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Steve J. Rogers

The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

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That was one of the most amazing moments in TV history!


I'm still a little misty from Wes' final scene....once Illyria turned into red I was done for, I think this is the first time I've ever had tears from a moment in TV...I've gotten the mistyness in the past but this was just beyond that.


But on other notes there were so many mark out moments. From Angel and Lindsey's interaction, Spike pounding down shot after shot making you think he's gonna get a bar brawl going and it ends up with him reading his poetry!


When Angel confronts Harmony about her betraying him and she asks for a resume?=GOLD~! Angel not only saying yes but having it already written=PLATINUM~!


Angel saying one of the gang wil betray him and Spike raising his hand, total mark out...and after being shot down he asks if he can deny him 3 times, just great stuff!


Lorne shooting Lindsey...I so did not expect that....he even used a silencer which just made it that more as RRR put it, COLD BLOOOODED!


Hamilton is a stone cold pimp baby! Angel: People who don't care about anything will never understand people who do..." Hamilton: "Yeah...but we won't care." Hell pretty much every line between Angel and Hamilton was great...and of course the fight pwned~!


AHHHH! God this epiode was just bloody PERFECT....and it's the last one...I'm gonna stop typing now before I turn all this good into my hatred of the WB....

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The Shanshu doesn't go to anyone. And Angel saw it as not being such a big deal anymore because he didn't expect to survive. I mean, A prophecy that says you get to be human after you do some stuff doesn't mean jack if you are dead. So it doesn't mean a thing to him, and it doesn't transfer to Spike. It is just moot.

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You know, I think the Dragon as the same one that came through during "The Gift."


And I think the powers will take pitty on Angel and make him human, along with Spike. It takes a true champion to sign away your one gaurenteed shot at happiness just to save the day.


And now the only show I have to look forward to is Smallville, and I don't always watch that show anyways. I think I'll just tape it and watch it later. Damn if I'm going to give the WB any ratings next year.


Fuck the Frog.

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I might have mixed feelings on the ending ... bittersweet comes to mind ... but I don't think there was a better way to conclude the final episode.


Fist + exploding head had me rolling on the floor. A perfect transition from Wesley's dramatic death. "I wish to do more violence" = GOLD


I figured, of all of them, Wesley would be the one to die and that would be the sacrifice needed to save the day. I didn't expect THAT ending. Great job!


While last year's Buffy finale, IMO, was a bit underwhelming (Anya's off-screen death, Spike's dusting ... I had already been tipped off to the fact he would return so it wasn't as meaningful ... having WAY too many survivors at the end) ... Angel's finale was the perfect way to go out.

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While last year's Buffy finale, IMO, was a bit underwhelming (Anya's off-screen death, Spike's dusting ... I had already been tipped off to the fact he would return so it wasn't as meaningful ... having WAY too many survivors at the end) ... Angel's finale was the perfect way to go out.

Anya didn't die off-screen. It was as on screen as it could be.

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But there's a difference between that and going on a suicide mission just to to temporarily make the Senior Partners mad and stop their latest plan. Tonight and last week he sounded beaten, like he was giving up and this was his last resort and they should just accept their deaths. That sucks. That isn't what he learned in Amends, or from Doyle, or from the ephinay after the Holland Manners speech. The fight never ends, evil is always there, but that means he has to keep going.....not purposely go out trying to stop one plan. Not just assume he's going to die. That attitude and that message is lame.

And I think there's a big difference between a suicide mission and what the gang did in "Not Fade Away." At a point throughout the season - many points, the beginnings of most episodes, actually - Angel realized that they couldn't keep doing what they were doing at Wolfram & Hart. It was always about doing the slightly bad thing to get closer to the "ultimate goal" of taking down all evil. But like Angel explained at the end of "Power Play," that wasn't a real goal. Whatever they did, they were still doing it at the whim of the Senior Partners. At some point it had to stop - Team Angel had to break out of that structure and get back to fighting the legitimately good fight that they had been working at for the four years previous.


