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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Thoughts on the Iron Man Match

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
Angle v Cena will do WONDERS for Cena if it happens.

In which way? For entertainment or wrestling value? Cena really hasn't improved very much, and I don't think Kurt Angle needs to be carrying anyone right now. He needs to feud with Team Angle, Chris Benoit, or even Rhyno to recouperate from these nasty grandiouse style matches.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
Is Scott Keith's Smackdown rant up yet? I checked after the show went off and it wasn't up, which it usually is at that time because Canada gets it one hour sooner. I can't wait to see how he trashes this match.

Riiiight, he'll give it ****+.


Meltzer praised it, so Keith will.


I think there's a reason why his rant hasn't been posted yet, he's deliberating.

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That's what I hate about Meltzer...he shouldn't be going on fans opinions of the match and saying on his site that it's a "MOTYC" when it's not even close.


I was more into HHH/Flair on Raw then this match.

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Is Scott Keith's Smackdown rant up yet? I checked after the show went off and it wasn't up, which it usually is at that time because Canada gets it one hour sooner. I can't wait to see how he trashes this match.

Riiiight, he'll give it ****+.


Meltzer praised it, so Keith will.


I think there's a reason why his rant hasn't been posted yet, he's deliberating.

SK is looking to give the match ****.


Hell give it the highest possible rating.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

I was more into Vince mcMahon v. Zach Gowen than this match, and I marked that at around *1/2 I think.

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Cena hasn't improved? John Cena pulled out a ***+ match against The Undertaker and has been having consistently good-to-great matches with the likes of UT, Benoit, and Guerrero since his very lackluster Backlash WWE Title Match with Brock Lesnar, which can be attributed to a cold Cena had the day of the event which is reasonable if true. Cena, in my eyes, has really stepped up his workrate game in the past few months. His great match with UT at Vengeance really opened my eyes.

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His longest reign was a WHOPPING 4 1/2 months. Sure, he doesn't need a long reign this late in his career, but it would be a nice going away thing in case he leaves after WM XX (which he won't)

"Going away present" is a good reason to give the belt to Taker? I think the fact that he gets to basically squash people at will (Angle, Brock, Cena, Show, A-Train, FBI) is enough.

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Guest Retro Rob
He needs to feud with Team Angle, Chris Benoit, or even Rhyno to recouperate from these nasty grandiouse style matches.


Well, Shelton is out for several weeks since he needs his knee scoped. Sadly Benoit probably has unfinished business with A-Train. Cena is hot right now (with the crowd) and better they capitalize on that than push someone that the crowd really couldn't care less about like Rhyno.


Meltzer praised it, so Keith will.


To be fair, Meltzer praised it without even seeing the match. He was going on what others said. Unless he has commented on the match again after seeing it, which I would be unaware of.

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Cena hasn't improved? John Cena pulled out a ***+ match against The Undertaker and has been having consistently good-to-great matches with the likes of UT, Benoit, and Guerrero since his very lackluster Backlash WWE Title Match with Brock Lesnar, which can be attributed to a cold Cena had the day of the event which is reasonable if true. Cena, in my eyes, has really stepped up his workrate game in the past few months. His great match with UT at Vengeance really opened my eyes.

I like Cena, but think about what you're saying. He had great matches against arguably the 2 best workers in WWE, and even Taker has stepped up his game in the past few months, so that match could just as easily be attributed to him carrying Cena. I'm not saying that he hasn't improved, but I think you could use better examples.

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Guest Retro Rob

Why does everyone think SK will love the match? It's not like he called the SummerSlam match a MOTYC.

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Guest wrestlingbs

***3/4. Not as good as WM, but better than SS. Anybody who calls this ** or **1/2 are exaggerating just as much as those who call this a ***** match. Sure, it had a lot less mat wrestling and too much stalling at the beginning, but consider this: it was a TV match, which means too much mat wrestling could have lost the audience, and Brock was injured, so I think they had to stall for time. All in all, I'm impressed that we got it on free tv.


Oh, and while Taker could have had and maybe should have had more title reigns earlier in his career, no way now. Quite frankly he's too slow and too "methodical" for the multiple fast-paced matches of today, and while the guy gets good crowd heat he's not so entertaining on tv.

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Cena hasn't improved? John Cena pulled out a ***+ match against The Undertaker and has been having consistently good-to-great matches with the likes of UT, Benoit, and Guerrero since his very lackluster Backlash WWE Title Match with Brock Lesnar, which can be attributed to a cold Cena had the day of the event which is reasonable if true. Cena, in my eyes, has really stepped up his workrate game in the past few months. His great match with UT at Vengeance really opened my eyes.

I like Cena, but think about what you're saying. He had great matches against arguably the 2 best workers in WWE, and even Taker has stepped up his game in the past few months, so that match could just as easily be attributed to him carrying Cena. I'm not saying that he hasn't improved, but I think you could use better examples.

It takes two to tango. By that logic, A-Train should be having **** matches with these guys.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
***3/4. Not as good as WM, but better than SS. Anybody who calls this ** or **1/2 are exaggerating just as much as those who call this a ***** match. Sure, it had a lot less mat wrestling and too much stalling at the beginning, but consider this: it was a TV match, which means too much mat wrestling could have lost the audience, and Brock was injured, so I think they had to stall for time. All in all, I'm impressed that we got it on free tv.


