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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Scott Keith Quits NWA-TNA....Again

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

From This weeks Smackdown Rant


-Okay, just to get this out of the way, I’m no longer doing NWA-TNA rants for 411 as of now. It’s for two reasons – first, I simply can’t afford it any longer, and second, I think they peaked with the Super X show and it looks like the momentum is trending downwards again. Plus I just have no desire to see a promotion with Jeff Jarrett booked on top, and I’m gonna speak with my wallet in this case. The actual rants were tougher for me to write, as well, as evidenced by their constant lateness, and I wasn’t really enjoying writing them. I was enjoying the product to a certain degree, but the actual writing was becoming a grind. At least with RAW & Smackdown the actual transcription is easy because I’m just watching it directly on my computer via a TV tuner card (for those who have often wondered how I get the Smackdown rant up so insanely fast even factoring in the one-hour headstart in Canada, that’s how), plus they’re free. So it was a fun four months, but now it’s back to watching Law & Order on Wednesdays instead.




Well, I sorta have to agree with him. Everything the promtion has achieved in the past six months will go down thedrain if JJ gets the belt...again. Can anyone give me one good reason why he should squash (and he will) AJ

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Guest dvkorn

what gives you the impression that he will squash AJ...


He might beat him but that doesn't necessarily mean squash...

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Yeah seriously.


I mean Jarrett did drop the belt to him and everything.


I think if Jarrett does get the belt back it'll be so he can drop it to Raven.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Squash him in more ways than one. Styles is the ultimate proof that if you take a talented guy and push him to the moon, based on his own merits as a wrestler, he'll get over.


Styles is living proof that there is no such thing as a cruiserweight "stigma" attached to them wrestling for heavyweight belts.


Plus, he has a really cool finisher...even when he fucks it up.


When (and its a matter of weeks now) Jarrett beats him, Styles will be dead in the water.


Who's he supposed to feud with afterwards.


Case in point, they built up Raven against Jarrett, hyped the shit out of it, and then Jerry let Sonny Boy cut Raven's legs out from underneath him.


What's Raven doing now?

Feuding with a manager and tow of the most disliked and untrusted people in the wrestling business

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist
Yeah seriously.


I mean Jarrett did drop the belt to him and everything.


I think if Jarrett does get the belt back it'll be so he can drop it to Raven.

He didnt job it to Styles.


He jobbed in a threeway (wrestling speak for "God, I dont want to make it look as though I'm jobbing to this person")


Dont forget the five billion run-ins, Russo baseball bat, etc, etc.


Case In Point No.2

Jeff Jarrett has managed to kill Ron Killing's Career. Discuss.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist





Then why didnt they shitcan him, like they did with Jimmy Yang, and like what will happen to Vamp when he jobs to Raven.


But of course...he's too over.


So if he's over (and he's certainly more over than Jarrett, and has been since the day he walked in), WHY DOESNT HE HAVE THE FUCKING BELT

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Guest dvkorn
Squash him in more ways than one. Styles is the ultimate proof that if you take a talented guy and push him to the moon, based on his own merits as a wrestler, he'll get over.


Styles is living proof that there is no such thing as a cruiserweight "stigma" attached to them wrestling for heavyweight belts.


Plus, he has a really cool finisher...even when he fucks it up.


When (and its a matter of weeks now) Jarrett beats him, Styles will be dead in the water.

If Styles is as good as you say he is... lets just say that Jarrett beat Styles and they do a Double turn... Styles will be more over than ever.... everybody will think he got screwed and get behind him more...


Plus compare Raven jobbing week after week to Douglas in 6 mans or whatever and he is the most over guy in the company... If Styles jobbed and it was that Double Turn scenario... Styles would be just as over as he is now or more over than ever...


Your Jarrett hate might be clouding your vision...

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What are you talking about?


1. There was a run in to take Raven out (AS HE was winning the match, BTW) leaving it one on one for the second half of the match.