So, what do they do? Find the group that has the most direct connection to their greatest adversary, and make a full-bore run to destroy them. And judging by what we did see in last night's episode, they were pretty damn successful. It was the best they could do. Winning the little fights was starting not to matter, because ultimately even the little fights could be spun into what the Partners wanted. This was one little fight that was different. They called it a suicide mission, but in the history of the Whedonverse a *lot* of different engagements have been called suicide missions. They never really are. Wesley didn't expect to die, and he said as much; I don't think Angel or Spike did as well, as Angel's offhand comment to get away from Shanshu talk was obviously just distraction. Lorne expected to go away and he did, Lindsey expected fair play and didn't get it. No concern on Illyria's part, and I think Gunn's scene at the shelter really wrapped up why he went out and fought too. All in all, I really can't think of a more fitting ending for a show had to end this season.

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It's simple.


They said "Fuck Fate. We're going to show that we are still in control of our destiny. No more manipulation, no more prophecy, no more secrets, no more jerking around. If that means we die, so be it. But we will go down the way we want to go down."


Joss said that he wanted everyone to feel how he felt when the show was cancelled, I think he summed it up nicely.

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Hamilton is a stone cold pimp baby! Angel: People who don't care about anything will never understand people who do..." Hamilton: "Yeah...but we won't care." Hell pretty much every line between Angel and Hamilton was great...and of course the fight pwned~!


*Big Pop!!*


That was a fucking FANTASTIC line!


I love reading everyones replies here. I'm fucking marking out just reading this shit.

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Guest Brian

The shanshu could have been meant for Spike the entire time and not Angel. It's vague, like most prophesies.

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For anyone bitching about it not being a "happy ending with closure":

"I had restrictions (with Buffy’s finale)," Whedon says on the phone during a conference call with journalists. "I had to go out on a happy ending ... With Angel, it’s a darker tale, so I have more license to do what I want to who I want to do it to - to make the audience miserable and excited ... It’s not the end of all things. It’s not a final grace note after a sympathy, which I think Buffy was. But it is a final statement about Angel." -from buffy.nu
..and if you still don't get it, then you don't get anything about Joss' writing and style.

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Angel signing away the Shanshu prophecy showed what I said above - fuck fate. This entire time Angel has been a slave to others, even when he had a position of power, be it the Powers or WR&H or even the Shanshu Prophecy itself. Fuck it.


And regarding the spoilers question, it wasn't long after the original spoilers leaked that there was clearification that Gunn still was alive at the end - which lessened the HOLY CRAP THEY'RE KILLING EM ALL OFF vibe, but I was still happy to see him there at the end.


Angel Season Death Toll: 4 (Cordy, Fred, Lindsay, Wes).


Are you sure Minear isn't involved with them any more ??

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I had a surprising amount of closure after "Not Fade Away"; and I am a HUUUUUUUGE mark for happy endings, so it's kinda odd. Maybe it was because the episode was so darn good and satisfying, or because the fact that this universe will 'live on' (I don't mean in movies or anything like that, I just mean in how they ended it so openly); that -unlike Buffy where there was "the end"- it doesn't end for these characters I love - they don't die... cept Wes... but he got the closure he needed and I loved the shit out of that. Right now, my last memory is of them fighting. And to that I say, FIGHT ON, MOTHERFUCKERS!!


*Edited for that last "motherfucker"*

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This wasn't a pointless sucide mission for a little fight. The Black Thorn were the hands of the SP in this dimension. They were important to the Senior Partners Armagedden. This Armageddon has been hyped up as THE End of all Ends since season, what...1? 2?


In destroying them, they destroyed the SP plans, not forever, but at least for now. Evil will keep coming, as will champions to stop it. But this was their battle. This was their purpose. And they could have chosen to sit there and wait for the Senior Partners to make their move, or they could make sure that their planned move couldn't be made.


It was always known that Angel would play a big part in the Wolf Ram & Heart's armageddon. They just never knew which side he would be on. Last night, he made his side known. THAT was Angels part in the Armageddon...preventing it. That is why they said screw this and sent a 100 foot tall Demon and Dragons to finish him off. He screwed their plan, stopped the armageddon they had been planing for centuries and they were pissed.


So yes, there will be more evil. The SP couldn't be destoryed literally. But on that night, Angel Investigations fucked up all that they wanted to do.

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Swiped from http://www.buffy.nu/article.php3?id_article=4680


From Bronzebeta.com - 2004-05-20th


joss says: (Thu May 20 03:01:15 2004) [Context]


Cause of y’all. I don’t know if the Buffyverse is going to return to TV, but I hope so, and I know we’ll be putting SOMETHING out there. Maybe on HBO, ’cause I like me some cussin’."