Oh, and while Taker could have had and maybe should have had more title reigns earlier in his career, no way now. Quite frankly he's too slow and too "methodical" for the multiple fast-paced matches of today, and while the guy gets good crowd heat he's not so entertaining on tv.

This match wasn't exactly Blitzkrieg vs. Juvi.


They want a methodical wrestling style in the WWE now.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu
S_D you are under arrest for rating the match under *** :P

I sentence you to kiss my ass!!



J/K. Simpsons line. Marge had road rage and the video she saw had the judge driving by say that.

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S_D you are under arrest for rating the match under *** :P

Lock me up then, big boy. Oh man, wait, that sounds wrong...

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Cena hasn't improved? John Cena pulled out a ***+ match against The Undertaker and has been having consistently good-to-great matches with the likes of UT, Benoit, and Guerrero since his very lackluster Backlash WWE Title Match with Brock Lesnar, which can be attributed to a cold Cena had the day of the event which is reasonable if true. Cena, in my eyes, has really stepped up his workrate game in the past few months. His great match with UT at Vengeance really opened my eyes.

Taker was the one who pulled a *** match out of Cena. Not the other way around. And Cena + Lesnar is terrible, doesn't matter if Cena has a cold. I want to see Cena pushed, but there is no justification for a push based on workrate.


As for this match I would put it ***. I didn't go in with high expectations (I thought WM was overrated), and the match didn't do anything to bring me in and change my mind. Having taped it, hoping for more, I am certainly not going to ever watch it again. They should have saved the third installment of this feud for a year or so, until Lesnar got some experience. This just seemed so paint by numbers.

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Cena hasn't improved? John Cena pulled out a ***+ match against The Undertaker and has been having consistently good-to-great matches with the likes of UT, Benoit, and Guerrero since his very lackluster Backlash WWE Title Match with Brock Lesnar, which can be attributed to a cold Cena had the day of the event which is reasonable if true. Cena, in my eyes, has really stepped up his workrate game in the past few months. His great match with UT at Vengeance really opened my eyes.

Taker was the one who pulled a *** match out of Cena. Not the other way around. And Cena + Lesnar is terrible, doesn't matter if Cena has a cold. I want to see Cena pushed, but there is no justification for a push based on workrate.


As for this match I would put it ***. I didn't go in with high expectations (I thought WM was overrated), and the match didn't do anything to bring me in and change my mind. Having taped it, hoping for more, I am certainly not going to ever watch it again. They should have saved the third installment of this feud for a year or so, until Lesnar got some experience. This just seemed so paint by numbers.

Where was the **** match UT pulled out of A-Train if he had this mystical power?

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Cena hasn't improved? John Cena pulled out a ***+ match against The Undertaker and has been having consistently good-to-great matches with the likes of UT, Benoit, and Guerrero since his very lackluster Backlash WWE Title Match with Brock Lesnar, which can be attributed to a cold Cena had the day of the event which is reasonable if true. Cena, in my eyes, has really stepped up his workrate game in the past few months. His great match with UT at Vengeance really opened my eyes.

Taker was the one who pulled a *** match out of Cena. Not the other way around. And Cena + Lesnar is terrible, doesn't matter if Cena has a cold. I want to see Cena pushed, but there is no justification for a push based on workrate.


As for this match I would put it ***. I didn't go in with high expectations (I thought WM was overrated), and the match didn't do anything to bring me in and change my mind. Having taped it, hoping for more, I am certainly not going to ever watch it again. They should have saved the third installment of this feud for a year or so, until Lesnar got some experience. This just seemed so paint by numbers.

Where was the **** match UT pulled out of A-Train if he had this mystical power?

Hey, I haven't seen Brock, Angle, Benoit, or Edge pull out a classic with A-Train so you should bring down Taker because of his shit match at Summerslam.


A-Train sucks.

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Cena hasn't improved? John Cena pulled out a ***+ match against The Undertaker and has been having consistently good-to-great matches with the likes of UT, Benoit, and Guerrero since his very lackluster Backlash WWE Title Match with Brock Lesnar, which can be attributed to a cold Cena had the day of the event which is reasonable if true. Cena, in my eyes, has really stepped up his workrate game in the past few months. His great match with UT at Vengeance really opened my eyes.

I like Cena, but think about what you're saying. He had great matches against arguably the 2 best workers in WWE, and even Taker has stepped up his game in the past few months, so that match could just as easily be attributed to him carrying Cena. I'm not saying that he hasn't improved, but I think you could use better examples.

It takes two to tango. By that logic, A-Train should be having **** matches with these guys.

It seemed as if you were crediting the Taker match solely to Cena, as if he carried Taker to such a good match. I apologize if I misunderstood you.


Also, while I agree that it does "take two to tango", I will say that Cena hasn't shown much outside of the matches against the guys, two of whom again are notorious for making their opponents look good. Again, I like Cena and I don't mean this as a knock to him, but I'd wait until he starts putting out good performances on a regular basis against guys who aren't Benoit and Eddie before I start calling him a great worker.


And for the record, I liked Benoit's matches with A-Train.

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I have yet to see the Iron Man Match but after watching the first two Angle/Brock matches, I have this feeling that just like Austin/Jericho and HHH/Angle these two wrestlers just don't have that chemistry that would makes their matches seem extra special.

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