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Usual overbooked crap? Vince McMahon beat Zach Gowen cleanly at Vengeance and Stephanie McMahon lost to Sable after A-Train interfered. That doesn't sound too overbooked to me. And if both Stephanie and Vince are like they were at Vengeance, we could have a good story told within the match.

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Guest nikowwf
And if both Stephanie and Vince are like they were at Vengeance, we could have a good story told within the match.

The only story in that match is that the McMahon's egos are running even MORE amok than usual. Vince vs. Steph is retarded - why would he fight his daughter? its so asinine.


So let me get this straight....

Brock vs. Taker

Eddie vs. Big Show

Benoit vs. A-Train

Angle vs. Cena


and i am supposed to pay for this....why?



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Guest wildpegasus

Comment on PWBTS.com:

Vince better hope they've changed the Maryland State Athletic Commission regulations preventing male-on-female matches that once existed, given that No Mercy is in Baltimore.


WP-Does anyone know anything about this? I'd laugh if they actually stopped Vince from having his disguised incest fun. Didn't WCW once run into problems before with Disco Inferno and Jacqueline?

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WP-Does anyone know anything about this? I'd laugh if they actually stopped Vince from having his disguised incest fun. Didn't WCW once run into problems before with Disco Inferno and Jacqueline?

- Disco Inferno v. Jacqueline. I was pretty pissed off about the match back in 1997, but with all the crap that has gone on in wrestling since then, I've mellowed to it. The match is still a horrible abomination, and Jackie isn't just a bad female wrestler, she's a bad wrestler period. But now I can just view it as the crappy match it is, rather than a personal offense. Jackie gets the pin off a cradle at 9:39, 9:00 of which was stalling. DUD


(From Scott Keith's Halloween Havoc 1997 rant, HH97 was in Las Vegas, NV)


I believe the problem was at Great American Bash 1991 (the Flair protest show) in Baltimore with Paul Dangerously and Missy Hyatt, but I will check that out.



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- Paul E. Dangerously & Arn Anderson v. Missy Hyatt & Rick Steiner. Speaking of sad, pathetic jokes, we've got about 3 minutes of airtime left at this point and another cage match to go. Everyone comes out and the Hardliners kidnap Missy Hyatt, thus depriving the fans of seeing her beat up Paul E., which was the whole point of having this crappy mixed match to begin with. Anderson and Steiner half-ass it for a minute or so, and then Paul E. foolishly tags in, gets clotheslined by Rick, and pinned. And that's it. End of show.


(Great American Bash 1991, Baltimore, MD, Keith's rant)


They switched the planned singles match (I believe it was, but someone correct me if I'm wrong, the memory's shady at the moment) to this tag match so Hyatt could be taken away so it wouldn't violate man v. woman laws.



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Guest Goodear
So let me get this straight....

Brock vs. Taker

Eddie vs. Big Show

Benoit vs. A-Train

Angle vs. Cena


and i am supposed to pay for this....why?



Brock vs. Taker does not feature the Undertaker of even three months ago as Calloway has been putting on his best matches in years against both Angle and The Big Show. Working in the MMA attacks of Taker with the 'You Tapped Out' angle as well as the good signs we got from the three way with Brock/Taker/Show and there are several storylines that should play out well in the more wrestling conscious SmackDown programs.


Eddie vs. Big Show finally starts to elevate Eddie up the card to main event as he faces a guy that has been hovering around the World title for what six months now? After beating Cena in their feud, the next step up the SmackDown ladder reaches Show. This will prove just how well Eddie can work with the larger massed main eventers that he will have to face at the top of the card. While at the same time, Show has been revitalized for months now and anyone who ignores it hasn't been paying attention.


Benoit vs. A-Train two guys having a feud have a blow off on Pay Per View which is where you do that sort of thing last time I checked. What do you want? Eddie, Benoit, and Angle to all win the World Title at the same time? The two have chemistry and will benefit from having a longer time limit to work with simple as that.


Angle vs Cena is basically moving Angle away from Brock for a while since it seems liek they've been a two man show for months now. So with Brock holding the belt, you move Angle to the second most over heel in the brand and that would be Cena. The match won't be great but the build up should be fun.


Tah dah.

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Benoit vs. Albert - I really enjoyed their previous matches cause Benoit takes Alberts offense like a man. The bad thing is Benoit takes it like a man with a deathwish - which is fine for 4 minutes, but 10? They will need a stretcher.


Vince vs. Steph - Fuck. HHH is so showing up to save Steph and then square off against Brock at Survivor Series. Fuck. Well, get ready for 7 segments per show of this bullshit leading up to a 5 minute match that won't draw a fly.


Taker vs. Brock - It's funny, Taker gets better matches out of Brock and Angle than they do each other. I look forward to this if Brock works the Undershooter style, but I doubt it would be as good as Angles.


Eddie - They could work an angle where Chavo keeps booking him and Eddie in matches and having him do double duty every night to wear him down so Chavo can get a title match and try to win the title.


