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Guest wwF1587

Unforgiven Theme Song

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Guest wwF1587

Anyone know what the official theme song is to the ppv? I havent been watching so. Is it just generic?

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They haven't picked one yet. I'm sure it will be announced on tonight's broadcast though.

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Guest Choken One

The show's in two weeks so don't expect anything huge...Likely a "low" card band like Simple Plan...

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Im kinda wondering if it'll be AFI or something. At least AFI are ok..even if they are whiney vegans..not that vegans are bad or anything...


Watch, they'll use the All American Rejects...

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

If it isn't "The Unforgiven", i don't care.


I'd mark if it was something so absurd it'd appeal in the wrestling setting. "Tiny Bubbles", for instance. I think Unforgiven, I think Don Ho.

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Guest Choken One

I still say if they wanted to be serious with the Kane Angle they would use "Unforgiven" by Metallica again...The LYRICS are perfect for the storyline


New blood joins this earth

and quikly he's subdued

through constant pain disgrace

the young boy learns their rules


with time the child draws in

this whipping boy done wrong

deprived of all his thoughts

the young man struggles on and on he's known

a vow unto his own

that never from this day

his will they'll take away


what I've felt

what I've known

never shined through in what I've shown

never be

never see

won't see what might have been


what I've felt

what I've known

never shined through in what I've shown

never free

never me

so I dub thee unforgiven


they dedicate their lives

to running all of his

he tries to please them all

this bitter man he is

throughout his life the same

he's battled constantly

this fight he cannot win

a tired man they see no longer cares

the old man then prepares

to die regretfully

that old man here is me


what I've felt

what I've known

never shined through in what I've shown

never be

never see

won't see what might have been


what I've felt

what I've known

never shined through in what I've shown

never free

never me

so I dub the unforgiven


you labeled me

I'll label you

so I dub the unforgiven

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Guest wwF1587

i agree with whoever said they should use adrenaline again... that is a great song that aged well after a year (i listened to it again the other day) but its sevendust i believe this year...

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I like the theme, its pretty cool and kinda fits with the HHH / Goldberg feud.

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I tried looking for "Enemy" by Sevendust, but I couldn't find it.

It's due for release on their album next month, but I found it on Kazaa already.

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Can somebody please edit it so the song just starts without the leader singer talking in the beginning?

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Anybody who wants the PPV theme to be ANYTHING that isn't a new single from a popular rock band, you're dreaming. It will NEVER happen, so you can quit posting lyrics from all your favorite classic Metallica songs and wishing, because the SOLE PURPOSE of PPV theme songs is to put over a new single from a popular band.


Sorry, but I made this SAME point earlier this year, only to have my point be COMPLETELY no-sold every month and wishful thinking take its place.

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So, suddenly, 12 Stones were a popular rock band...

Well, that single was, anyway. And besides, they're relatively popular, appearing on soundtracks to 'The Scorpion King' and 'Daredevil' as well as their lead singer doing guest vocals in the biggest rock song of '03 ('Bring Me To Life').

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