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Guest Bobby Cox is God

Are all e-feds like this?

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Guest Bobby Cox is God

I dunno where to post this, but if this is the wrong place then move it.


I have been thinking about joining an e-fed lately, and I came across this on my search of the 'net. Is this what they are all like, because this seems really bad.



In just a few short hours the XWF will lanch there first ever Christmas Carnage! It will be an exciting Pay-Per-View that features not one,not two but THREE EXCITING MAIN EVENTS over the course of the next hour on this Show Im going to go over THE HISTORY OF ALL 12 MATCHS AT CHIRSTMAS CARANAGE! But also Im going to tell you briefley that there was a new Womans Champion crowned in a torunament yesturday and that new Champion is Stephanie McMahon Helmsey WELL WHY WASTE TIME? LETS GET TO THE REPORT


Stephanie McMahon-Helmsey vs. Dr.Deaths Girlfriend Chirstie

At the tournament last night when Chirstie was facing Terri Runnels in the second round Stephanie must of seen her as threat when she pummled her with a chair and dragged Terri on her for the win. After this match Stephanie ran her mouth about how great of a superstar she was and how she was the new womans champion when Dr.Death and Chirstie emereged from the curtains and Chirsitie challanged Stephanie TO A CATFIGHT AT CHIRSTMAS CARNAGE! Chirstie told Dr.Death everything would be ok and he left then as he was leaving Stephanie creamed her with the belt and said that she would gladly step in the ring with the little Georgia WHORE! After this Ross told the little Connicut "WHORE" that not only would it be a catfight but that HE AND DR.DEATH WOULD BE THE SPECAIL GEUST REFREES!!!!!!! What a match this is gonna be and as my goodfriend Jerry Lawler would say "PUPPIES"!!!!

My Prediction:Chirstie

Main Event #2 Stone Cold,Terry Funk, and The Rock vs. Shane McMahon,Vince McMahon, and the Big Bossman in a six-man Street Fight!

Stipulations:If The Corporate Team wins Austin has to join them

If the Hellraisers win Austin gets to beat the hell out of McMahon for 10 minutes with no inturuption!

Last night an unknown source reinstated Stone Cold and this match was made. For history well hell I couldnt list all the history there is. In the XWF one night Austin was going against Triple H for the XWF Title and a car hit him! Later that night the driver was revealed to be none-other than VInce McMahon, he thought he had gotten rid of him. But two weeks later he and Ross had planted a trap Ross had come out saying Austin would never be able to wrestle again and McMahon came out bragging but out came STONE COLD and he look at Vince and then stunnered him. Then at No Limits in his Match for the XWF Title aganist HHH with the Cat as the special guest refree it looked as if the match Stone Cold had won the Title. But then at the two count the Cat got up flicked him off and then reveled a VINCE MCMAHON SHIRT!!!! Austin has been screwed again and again but McMahon will shut up if the Rattlesnake gets 10 minutes of opening Whoop Ass on McMahon but if Austin loses he might be a Tux for life.

My Prediction:The Hellraisers


Main Event 3: Dr.Death Sr.© vs. Dr. Death (XWF TITLE TABLE MATCH)

WOW! Dr. Death Jr. has handed us some damn good matchs and hell so had Dr.Death senior but they are carrrieng this WAY TOO FAR! Dr.Death should really be dead after all hes gone through being run over by an 18 wheeler,Hardcore matchs that only Mick Foley and Terry Funk could take, and matchs with his brother that people have almost seued us for these men are GREAT! AND ON SUNDAY THESE TWO WILL TAKE US TO A UNKNOWN REALM TO EVERYONE EXCEPT MICK AND TERRY!. This match will be one of the best if not the best of the night!

Prediction:Dr.Death SR.


Cole:Austin tonight you have your first offical match back with the XWF and its a big match with the Corporate team do you have anything to say?

Austin:First off you sorry piece of trash I wish that someone else was standin here so I wouldnt have to smell your stikin ass breath. Now second off tonight Im gonna open up the biggest can of Whoop-ASS ON MCMAHON then I get ten minutes to whoop the sorry sumbitchs ass! And thats all i gotta say about that.

Cole:Its near the end of the year and you are winning in the most popular wrestler vote and VInce is winnin in the Heel of The year what do you think?

Austin:Well I think you are a sorry sumbitch::Stunners COle:: Second off I dont know about Heel of the year but Jackass of the year sounds pretty good to me.::After Austin says this a man hits him in the head with a crowbar and then gives him the rockbottom as the XWF goes off the air........

©XWF 2000 All rights reserved

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God, no.


Like everything else on the internet, e-feds run the gamut from the craptacular to the amazing. I'm biased, of course, but there are some really bad e-feds and some really good ones.


Hint: The best ones are the ones that DON'T use real wrestlers. :)


Oh, and...


*cough cough cough* V V V V

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See, if you had posted this about 14 months ago, I could've hooked you up with my NFWA, which anyone who's seen it could tell you was light years ahead of that. I mean...we had great storylines, great handwritten results, great RPers, a strategy system, superstar merchandise...well...sorta, I closed it before we I got around to getting the shirts and stuff printed up, but still, we were getting there. That fed was GREAT man, and I guarantee you that you would LOOOOOVE the NFWA if you'd joined...but you're about 14 months too late, so sorry.