Probably just speculation, but that'd be pretty rad. :D

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Angel signing away the Shanshu prophecy showed what I said above - fuck fate. This entire time Angel has been a slave to others, even when he had a position of power, be it the Powers or WR&H or even the Shanshu Prophecy itself. Fuck it.


And regarding the spoilers question, it wasn't long after the original spoilers leaked that there was clearification that Gunn still was alive at the end - which lessened the HOLY CRAP THEY'RE KILLING EM ALL OFF vibe, but I was still happy to see him there at the end.


Angel Season Death Toll: 4 (Cordy, Fred, Lindsay, Wes).


Are you sure Minear isn't involved with them any more ??

To be fair, it was obvious that GUnn was dying in that ally between him looking at his blood and the look Angel and Spike shared. Then he was told he had 10 minutes tops. So I count Gunn amoung the DEFINATE death toll. Somewhere in dreamy want it to be happy land, I can see Angel, Spike, and Illyria are still brawling and making it out alive.

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Am I the only one that noticed that was basically the same ally that started the series.


I mean, in terms of the story, I know it wasn't, but the way it was designed...it was the same fucking ally.

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I liked it very much and I intially heard about the Wes death and thought it sounded very corny. Shame on me for doubting the acting skills of Amy Acker and Alexis cause they took what could have been a very bad scene and made it very emotional and perfect almost.


The ending was almost like the Alamo style finish, you know they are screwed but hey who cares? Then again Illayria could probably kill them all as pissed off as she is but let me forget that for a minute.


I liked the ending and I'm glad this was the series finale now that I have seen it. I liked this one ten times better than the Buffy closing and nothing says awesome like Angel bringing on the end of the World.


Now, if the show wants to come back on CABLE with little to no restrictions then I say bring it on. But this was as far as I think it could or should have went on network with an ending like that.

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The ending was almost like the Alamo style finish, you know they are screwed but hey who cares? Then again Illayria could probably kill them all as pissed off as she is but let me forget that for a minute.

I know Illayria was badass, but I think the 100 foot demon would win that one.

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They didn't cancel it on short notice, they told ME like halfway through the season.

halfway through the season for us.


In production, i think they were in their last four episodes or something.

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I wonder if Illyra would gain some of her powers again? Wesley said the device he used was for draining off some power, but what's to say that it wouldnt come back?


Here's how I see it- they are all fighting, Illyra's pissed, so she manag4s to slow down time- and they win.

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What about the fact that Wolfram and Hart's power is flowing through Angel's veins? We have no idea how that affects things. He might even has some control over that demon army (assuming they're control by WR&H)

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People will always believe... :wub:


We are like Mulder from the X-Files that way...course that also makes us gulliable and stupid, but we take what we can get.


But yeah, they were pretty much done. At the very least, Gunn would be dead in the first wave. Still, would have loved to have seen the fight.

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I just got through the ep, since I had to download it due to me going to sleep early yesterday.


A series rarely goes out on a high note, but ME managed to do it with Angel. Angel and crew charging into battle despite the circumstances and odds against them was ultimately what they were about, and again it got across that the battle never ends.


As I think Rudo said, Angel signing away the Shanshu showed that they were taking the fight and destiny into their own hands, and what they were willing to give up to do it. No matter the cost, no matter the sacrifices, Angel ultimately did things because they were the right thing to do, not because he had anything to gain.


I can say I'm not bothered by the lack of a sixth season, or if no movies and specials come about. As far as I see it, the outstanding issues between characters are done and resolution was reached. This was the way to end.

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Guest SP-1
What about the fact that Wolfram and Hart's power is flowing through Angel's veins? We have no idea how that affects things. He might even has some control over that demon army (assuming they're control by WR&H)

Even though it is completely out of character, there's a little part of me that would mark for Angel gaining control of some of that army and winding up like a general in Aramageddon or something.


But then I'd get pissed because it's not the way things should be with the character.

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Guest reekspeak
So . . . how legal are the episode downloads over at Buffy.nu?



I don't know if I can wait three weeks for this, damn I wish I had a better connection...

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Maybe I'm just upset.


On another note. Someone should make this a sig:


Two Roads

I made it my desktop.


I was in a bad mood last night when I went to bed and I couldn't figure out why. Then I realized it was becauses Angel was over.

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