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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Scott Keith Quits NWA-TNA....Again

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I like Jeff Jarrett as a wrestler.


The difference between this guy and Triple H is that Triple H made title matches almost unwatchable.


Jarrett won't. At least if Jarrett has the title, we'll have watchable title matches. I know AJ Styles is MORE than watchable but i'll take what I can get, and if Jarrett is the worst I can get, then I'll take it gladly.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist





Ok, I'm back , and this time, I'm pissed off.


First of all, I'm not trying to start trouble, but the statement above bothers me


Does anyone here really think Raven would have done anything stupid, if he had won the belt.


There is no way in hell he's ever going back to the WWE, and no amount of money would convince him to do otherwise.


Why would he jeopordise his good name and rep on the indy circuit?


He's spent the last nine months working for just about any indy group that will pay him, from TNA to XPW, single handedly made guys like CM Punk into superstars, and he's gonna destroy all that to fuck Jeff Jarrett up, by showing up on Raw with the NWA Title?


I dont think so.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Well like it or not that's how they operate.


Raven didn't get the belt b/c he didn't sign a long term deal.


A company as young as the NWA needs to protect themselves as much as possible. Risking the World Title wasn't a move they were willing or should have made.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Actually, since most promoters think of the NWA since the Shane Douglas incident, the current Incarnation is only about 10 years old. If you are to go back further, you risk bringing up the "Abe Lincoln was the first NWA Champion" nonsense


And while I see your point about not being able to risk Raven with the belt, there's much to be said about trusting your main eventers who arent related to the owner. Raven could have just as easily turned around and said he was never gonna work fot them again, which, like it or not, would have fucked tna over, big time

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A.J. Styles must turn face, the man just doesn't have what it takes to be a serious threat as a heel. He has to look up to all of his opponents and hasn't really said anything insulting to get crowd heat. I wouldn't mind seeing Jarrett win the title and join Russo, turning Styles face and getting the fans behind him for a possible rematch. Then, Styles could either win the title back and feud with Daniels, or lose the blowoff by Jarrett cheating, Jarrett feuds with Raven and Styles feuds with Daniels over #1 Contender spot.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

But Jarrett wont feud with Raven - theyve Raven feuding with Mitchell and he's gonna be fighting Slash/Sinn/Brian Lee/Gangrel/Vampiro/whoever the fuck they throw at him for the next year

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Jarrett has already feuded with Raven so what are you talking about. Raven is a face now anyways, he is in a hot feud like it or not, and turning Raven heel to go after Jarrett right now is stupid. Plus it allows Julio and Punk to get over. How would they get over attacking one guy (Jarrett) when they can go after 2 other guys (Slash and Sinn).

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

I coulda sworn once SK wrote in a rant he got free PPV (probably has illegal hook ups), so he other lied then or is lying now and is too lazy to do TNA when it's STILL better than RAW and some Smackdowns.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist
I coulda sworn once SK wrote in a rant he got free PPV (probably has illegal hook ups), so he other lied then or is lying now and is too lazy to do TNA when it's STILL better than RAW and some Smackdowns.

Raw is better than the Jarrett Show

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Now your really reaching.


TNA has consistently been better than Raw for almost a year. If you had said Smackdown you'd have a point but saying Raw is better is showing how biased you are.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu
RAW is getting raped for in ring quality by the TNA guys though that isn't exactly the hardest thing in the world to do.

MLW is raping RAW.


RoH is probably massacring it.


How bout that Sonjay Dutt while I'm on the subject of MLW? TNA needs to bring him in and give him the X-Division Title.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist
Now your really reaching.


TNA has consistently been better than Raw for almost a year. If you had said Smackdown you'd have a point but saying Raw is better is showing how biased you are.

Well, I go into Raw with massively low expectations, so i'm usually pleased.


With Raw, I get


-Stevie Richards.

-The Bounty Hunter Angle

-The Hi-Light Reel

-The Chicks, who usually put on a more coherant match then The Six Man X Matches/Clusterfucks that Jerry's so fond of


However, for $10, you can have


-Jeff Jarrett dominating a show despite being a lousy wrestler

-Raven being given nothing to do except a crappy run-in

-AJ Styles, a placeholder World Champion, being shoved outhere as an afterthought

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Guest nikowwf

I think the Jarrett problem is almost like the HHH problem - he's put in a position that people want others to have - and because of that he pisses them off from all the good. I've seen Raw's that i liked up until HHH came out, and all i remember is being pissed he dominated the show again.



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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood
How bout that Sonjay Dutt while I'm on the subject of MLW? TNA needs to bring him in and give him the X-Division Title.

Sonjay is booked for TNA XPlosion for a couple of weeks in November. If he impresses (and he will) he'll be on the main show soon after.

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Well, 1punch it is to my knowledge that Raven books his own stuff. So how about searching for Raven's address, going to his house and slapping the fuck out of him while others cheer for him because you think his booking is stupid.

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Guest dvkorn
-Jeff Jarrett dominating a show despite being a lousy wrestler

Ok, this is just wrong.... You have just got blind Jarrett hate or you truly do not know a thing about a good wrestling match...



Jeff Jarrett is an excellent wrestler.... He knows how to work a good match and he is a better wrestler than three quarters (probably more) than the TNA roster....


I can name many, many good matches that Jarrett has been in... I don't think that qualifies him as a lousy wrestler... And don't you say he was carried to all his good matches... Thats just plain stupid.... I don't think Ron Killings could carry Jarrett to the type of match they had when Jarrett won the title...

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist
-Jeff Jarrett dominating a show despite being a lousy wrestler

Ok, this is just wrong.... You have just got blind Jarrett hate or you truly do not know a thing about a good wrestling match...



Jeff Jarrett is an excellent wrestler.... He knows how to work a good match and he is a better wrestler than three quarters (probably more) than the TNA roster....


I can name many, many good matches that Jarrett has been in... I don't think that qualifies him as a lousy wrestler... And don't you say he was carried to all his good matches... Thats just plain stupid.... I don't think Ron Killings could carry Jarrett to the type of match they had when Jarrett won the title...

Actually Its my blind hate for Memphis- style, old school wrestling

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Because I'll watch anything really (except Wildside, XPW, and Jim Cornette's mess in OVW) but i havent found anyhting to top Raw

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