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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Thoughts on the Iron Man Match

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how could you guys have high expectations of this match?  where had angle and lesnar proven before that a) they could have a ****1/2 match together, and b) they could go the distance while keeping it interesting?  the writing was on the wall before these two stepped in the ring.  i got about what i expected.

Considering their Mania match was above **** and Angle was all fucked up, I'd say they could of achieved a lot more in future matches.


And considering the hype given to it.

i've kept putting up the question since march of how lesnar/angle from wrestlemania is a ****+ match, and no one has given me an answer.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
how could you guys have high expectations of this match? where had angle and lesnar proven before that a) they could have a ****1/2 match together, and b) they could go the distance while keeping it interesting? the writing was on the wall before these two stepped in the ring. i got about what i expected.

Their Wrestlemania match proved they were capable of keeping the action up for 30 minutes while slowly drawing the fans into what they were doing. The crowd was dead at first, but both played their roles so well that they were going bananas by the end. What made it better was the roles they were playing. Angle tries to wrestle and it didn't work. After, he played the cowardly heel who stalked the bigger yet less agile giant with quick shots. Throughout the match they returned to that style of match, and it flowed into a tremendous match. This didn't have a flow, it didn't have a certain style, it was just garbage with a ba-zillion finishing moves. It was flat out nonsense. I can't see how anyone could say this atrocity was better than their WM match.

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I guess Taker is gonna get his job back.

Meltzer says the main event for Survivor Series is set to be UT vs. Vince in a Buried Alive match, which means UT will probably get screwed over by McMahon at No Mercy while Lesnar retains.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

UT should get the title damn it! Enough Brock. Let someone else hold it for a while.


Or better yet, give Eddie or Cena the title.

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I just hope this match shuts everyone up about Angle/Lesnar being the main event at Mania 20. They should do something else because I really don't care about having these two guys go at it again.


And I'd have to watch the Mania match again to give you specific examples why it was ****. I think a lot of people tool on that match because of the botch ending, but the match itself had a decent feel to it.

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UT should get the title damn it! Enough Brock. Let someone else hold it for a while.

I love irony! Suggesting UT winning the title and the excuse being to let someone else hold it. Heh!

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Has anybody here done amateur style wrestling? That shit drains you faster than anything else. Even worked amateur would have drained almost anybodies reserves quickly. I would have enjoyed some more matwork but I can understand why theyavoided it.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
how could you guys have high expectations of this match?  where had angle and lesnar proven before that a) they could have a ****1/2 match together, and b) they could go the distance while keeping it interesting?  the writing was on the wall before these two stepped in the ring.  i got about what i expected.

Considering their Mania match was above **** and Angle was all fucked up, I'd say they could of achieved a lot more in future matches.


And considering the hype given to it.

i've kept putting up the question since march of how lesnar/angle from wrestlemania is a ****+ match, and no one has given me an answer.

-They started out with their amateur style, but realized they were stalemated with it. It was both of their specialty, but they realised that the other was too well learned in the style to be defeated.


-After the amateur feeling out, they go into a 'Professional' style wrestling match. In this, they mention Kurt Angle's limitations and Angle accomodates them as such. He plays smart by not attacking Lesnar head on because of Brock's obvious strength advantage. Instead, he takes a sneaky approach of gradually wearing Lesnar down with jarring knee's and forearm's to the back. Once he gets Lesnar down, he goes back to the amateur or submission style to finish him.



Angle's role in the match was played to perfection. He was the cunning heel who realised he had to be cheap because of his injuries, and size and strength disadvantages. The only part that didn't make sense, and wasn't necessary was the SSP. The botched spot and the fact they have to re-do the F5 another time did ruin the overall match. I'd gladly say this WM was over ****, and I'd settle firmly on ****1/4.

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I would have enjoyed some more matwork but I can understand why theyavoided it.

Steroids, possibly? That's most likely the reason Angle was balding and had to get shaved bald last year.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
Do you guys think Kurt jobbing was the right thing?

This quickly? I don't think so. Angle's credibility is hurt by the fact he loses the titles too quicly into his reign. Lesnar has pretty much been in the World Title picture for the past year, he could have done some side feuds with Cena and others where he could put them over.

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Do you guys think Kurt jobbing was the right thing?

I don't mind Kurt jobbing. But I do mind jobbing it to Lesnar. Let somebody new hold the belt for pete's sake.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
I just hope this match shuts everyone up about Angle/Lesnar being the main event at Mania 20. They should do something else because I really don't care about having these two guys go at it again.

At tOA I read an excellent scenario about having Lesnar vs. Eddie for the title at WM 20 that I'd definitely buy into.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

Brock is already a 3x champion in 12 months. The fact Undertaker's combined reigns from the past 13 yrs. are almost equal to his in 1 year shows he hasn't been gvien the title that much.


His longest reign was a WHOPPING 4 1/2 months. Sure, he doesn't need a long reign this late in his career, but it would be a nice going away thing in case he leaves after WM XX (which he won't)

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
I would have enjoyed some more matwork but I can understand why theyavoided it.

Steroids, possibly? That's most likely the reason Angle was balding and had to get shaved bald last year.

We didn't ask for 60 minutes of amateur wrestling, but instead of so many german suplexes and such, they could have returned to the style of wrestling that supposedly makes them such great rivals. Without the amateur flavour, this was just another match against two guys. I always thought Angle/Lesnar matches were supposed to be something special because of their legitimate backgrounds.

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Is Scott Keith's Smackdown rant up yet? I checked after the show went off and it wasn't up, which it usually is at that time because Canada gets it one hour sooner. I can't wait to see how he trashes this match.

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