anything Rob Black has ever tried to do in XPW. I always hear everyone jumping on XPW when they do something bad, but where is all the criticism about CZW after hanging someone by hooks on their back?

CZW dont have a scumbag owner who wated to feed a puppy to a snake for a publicity stunt

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From what I've heard, CZW pulled a stunt at the end of their last show was the probably worse than anything Rob Black has ever tried to do in XPW.  I always hear everyone jumping on XPW when they do something bad, but where is all the criticism about CZW after hanging someone by hooks on their back?

CZW dont have a scumbag owner who wated to feed a puppy to a snake for a publicity stunt

That, and CZW only did that because they promised something extreme and they couldn't do their usual ultraviolent stuff due to local laws.


(PS- Rob says that they were never going to feed the puppy to the snake; it was a publicity stunt.)

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