Big Show vs. Eddie - Eugh. Big Show works best with other hosses in my view. They're using the typical face heat generating way for Eddie where they put him as the underdog (who hopefully cheats his way out). It's a pretty good transition feud from mid-card to the main event, but I don't think it could get the job done as well as say a feud with Angle.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

So who is in the US Title hunt? Big Show, Haas, Hardy? Seemed like they all took a shot at Eddie. They can't possibly make Eddie pull double duty at the PPV can they?

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So who is in the US Title hunt? Big Show, Haas, Hardy? Seemed like they all took a shot at Eddie. They can't possibly make Eddie pull double duty at the PPV can they?

They could, but I'm thinking that Eddie/Chavo will lose the tag belts before then. Bashams maybe?

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ok which part of this thread actually have the full spoilers?

Here you go


Credit: Mike Johnson & 1wrestling.com


- A red carpet was put down in the ring for the WWE Championship presentation to Brock Lesnar. Vince McMahon and Sable came out to the ring, but Kurt Angle's music hit, and Angle came out. Vince said he expected Angle to come out and bitch about his loss, and told Angle that he was going to have to work his way back up the ladder if he wants a title shot. Angle said he was there to "kick Brock's ass" and said either Brock could come to the ring, or he could go to the back and find him. John Cena came out instead, and cut a rap on Angle for losing the title, and told Angle that he "sucks". Angle beat up Cena, tossing him from the ring, and Cena retreated. Since Brock would not come to the ring, Angle went to the back to look for him. Angle broke into Brock's dressing room, but Brock was not there, so Angle trashed the room. As Angle was leaving the room, Cena attacked Angle and ran off. When Angle got up, he went off in pursuit of Cena.


- John Cena ran from the building, got in a car and left. Kurt Angle ran out, saw him driving off, and commandeered Vince McMahon's limo to follow him.


- Los Guerreros defeated Matt Hardy & Shannon Moore to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship when Eddie pinned Moore with a frog splash. After the match, as Chavo was leaving, Matt Hardy gave Eddie the Twist Of Fate onto one of the tag title belts. Chavo ran back in to make the save, but Charlie Haas came in from the crowd and knocked Chavo from the ring. Haas then put Eddie in the Haas Of Pain.


- It had been announced earlier that Eddie was going to have to defend the U.S. Title against Haas later tonight.


- A-Train came to the ring and got on the mic, ripping on the fans in Philadelphia and even getting in Tazz' face. He said he is tired of hearing how he can't beat Chris Benoit. A-Train ended up beating on the timekeeper before Benoit came out. The two brawled, and Benoit locked on the Crippler Crossface. A-Train broke the hold, standing up out of it, and tossed Benoit to the floor. A-Train then cracked Benoit with a chair, leaving him laying.


- Backstage, Eddie Guerrero was in pain from the Charlie Haas attack. The trainer said perhaps he shouldn't wrestle tonight, but Eddie told the trainer not to tell him what to do. Eddie walked off, determined to wrestle, with Chavo supporting him.


- Backstage, Vince McMahon told a production assistant that they would be having the WWE Title presentation to Brock Lesnar tonight.


- Josh Matthews interviewed Charlie Haas. Haas said that he took out Eddie Guerrero tonight just like the Guerreros took out his partner Shelton Benjamin last week. He vowed to take the Unites States Title tonight, the same way the Guerreros took his Tag Team Title last week.


- In a really good, and long, match, Yoshihiro Tajiri defeated Rey Mysterio to win the Cruiserweight Championship. Tajiri spewed red mist at Rey and delivered a kick to the head for the win.


- Jamie Noble & Bradshaw defeated The Basham Brothers by disqualification. Bradshaw hit the Clothesline From Hell on Doug and Shaniqua ran in and hit Bradshaw for the DQ. During the match, Shaniqua clotheslined Nidia on the floor.


- Charlie Haas vs. Eddie Guerrero for the U.S. Title is next.


- Footage of Rock at his Hollywood premiere for "The Rundown" was shown.


- It was announced that there would be an update on Zach Gowen next week.


- Big Show defeated Arch Kincaid & John Walters in a handicap match. Show then joined Tazz and Michael Cole to provide commentary.


- Vince McMahon was about to have some fun with Sable when Stephanie McMahon showed up in the office and reminded Vince that she won't quit her job as General Manager.


- Eddie Guerrero defeated Charlie Haas with a frog splash to retain the U.S. Title. Big Show attacked Guerrero before the match and tossed him into the ringpost back first. The story of the match was Haas working on Guerrero's back. Near the end, Haas tried to use the title belt, but the referee stopped him. There was a ref bump, and Haas charged at Guerrero, but Eddie had grabbed the belt and draped it over a corner. Guerrero sidestepped Haas, who collided with the belt in the corner. Eddie then delivered the splash for the pin.