2. Jarrett jobbed to a baseball bat...THE EXACT SAME WAY HE WON THE TITLE.


JArrett was the ONLY one of the three that didn't have the match won at some point.


And he didn't kill Truth's career, and in fact (and you can ask Meltzer about the buyrates on this) Jarrett's defenses were always the highest bought shows because they made the title better.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

B/C why were they going to put the belt on someone who could show up on WWF tv or any other promotion and trash the belt.


Once he was under a long term deal AJ was tied up with D'Lo and Raven was tied up with Douglas.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist
If Styles is as good as you say he is... lets just say that Jarrett beat Styles and they do a Double turn... Styles will be more over than ever.... everybody will think he got screwed and get behind him more...


Plus compare Raven jobbing week after week to Douglas in 6 mans or whatever and he is the most over guy in the company... If Styles jobbed and it was that Double Turn scenario... Styles would be just as over as he is now or more over than ever...


Your Jarrett hate might be clouding your vision...

Yes, but wel'l still have the same problem...Jarrett will have the belt he doesnt deserve. Theyll then do the Raven-Jarrett Redux, with Styles playing Raven, with the face-heel alignment reveresd, do a big buildup, and have Jarrett win when someone different (possibly Chris Sabin or Frankie Kazarian) does the Siaki bit. Jarrett will move on to different versions of his one sided "feuds" with Legend and Daniels, while Raven gets to fight Abyss, or some Puerto Rican that Dutch brings in.


All the while, Jarrett will have turned into HHH, the very guy who's spot he wanted back in 98.


Irony can be so damn ironic sometimes

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Guest Salacious Crumb

There's no point even arguing with you b/c your not even rational.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Well, I'm trying to be, Its just that everyone is pointing out different inconsistencies. I still think Jarrett will win, Styles will be fucked (he shoulda taken that OVW offer) and Raven will just be Raven...except he has a snowballs chance in hell of winng the belt

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Guest Salacious Crumb

There really aren't:


1. Jarrett put over Styles for the belt


2. Raven didn't get the belt in April b/c he didn't sign a long term deal

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Yeah I know, I was just being nitpicking.



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Guest dvkorn
If Styles is as good as you say he is... lets just say that Jarrett beat Styles and they do a Double turn... Styles will be more over than ever.... everybody will think he got screwed and get behind him more...


Plus compare Raven jobbing week after week to Douglas in 6 mans or whatever and he is the most over guy in the company... If Styles jobbed and it was that Double Turn scenario... Styles would be just as over as he is now or more over than ever...


Your Jarrett hate might be clouding your vision...

Yes, but wel'l still have the same problem...Jarrett will have the belt he doesnt deserve. Theyll then do the Raven-Jarrett Redux, with Styles playing Raven, with the face-heel alignment reveresd, do a big buildup, and have Jarrett win when someone different (possibly Chris Sabin or Frankie Kazarian) does the Siaki bit. Jarrett will move on to different versions of his one sided "feuds" with Legend and Daniels, while Raven gets to fight Abyss, or some Puerto Rican that Dutch brings in.


All the while, Jarrett will have turned into HHH, the very guy who's spot he wanted back in 98.


Irony can be so damn ironic sometimes

ok your Jarrett hate IS clouding your vision...


I won't even bother.... i could counter everything you said but you will just distort some other things to get more Jarrett hate and it will keep going round and round... so i might stop it here...

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist
There really aren't:


1. Jarrett put over Styles for the belt


2. Raven didn't get the belt in April b/c he didn't sign a long term deal

Then why


-Hasnt Styles been in a proper long term feud with someone to establish his as a meaningful champion


-Has Jarrett bounced, almost within the same show, from squashing Daniels, to going on about "his title shot" while Styles, the World Champion and supposed centrepiece of the company, gets to fight...get this....DUSTY RHODES.


Remember when WCW got spanked with the Racism Lawsuit, and suddenly Booker was the World Champion, and Skipper was the cruiserweight Champion.


I can just Imagine Jerry meeting potential Tv Companies/investors/whatever.


