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One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

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I say NAY NAY~!

Good for you.


Have a cookie.



How great, you can't prove your point or discuss it so you become even more of a twat posting a picture.


Congrats, I hope you feel big.

Tell me about it. I was going to mention it..but I'm glad to see u knocked that one down.

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Hey Choken, what's the deal with the Teddy Ballgame post?

I have this theory that baseball was so great this year because Teddy Ballgame took over head writing duties of the BASEBALL GODS union...



and Notice that BoSox (his team), Yanks (rivals), Cubs (the other long suffering team) and Florida (He wanted to be buried in Florida and loved to vaction there)...


So naturally, they all go to the A/NLCS.


Kinda of a joke, not to be taken seriously

Did his buddy Stan the Man write the Cubs collapse? :huh:

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When the kid did it...it was ACTUAL fan interference as the ball would have been in play.


When this guy did it...it wasn't.


Blame one dude for allowing EIGHT RUNS..

I agree that it's wrong to blame the guy.


But the fact is, Cubs fans aren't going to forgive and forget. Ever.

because they are idiots, they will never admit it was the players fault...so they blame the god damn goat or this fan...

Besides, who knows what you'd do if you were that fan. How many seconds did that entire event last? I know it's wrong to get in the way, but the fact remains that he had every right to do what he did.


There were quite a few fans right next to him and all around him who were all trying to get that ball at the same time. Any one of us would more than likely try to do it also if we thoght the ball was out of play and that it was just a normal foul ball. He only had a second to decide, and he went for it just like everyone else around him.


I highly doubt he did anything on purpose.

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Guest Choken One
Meanwhile, I think Wakefield should be on the Cubs..u have a team of flame throwers pretty much..how about someone with a 67 mile an hour knuckle-ball?


Or fuck, make a trade for Al Leiter..got someone to replace Shawn Estes.


I'm already waiting til next year.

He needs to just give up the pitching and become a STUD in the booth.

Heh, I know. I remember for the first few minutes of Game 1 he was all "eh" and stuff, but he's been the only good thing in the booth. Dontcha love how he doesn't give verbal lap dances to Cabrera all night? Of course, he seemed to really dig Beckett..but he knows pitchers.

and he was simply going


"This kid has incredible stuff, a real control of the game" and stuff like that


while Thom was going


"Look at Cabaera, He's a stud I tell you, he can do it all, A real player ya know what I mean, God, This kid is really something. I think he is going to be HUGE, Really it's amazing what he can do"


*All this as he pops out to center*

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Guest BobbyWhioux
Hey Choken, what's the deal with the Teddy Ballgame post?

I have this theory that baseball was so great this year because Teddy Ballgame took over head writing duties of the BASEBALL GODS union...



and Notice that BoSox (his team), Yanks (rivals), Cubs (the other long suffering team) and Florida (He wanted to be buried in Florida and loved to vaction there)...


So naturally, they all go to the A/NLCS.


Kinda of a joke, not to be taken seriously

Did his buddy Stan the Man write the Cubs collapse? :huh:

Probably not.


Stan Musial's still alive.


Isn't he?

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Guest Choken One
Hey Choken, what's the deal with the Teddy Ballgame post?

I have this theory that baseball was so great this year because Teddy Ballgame took over head writing duties of the BASEBALL GODS union...



and Notice that BoSox (his team), Yanks (rivals), Cubs (the other long suffering team) and Florida (He wanted to be buried in Florida and loved to vaction there)...


So naturally, they all go to the A/NLCS.


Kinda of a joke, not to be taken seriously

Did his buddy Stan the Man write the Cubs collapse? :huh:

stan isn't dead...He can't book for the Baseball gods just yet

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Anyone notice we're slowly getting up to that 100 mark? Of course if you have ur pages set on 40 per, then nm..


I've got a feeling that Indians are going to be back next year, actually.

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I'm calling it right now, the Yanks take the game tomorrow and go on to beat the Marlins. I don't know why, but honestly, if it's the Marlins and Yanks, I'm all for the Yanks. There's just something I don't like about this team and it's probably what everyone's been discussing for the last couple of pages. I don't like their "fans," their management, and as talented as their team is, when put up against the Cubs like that, I just grew to dislike a lot of them.


I can't see them keeping Pudge next year. I know he "wants to stay there," but with how he's played this season, he'll be commanding big bucks and I wouldn't be surprised to see that they're not willing to pay it.


I'm still in shock, to be honest. Whereas I'd usually be stark-raving mad, these last two nights I've just been stunned, too much in shock to even break anything.


As for the fan, his life will forever be changed. No, he wasn't the reason they gave up eight runs, but that incident triggered the rest of the actions of that odd 8th inning and whether it's his fault or not, this is something I doubt he ever gets over. If he actually isn't killed, I could see him killing himself over it. And no, I'm not trying to be funny, but that's the sad truth.

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The one and only positive is that we have a good chance of seeing Mike Wilbon go legitimately fucking nuts on PTI tomorrow.

He might, and I didn't see the show today, but I heard him on Kornheiser's radio show, he already said it was over, almost sounding like trying to give it the reverse jinx feel.


Oh well, didn't work.


And I don't mean to start any trouble, and if I'm wrong I apologize in advance, but Mik, were you busy with schoolwork when the Cubs were up 3-1?

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Guest Choken One
I'm calling it right now, the Yanks take the game tomorrow and go on to beat the Marlins. I don't know why, but honestly, if it's the Marlins and Yanks, I'm all for the Yanks. There's just something I don't like about this team and it's probably what everyone's been discussing for the last couple of pages. I don't like their "fans," their management, and as talented as their team is, when put up against the Cubs like that, I just grew to dislike a lot of them.