Now go away, ya bother me.

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I like Papacita pimping a league that went out of business a year ago. That dedication. I have to second all the other people here. The SWF is exactly the opposite of what you have above and would be what you want if match writing is your thing. Check us out at the bottom of the page or pm anyone involved, like myself, for more info. We are always looking for new members and willing to work with new people to get them involved in a way that works best for them.

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Like was said above. The best e-feds are the ones that DON'T use real wrestlers.


Make your own characters and storylines. And don't bother with the role playing ones. Go with the ones that you actually write your promos, matches, vignettes, etc. out like a story and someone organizes it into a show.


Like the OAOAST and SWF.


The differences are basically OAOAST is more laid back and you have a little more room to do wilder storylines and stuff.


SWF is more for the people who are very organized and like to write very detailed stuff.


OAOAST would fit you if you're not the best writer, but you have very original and big ideas that could make up for some writing flaws.

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And don't bother with the role playing ones.


Couldn't agree more. Half the time the RPs have nothing whatsoever to do with wrestling.

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I wouldn't say don't bother with RP feds, because there are a lot of good ones out there that are interactive (while most don't allow you to write your own matches, some allow you to send in match strategy, and damn near all I've been involved in allow you to controll your own angles and submit your own promos among other stuff) and a lot of fun once you get into them. Nothing against the SWF, but personally, I prefer the RP/Strat-based style above anything else...though I'll admit that RP feds are a dime a dozen, and good ones are somewhat hard to come by. I dunno. Check out the SWF, but don't be totally soured on RP feds either.

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I think I need to correct something I said above. When I was talking about OAOAST I didn't mean to make it sound like those who write in the oaoast aren't good writers. I was just saying it's more suited to help out those who aren't the best writers.


But we have some damn good writers.

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I agree with Papacita. Roleplay/strat feds aren't that bad. I am in one myself. It's fun and has its good points. Of coure, it has its bad points like an overly "cliquish" and "elitist" attitude, or the occasional person getting pushed who is getting pushed WAY before he's ready for it. Still, it has its charms, and has been fun for awhile.


As for the fed in the first post, I have seen WAY worse than that. I have seen feds where Trish Stratus type wrestlers are beating males and winning the World title. That's just terrible.


Oddly enough, I am always tempted to join the SWF, but I am lazy and never got around to it.

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It's not like your stuff would never get "used" in the SWF. If your match does not win, you are still encouraged to post it in a thread for matches that do not win and people will still read and comment on it. Also, all promos and other writing of yours automatically gets on the boards or into the show, you just have to send it in. Also, if you want specific things in the match at hand all you have to do is request them and the other writer should put them in. The SWF is all about working together to produce the best shows and matches. All of your ideas will get used in one form or another.

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Well, my last match was a 6000-word-limit affair. I sent it in at 5600 and change, and that ended up about 14 pages, with copious spacing around near-falls. Matches for absolute newbies run half of that, and midcard matches in both the JL and WF have upper limits of between 4000 and 5000 words... so, you'll start in the 7-page range and work your way up.

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I'd say yes but I just got into booking for a fed, and RPing for the same one. I've been with them for a while so my attention is pretty much focused on that one.


Thanks for the offer though and I'll plug your fed to my members.

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"Oy vey. Weekly? That'd burn me out...badly."


Well, our schedule amounts to three shows in a two week span. There are 4-5 days to write for each booking, which really doesn't amount to a whole lot if you pace yourself. You can also pick and choose your bookings, requesting days off and breaks if need be, so being booked for every single show isn't mandatory and you won't burn yourself out that quickly.


"Despite what anyone from SWF/SJL will end up saying about it, it's a quality e-fed and it's just now starting to really pick up steam."



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Hey Nevermortal, if you want an e-fed but want to work less, check out the BWF. Despite what anyone from SWF/SJL will end up saying about it, it's a quality e-fed and it's just now starting to really pick up steam. We can always use another member, bro.



Side note, I just saw that fed on a top list a few weeks back. I was wondering if that was you.

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Oy vey. Weekly? That'd burn me out...badly.

Try the OAOAST. There are no limits on how long your matches need to be. You can write short or long ones and you know for a fact that your match will make the show. We also have a roster split so you'd only have to do one show per week and some weeks you can just do a promo or backstage segment. You don't have to do a match every week.

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Oy vey. Weekly? That'd burn me out...badly.

Try the OAOAST. There are no limits on how long your matches need to be. You can write short or long ones and you know for a fact that your match will make the show. We also have a roster split so you'd only have to do one show per week and some weeks you can just do a promo or backstage segment. You don't have to do a match every week.

How do you determine who wins or loses in OAOAST? I've checked it out a few times but never fully understood the rules.

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You just talk with whomever you're feuding with and the two of you decide on your own based on what makes sense. The only time you would need outside help on deciding winners is if it contradicted with a big storyline, but that doesn't happen often.


As far as pushes and stuff usually it's whatever is the most logical thing to do next based on storylines. If you're not active you won't get a push. If you're active more than likely you'll end up getting somewhere.


The mods are just uneasy about giving titles to someone who's never around. Not that they're the ones who dictate who gets what title, but they will step in and say something if it goes to someone who's not around.

Edited by LaParkaYourCar

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