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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Thoughts on the Iron Man Match

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Cena hasn't improved? John Cena pulled out a ***+ match against The Undertaker and has been having consistently good-to-great matches with the likes of UT, Benoit, and Guerrero since his very lackluster Backlash WWE Title Match with Brock Lesnar, which can be attributed to a cold Cena had the day of the event which is reasonable if true. Cena, in my eyes, has really stepped up his workrate game in the past few months. His great match with UT at Vengeance really opened my eyes.

Taker was the one who pulled a *** match out of Cena. Not the other way around. And Cena + Lesnar is terrible, doesn't matter if Cena has a cold. I want to see Cena pushed, but there is no justification for a push based on workrate.


As for this match I would put it ***. I didn't go in with high expectations (I thought WM was overrated), and the match didn't do anything to bring me in and change my mind. Having taped it, hoping for more, I am certainly not going to ever watch it again. They should have saved the third installment of this feud for a year or so, until Lesnar got some experience. This just seemed so paint by numbers.

Where was the **** match UT pulled out of A-Train if he had this mystical power?

What mystical power? UT has had his working boots on lately. Six months ago a Cena/UT match going *** would have been a miracle, but over the last couple of months UT has been good. I hate saying that because I am tired of him, but it is undeniable.

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Disappointing--no real mat wrestling, too much brawling. I didn't mind the stalling and the storytelling, but once we got into the actual wrestling...


SUPLEX! SUPLEX! SUPLEX!! Jeezus, it was like they came down with Steiner Syndrome circa Rumble '03.


Good match, but not great. I thought Brock's leg selling was pretty consistent--especially for a monster like him. Yet the guys' offense were too limited. I can't help but groan when they resort to suplex-fests and continue to devalue the move.

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But that was when A-Train was IC champ, so he had a right to bust his fat ass...and Kane had a few good matches in 2001 too.


I bet you can't think of any more matches other then the forgettable Kane one that was decent with A-Train, minus the 5 minute matches with Benoit on SD.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

After nearly a year of hearing about how A-Train has "interesting offense", "a good power moveset" and how he is an "above average brawler", I'm still awaiting his above average match. Well, against someone who's name isn't Benoit. His PPV match with Taker was his chance.


Oh, and his match with Kane was more than two years ago. Its shelf life has died out.

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The Iron Man match is not MOTY quality, but there haven't been many MOTYC out of the WWE this year so far, so it might be at least top ten, if not top five (factoring in other North American promotions). It was a very good television match, but it had glaring faults, which I mentioned in the SD thread.


As for Cena, he has improved his game some, and is grasping the aspects of psychology. He hasn't become anything great in the ring, but he's getting more above average each week. He hasn't had a horrendous match with anyone (except for the Backlash ME fiasco). Working with Benoit, Undertaker, and Eddy is definitely helping Cena, and within the next year he will become something special, imho.

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Guest wildpegasus

Quote HartFan86

Hey, I haven't seen Brock, Angle, Benoit, or Edge pull out a classic with A-Train so you should bring down Taker because of his shit match at Summerslam.


Quote HartFan86

A-Train sucks


WP- A-Train doesn't suck. Watch the 1st round match in the number 1 contender tournament between Benoit and A-Train. Than try saying with a straight face, "A-Train sucks".

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Then, he taps to his anklelock 2 minutes later. Again, Chris Benoit used to put the ankle lock on Angle 20 minutes into their match-ups but Angle has never given up.


I just wanted to point out that tapping to moves like an anklelock, even early into a Iron Man match, is good psychology.


Think about it - Angle wouldn't tap when Benoit did it, because if he had, he would've lost, period.


But when Brock did it, Angle would've been thinking - "I can sit here, let him ruin my ankle and thus be fucked for the rest of this match, or I can give him a fall, then still have a good ankle to finish the match."


I think it's damned good psychology, myself.


I didn't see the whole match though - I fell asleep.

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And I remember someone saying BESIDES WITH BENOIT.

Yeah, one decent match with Kane back in 2001 that no one remembers. And wasn't that the match Albert won the IC title?




No wonder it was good!

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Guest Retro Rob
I would just like to tell you guys that Wade Keller gave the match *****

That man is on crack.

Whatever credibility he had left (very little) has now gone out the window.

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the match felt just like summerslam. Blah. No special moves really besides Angle's few. Brock didn't attempt a triple powerbomb, spiral bomb, bear hug, chain backbreakers, anything. He just stalled, used weapons and his TV moveset. Severely disappointing. *** Flat from me. No chain wrestling, no crazy spots, announcing was run of the mill, crowd sucked, and this felt like a TV match. Too bad.

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Guest Retro Rob

When did Wade add that picture of himself to his columns? He is better looking than SK and the 1bob crew, but is that honestly a compliment?

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Guest wildpegasus

Quotes Hartfan 86


*seen the match*


A-Train sucks. Just because Benoit got a few decent matches out of him doesn't make him great.


And to think people call him the Vader of 2003.




WP- No, A-Train's not Vader but on the other side of the coin he doesn't suck either. He's good. And as for the Benoit matches, A-Train definitely held up his own end in these. A-Train's also had good matches with the Undertaker on Smackdown and Brock Lesnar as well. I also enjoyed his matches with Mysterio , Edge, and Funaki on Velocity. (from what I remember of it)

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I almost had a heart attack there, but it's only the 411 usual recap that's up and not the SK one.


Sounds as if the recapper was delighted with the match.


'Wow. Can’t say that I was disappointed. If for no other reason then the fact that Vince decided to let the ATHELETES get the match over instead of him. What a novel concept. I hope the ratings back it up. And we’re out.'


Cant say he was disappointed ? Christ.


Makes me wonder about the SK rating

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Guest Retro Rob

Generic 411 Recap Guy:


Wow. Can’t say that I was disappointed. If for no other reason then the fact that Vince decided to let the ATHELETES get the match over instead of him. What a novel concept. I hope the ratings back it up. And we’re out.

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