"Well Of Course I'm not booking the promotion around my son...god no, wer'e not the WWE...lookie here...the short fella has the world title"

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Ummm.... the D'Lo feud lasted about a month.


The racism lawsuit in WCW was well after Skipper's title run and Booker had just come back from injury.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Yes, but frankly, i dont buy D-Lo Brown as a World Champion.


And interestlingly enough, he's now hanging around with Mad Fucking Mikey and Shark Boy, and feud ing with Sonny "The Liability" Siaki and god damned Ekmo!!!!!!!


As for the racism thing, SK made his inital crack at why Booker got the belt when he won it, so i assumed that the lawsuit was going on at the time

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I'm with 1inch in his Jarrett hate. But my thinking for Jarrett to win the title off AJ isn't as biased as his is. I'll point some facts out...


-Jarrett won the feud against Scott Hall in the early months of TNA.

-Jarrett won the feud against SEX by himself (when it was REALLY supposed to be SEX vs. TNA).

-Jarrett defeated Ron "The Truth" Killings for the NWA World title.

-Jarrett defeated AJ Styles, right when Styles was red-hot in his start of the main-event push, to retain the NWA World title.

-Jarrett defeats Raven, after nearly 8 people interfered and did moves that would kill even Hogan back in the day, cleanly 1-2-3 to keep the NWA World title (I understand Raven losing was necessary to keep the belt in TNA, but Raven didn't need/deserve to be made to look that bad).

-Jarrett lost the NWA World title in a Triple Threat match, a style of match notorious for saying "even if the champion is pinned, he had two people to deal with instead of one."

-Jarrett practically squashed Legend and the rest of Russo's new stable.

-Jarrett won the War Games match cleanly and by himself.

-Jarrett defeated Christopher Daniels in the blowoff to their semi-main event feud after one of Daniels' followers interfered CLEANLY.

-Jarrett has made AJ Styles look like his bitch in every encounter of the two so far.

-AJ Styles has been booked as a champion that needs Vince Russo, and with AJ ridding himself of Russo recently, he has "no way" to keep the title (in kayfabe terms).


So all of this leads to Jarrett becoming the first 2-time, 2-time NWA World champion in TNA's history. I'll be surprised if AJ walks out with a win, a clean win especially (then I'd cream myself), but I'm not counting on it one bit.


Jeff Jarrett makes me wish TNA had a cable deal, so then I could just change the channel when he comes on.

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Guest Max Peter David

Funny that SK quits TNA the week Dames goes MIA with his Diatribe.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Jarrett rolled on top of a guy after D'Lo and Harris absolutely killed him with a double top rope move.

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Guest dvkorn
I'm with 1inch in his Jarrett hate. But my thinking for Jarrett to win the title off AJ isn't as biased as his is. I'll point some facts out...


-Jarrett won the feud against Scott Hall in the early months of TNA.

-Jarrett won the feud against SEX by himself (when it was REALLY supposed to be SEX vs. TNA).

-Jarrett defeated Ron "The Truth" Killings for the NWA World title.

-Jarrett defeated AJ Styles, right when Styles was red-hot in his start of the main-event push, to retain the NWA World title.

-Jarrett defeats Raven, after nearly 8 people interfered and did moves that would kill even Hogan back in the day, cleanly 1-2-3 to keep the NWA World title (I understand Raven losing was necessary to keep the belt in TNA, but Raven didn't need/deserve to be made to look that bad).

-Jarrett lost the NWA World title in a Triple Threat match, a style of match notorious for saying "even if the champion is pinned, he had two people to deal with instead of one."

-Jarrett practically squashed Legend and the rest of Russo's new stable.

-Jarrett won the War Games match cleanly and by himself.

-Jarrett defeated Christopher Daniels in the blowoff to their semi-main event feud after one of Daniels' followers interfered CLEANLY.

-Jarrett has made AJ Styles look like his bitch in every encounter of the two so far.

-AJ Styles has been booked as a champion that needs Vince Russo, and with AJ ridding himself of Russo recently, he has "no way" to keep the title (in kayfabe terms).


