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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

Question about each brand...

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

Do you think WWE makes a conscious effort to make sure their world champs 'balance' each other - one side has a heel champ and the other a face champ?


It may be a conincidence but take this year from Mania (around the time we started having split PPV's). We've had HHH the heel champ for RAW for all this period. On SmackDown!, we've had Brock as a face over to Angle as a face through to mid-September. Now Brock the heel is champ and HHH will inevitably lose his title to face Goldberg. They have basically balanced each other out to ensure 1 face champ and 1 heel champ.


Is this a deliberate act? Does hosue show business do better with heel or face champs? What about PPV buyrates - the thrill of the babayface chase pops a buyrate or not?


What do you think?

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Not sure about house show business. I would guess that face champs would draw better. I really wouldn't like if they deliberatly (sp?) had one of each because that takes away from the whole "two seperate brands" thing in that it is made obvious that both are controlled by one.

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Guest Choken One

Heels I always thought drew better with the "CHASE" appeal...


HTM drew HUGE shows on the "B" circuit during his title run just on the premise he might get what he deserved..


Shows how much a heel can draw when he outdrew the " A" show on many occasions...

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Well in the past a hated heel would always be a major draw(i.e. The original Sheick or Freddy Blassie even Honky Tonk Man). The way things are set up now with nothing trully happening at house shows anymore a popular face is needed to get fans into the seats.

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Guest Choken One

True...But I don't know if you can tag the house shows to HHH being the cause of good draws when I saw XPac Vs Kane draw sell outs...

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As has been said many times by many people "no one is drawing now". The fact is only the fastly fading name of WWE(F) is bringing people in any more. There are a few exceptions like Eddy and Rey in highly hispanic areas and any of the canadian heros in Canada but no person can be called a draw or anti-draw anymore.

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