- Smackdown ended with the title ceremony. Vince McMahon presented the belt to Brock Lesnar, who talked about how he is unstoppable. The Undertaker came in, and confronted Brock about their number one contender's match a few weeks ago (which Brock hit Taker with a chair). Undertaker revealed that at No Mercy, he will challenge Brock for the WWE Championship.


- Vince McMahon got in Undertaker's face, asking who made that match. Stephanie McMahon came out and revealed that she made the match. Vince threatened to wrestle Stephanie himself if she didn't change the match. Stephanie stood her ground, so Vince McMahon announced that he will wrestle his daughter in an "I Quit" match at No Mercy and force her to quit.


- The show ended with a brawl, and Undertaker chokeslamming Brock Lesnar.


- So, for No Mercy, we have:

* The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship.

* Stephanie McMahon vs. Vince McMahon in an "I Quit" match.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

when Eddy beats Show and Cole goes "What an upset!!!", I will cry bitter tears.

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Guest Anglesault



The Angle/Cena feud has started!


I'm just THRILLED!


So who gets fucked over worse? Angle, Cena, or will both of them get it?

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Guest Anglesault
Both. Angle is out of the title scene and Cena will most likely not win without any cheating. So it does nothing for him.

Absolute best case scenario has this being a grand 'ol waste of everyone's time, like Taker/Cena.


It will probably end up being closer to Angle/Edge, where one goes rocketing down the card.

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Guest Goodear

I'm generally confused by your feelings toward a Cena-Angle program. The Brock-Angle program has run its way into the ground now after months of being rivals, partners and then rivals again. So with that being said, why not program Angle with pehaps the most over heel in the brand? It's not like getting rapped at hurt Eddie so why should it hurt Kurt? (OH I'M DOING CENA'S WORK FOR HIM!)

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Guest Anglesault
So with that being said, why not program Angle with pehaps the most over heel in the brand?

GUARANTEE that this won't turn into a midcard comedy feud.


Mark my words, it will be Angle/Edge without the workrate. And do we really want that?

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Guest Goodear



No seiously, while I think Angle will probably end up doing something comedic during the feud (because he always does) I don't think it will be the focus of the feud. Cena has been showing a harder edge for a while now and only dips into comedy for his raps. I'm also thinking that Angle won't be getting pantsed or wearing "funny" T-shirts now that he's Captain Face again.

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Guest Anglesault
I'm also thinking that Angle won't be getting pantsed or wearing "funny" T-shirts now that he's Captain Face again.

No, he'l be playing stupid nerdy generic white-boy rapper. We saw the preview in the last Angle/Cena skit.

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Guest Goodear

That would be the cliche' face response to the rapping since Spanky, Angle, and Eddie have already done that.






I'll go tell Brian Hebner to warm up.

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So who gets fucked over worse? Angle, Cena, or will both of them get it?

Relax. Cena working with Angle, won, lose or draw, will do nothing but wonders for him.


Angle, he can go job 15 straight times to O'haire and Billy Gunn and people will still look at him as one of the top guys.

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Guest Anglesault
That would be the cliche' face response to the rapping since Spanky, Angle, and Eddie have already done that.






I'll go tell Brian Hebner to warm up.

Eddie wasn't dorky about it though. :P


Relax. Cena working with Angle, won, lose or draw, will do nothing but wonders for him.


Like the Taker feud that did nothing for him?



Angle, he can go job 15 straight times to O'haire and Billy Gunn and people will still look at him as one of the top guys.


Just beause someone can be booked poorly and eventually recover doesn't mean they should.


Angle is just coming off an Iron Man match where he looked like absolute shit. Granted, he was booked well enough beforehand that they don't have to go into total damage control. They just need to avoid compounding the problem.


An idiot comedy midcard feud with Cena is compounding the problem.

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Guest Coffey

Anglesault, are you more disappointed about Angle/Cena than Steph/Vince "I Quit?" Just curious.


I don't agree with either, but I just want to know where you stand.

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Guest Goodear

Wait let me guess the Anglesault McMahon level of LOOOOVE...


Linda (Shows Up, Leaves) > Vince (Around all the time, somewhat entertaining, beats up only wreslters with one leg) > Steph (Around all the time, doesn't beat up anyone, but not entertaining at all) > Shane (beats up the wreslters)

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Guest Anglesault
Wait let me guess the Anglesault McMahon level of LOOOOVE...


Linda (Shows Up, Leaves) > Vince (Around all the time, somewhat entertaining, beats up only wreslters with one leg) > Steph (Around all the time, doesn't beat up anyone, but not entertaining at all) > Shane (beats up the wreslters)



Anglesault, are you more disappointed about Angle/Cena than Steph/Vince "I Quit?" Just curious.


I don't agree with either, but I just want to know where you stand.


I don't agree with them taking up PPV space for McMahons, but at the very least they are staying away from wrestlers and into one match. Still an abomination.


Angle/Cena is just a stupid idea that can and probably will hurt all involved, but at least it's between two wrestlers.


I'm dissapointed in both, but would rather see the Angle/Cena match.


Pick your poison, though.

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