So all of this leads to Jarrett becoming the first 2-time, 2-time NWA World champion in TNA's history. I'll be surprised if AJ walks out with a win, a clean win especially (then I'd cream myself), but I'm not counting on it one bit.


Jeff Jarrett makes me wish TNA had a cable deal, so then I could just change the channel when he comes on.

-Jarrett won the feud against Scott Hall in the early months of TNA.


That was a good evenly contested feud... there was nothing wrong with that feud.... Jarrett winning it only seemed fitting anyway.... it was only a matter of time before Hall went MIA... Plus, Hall's last appearance on a TNA he beat Jarrett, did he not... like show 17 or 18 or something... Jarrett jobbed to Hall in his 1st singles match in TNA history btw...


-Jarrett won the feud against SEX by himself (when it was REALLY supposed to be SEX vs. TNA).


I haven't seen all of it yet, unfortunately (am still catching up with tapes)... but weren't Lynn, Killings and AMW helpin out there... probably numerous others as well...


-Jarrett defeated Ron "The Truth" Killings for the NWA World title.


Again, the right move.... they built Jarrett's 1st title shot up for months, months... And they did it well too.... plus who else was their to put it on...


-Jarrett defeated AJ Styles, right when Styles was red-hot in his start of the main-event push, to retain the NWA World title.


That wasn't a bad move... Either way, if Styles had of gotten the title or had Jarrett retained it would be alright... Plus, Styles i don't think was totally ready yet...


-Jarrett defeats Raven, after nearly 8 people interfered and did moves that would kill even Hogan back in the day, cleanly 1-2-3 to keep the NWA World title (I understand Raven losing was necessary to keep the belt in TNA, but Raven didn't need/deserve to be made to look that bad).




-Jarrett lost the NWA World title in a Triple Threat match, a style of match notorious for saying "even if the champion is pinned, he had two people to deal with instead of one."


So..! It made sense to have it... Styles and Raven were Jarrett's two toughest challengers to date... Plus didn't Jarrett get pinned by Styles...


-Jarrett practically squashed Legend and the rest of Russo's new stable.


I haven't seen this feud yet.. (am slowly catching up with the tapes, am in Australia so i can't seem them live :( ) but didn't Legend pin Jarrett in one match...


-Jarrett won the War Games match cleanly and by himself.


As Mad dog said... didn't D'Lo and Harris practically kill AJ before Jarrett pinned him...


-Jarrett defeated Christopher Daniels in the blowoff to their semi-main event feud after one of Daniels' followers interfered CLEANLY.


Seeing one of Daniels followers interfered and basically cost Daniels the match... thats not really clean is it...


-Jarrett has made AJ Styles look like his bitch in every encounter of the two so far.


I haven't seen all... the ones i have seen... Jarrett still sold like a champ and let AJ in with offense and all that... so, that really isn't making AJ his bitch is it...


-AJ Styles has been booked as a champion that needs Vince Russo, and with AJ ridding himself of Russo recently, he has "no way" to keep the title (in kayfabe terms).


It sets up a perfect face turn, if they decide that... They could do the double turn... or AJ could beat Jarrett without Russo's help realise he doesn't need russo and fuck him off...


So all of this leads to Jarrett becoming the first 2-time, 2-time NWA World champion in TNA's history.


Quite the possibility... I still don't know what they are plannin... but it should be interesting to see what they do...

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first, I simply can’t afford it any longer



Plus I just have no desire to see a promotion with Jeff Jarrett booked on top, and I’m gonna speak with my wallet in this case.



The guy is broke, but then he says he won't spend his money(which he doesn't have remember) on a promotion with Jarrett on top.


Or, in other words...



I'm broke, I have no money...I'll try and gain smark popularity and blame it on that damn Jeff Jarrett.


Seriously, if he doesn't have the money to pay each week for the show, just say it. Don't bring Jarrett into it. If he must mention Jarrett, try a different paragraph or something.

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