I can't see them keeping Pudge next year. I know he "wants to stay there," but with how he's played this season, he'll be commanding big bucks and I wouldn't be surprised to see that they're not willing to pay it.


I'm still in shock, to be honest. Whereas I'd usually be stark-raving mad, these last two nights I've just been stunned, too much in shock to even break anything.


As for the fan, his life will forever be changed. No, he wasn't the reason they gave up eight runs, but that incident triggered the rest of the actions of that odd 8th inning and whether it's his fault or not, this is something I doubt he ever gets over. If he actually isn't killed, I could see him killing himself over it. And no, I'm not trying to be funny, but that's the sad truth.

Well, Donnie Moore did...

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Guest Choken One
If it's Yanks/Marlins, I don't give a shit about the series period.


I just don't.

I'll still watch it if only because I like baseball and it's still the world series notheless.


I just i'll root for the Marlins, if only because of Trader Jack and Pudge. NOT THE FRANCHISE.

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"but that incident triggered the rest of the actions of that odd 8th inning "


No I'm fairly certain that shitty pitching did that.


What the fan did was the equivelent of the ball just going foul.

I didn't say that the pitching and defense weren't to blame for what happened, but it was all downhill after that incident. Personally, I think the rule is bullshit. If a player has a shot at the ball, it should be his domain, regardless if it breaks the plane of the stands.

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I think it's sorta humorous that a lot of people only start to show up in this thread to kick the Cubs when they're down. Yes, they blew an incredible lead, but why not throw down on some of the actual previous baseball talk instead of adding in cliche lines like "Huh huh the Cubs blew it huh huh, they sure do suck Huh."

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Guest Choken One
Pardon my ignorance, but who's Donnie Moore?

I'm pretty sure it's the pitcher for the Anaheim Angels in 1986...I might be wrong and thinking of someone else...I tend to do this...

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I don't even think the Marlins would have been the big story in any circumstance. They were the big story a few years ago when they were the upstarts who won the series. Been there, done that.

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Guest Choken One
I don't even think the Marlins would have been the big story in any circumstance. They were the big story a few years ago when they were the upstarts who won the series. Been there, done that.

considering Anaheim did the same thing, it lost its luster.

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I hope Boston WINS tomorrow, and Steinbrenner goes nuts and fires everyone who got him to where he is, triggering a death spiral that takes the team years and years to dig out of.




Hey, a guy can dream.

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Guest Choken One
Moore was an Angels pitcher who allowed the home run to Dave Henderson in the 1986 ALCS,IIRC.


And that led to pretty much a nervous breakdown, resulting in suicide.

wasnt he the inspiration for William Macy's Character in Boogie Nights?


They had the same name...Did the director (pt anderson) do this on purpose?

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No idea Choken.


That would be awesome though for the Sportscenter flashbacks they show on classic.


Narrarator: "And that concludes the sad tale of Donnie Moore. On a happier note he was the inspiration for a character who shot himself in a film that featured a prosthetic crank."

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Yeah Fla was Jeffrey Loria now... not much of an improvement.

Yep. You want to talk about rape? Jeffrey Loria raped the Montreal Expos franchise and left it for dead. Yeah, he'd be a great guy to win a title. I will cheer for the Yankees before I cheer for this asshole.

Great Fucking Point right there...


Steinbrener is more class then this guy...at least he STAYS commited to winning at any costs...

I've been saying that for MONTHS, ever since Mik started that thread that turned out to be prophetic.

Haha, it did...didn't it?

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The one and only positive is that we have a good chance of seeing Mike Wilbon go legitimately fucking nuts on PTI tomorrow.

He might, and I didn't see the show today, but I heard him on Kornheiser's radio show, he already said it was over, almost sounding like trying to give it the reverse jinx feel.


Oh well, didn't work.


And I don't mean to start any trouble, and if I'm wrong I apologize in advance, but Mik, were you busy with schoolwork when the Cubs were up 3-1?

I was on fall break in NYC for the weekend doing the tourist thing. I caught the Marlins dropping Game 3 at home before I went, then caught the bottom of the 8th in Game 4 at an Indian restaraunt in Times Square. Followed Game 5 (Beckett's gem) on gamecast after a day of shopping with the gf, have since bought it from mlb.com for $4, returned for Game 6.

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Yeah Fla was Jeffrey Loria now... not much of an improvement.

Yep. You want to talk about rape? Jeffrey Loria raped the Montreal Expos franchise and left it for dead. Yeah, he'd be a great guy to win a title. I will cheer for the Yankees before I cheer for this asshole.

Great Fucking Point right there...


Steinbrener is more class then this guy...at least he STAYS commited to winning at any costs...

I've been saying that for MONTHS, ever since Mik started that thread that turned out to be prophetic.

Haha, it did...didn't it?

I hate you.

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The one and only positive is that we have a good chance of seeing Mike Wilbon go legitimately fucking nuts on PTI tomorrow.

He might, and I didn't see the show today, but I heard him on Kornheiser's radio show, he already said it was over, almost sounding like trying to give it the reverse jinx feel.


Oh well, didn't work.


And I don't mean to start any trouble, and if I'm wrong I apologize in advance, but Mik, were you busy with schoolwork when the Cubs were up 3-1?

I was on fall break in NYC for the weekend doing the tourist thing. I caught the Marlins dropping Game 3 at home before I went, then caught the bottom of the 8th in Game 4 at an Indian restaraunt in Times Square. Followed Game 5 (Beckett's gem) on gamecast after a day of shopping with the gf, have since bought it from mlb.com for $4, returned for Game 6.

Cool man, sorry I know you had been pimping the Marlins on here during the season, just curious not to see you around.

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