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Finally the show is up. The effort was there, lets see how you'll react.


Read it, then rate it.


LPYC will post the show next week.

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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood

I've been somewhat out of the loop for since DD and I haven't read every IZ, but since Eskimo has taken major control it's like night and day. The shows have gotten SO much better. I was engrossed reading the whole thing.

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Best iZ show since the split...

Best iZ show since I can remember


What's not to like. We have strong debuts by G Money and Shuffle, and I'm totally glad they're enthusiatic. Their matches were pretty good too. I'm digging the PRL and ShooterJay continuation, and the additions to LC were unexpected, as well as "The Professional". More fresh air for iZ.


Not to be biased, but I am enjoying the mounting tension between the "Producer's Posse" and the "Corporation". I think this has long-term potential.


The Intense 5 concept works great. I truly hope we put up a ranking on every show so people can see what they do does have an effect.


Tony did an excellent job putting it together. I liked the new season premiere gimmick and the new iZ tag line. The logo rocks too. Can we keep it up for every show?


Above all, the change to one announcer was interesting. Mad props for keeping JR in character by having him remember what Jesse would say.


A very solid 9

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Great, great show. Long and filled with action. I enjoyed it.


Was anyone actually suprised at the ending for the NA Title match? If you're wondering, the referee joining the Lightning Crew was inspired by Shane McMahon's heel turn at Survivor Series 1998: Deadly Game when he turned on Stone Cold by flipping him off. The other man interfering was my own idea. There will be more people joining the Lightning Crew in the upcoming weeks. Just you wait!


I have an idea for a stable name for Dan Black's stable: How about the "Blackhearts"?

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I should give a little more detail feedback.


When you start posting a show the director (person posting the show) can quickly tell if its going to be a hit or a miss, once I had two matches and a few promos I felt this show was going in the "hit" column.


I normally don't read our shows as closely as I should, but this IZ was different. I knew I had to pay better attention to detail to ensure the quality of the show didn't suffer because I was half-assing it; I also knew Eskimo had slowly been turning a corner for the show so I formatted the show the way I would a PPV.


I also want to give the writers major props. The whole "season premeire" term was just a better way of saying relaunch. If this was going to work the writing needed to be top-notch -- the writers delivered. Great job guys!


LPYC did a helluva job with the new "harder-edge" logo. It helped give the show that new look I was looking for.


The only thing missing from the show was Calvin's promo, but it wasn't really needed even though it would of been great to have the champ do a cameo. I'm sure he'll send that in for next weeks show.


Overall, I felt this was the strongest IZ is quite sometime if not all-time.

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A very strong effort- easily the most action packed IZ for a long, long time. Huge thanks to everyone who contributed- and of course Tony for putting it all together superbly.


Let's keep this up.

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Ummm...I didn't write anything for this show so why is my name in the writing credits??


Eskimo wrote the Blurricane/Jailbait match and next time please contact me first so everything makes sense.

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Ummm...I didn't write anything for this show so why is my name in the writing credits??


Eskimo wrote the Blurricane/Jailbait match and next time please contact me first so everything makes sense.

I had figured you wrote something considering your characters were more involved. I think that's the first time somebody actually complained about getting a writing credit.


And what's with your second comment? Nobody told me anything about putting segments in a certain place. If something had to go in order it's not my fault it didn't. Like I said months ago: "I'm not a babysitter." If I should know something, the writer needs to tell me.


EDIT: I want to apolgize to Jay for leaving out his segment. Sorry about that Jay, I had so much stuff to put together that I forgot about that. Again, sorry.

Edited by Tony149

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No not you Tony. I was talking to Eskimo.

Cool. I thought you were refering to me, I was like "I didn't know".


Thanks for understanding Jay. I normally don't miss those types of things but this time I did.

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Guest The Shad0w

What is going on here?


I am the only mysterious masked man in the OAOAST. Who is this cretin at the end of the show who is infringing on my territory?

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Yes, I voted six, and here's why. I made running comments as I read the show, and here they are:


Jingus vs. Jailbait is WAY too short, and doesn't really make much sense. Spot, spot, finish.


Speaking of not making sense, Vitamin X goes from EMTs to giving verbal fellatio to PRL. Continuity, people.


I'm a fan of descriptive entrances, but PRL's is WAY TOO FUCKING LONG. A lot of unnecessary stuff in it.


Okay, this is where it gets really pretentious. The shots at Helddown are completely unnecessary, even if they are "in character". "Less yackin', more whackin'. " .....besides the obvious masturbation joke, this isn't exactly true. I know what you're trying to do, and it's not working.


I still don't know what the purpose of "retiring" Popick from active competition was. He's on the show as much as he always was, even though he's not wrestling.


Shuffle vs. Naz is all over the place, with no real set purpose in the match. Work on telling a story, not just hitting spot after spot after spot. Also, try to describe at LEAST your finisher, so people who don't study character specs know what it is.


Blurricane vs. Jailbait: GAH!!! @ the Indy applause stance!!! The match was coming along just fine, but the ending is so damn abrupt! If you're going to start with a chain wrestling sequence, make the match longer...you don't even get anywhere before a lame DQ ending. Plus, you probably wouldn't have near falls after basically just chain wrestling.


The tag title match: Hot tag after about 2 minutes? Huh. Jesse boots him in the gut and picks him up for a suplex.








...that's very hard to picture. Did he ever hit the suplex? Did Parka reverse it? It isn't clear. And once again, the ending is kinda out of nowhere. Uhh...how does Ragdoll just magically appear on Intensezone? I know he's friends with TNT (hmm...TNT, where have I seen that gimmick before?) but does that automatically give him a right to come on the other show?


What the hell is with the Shadow segment? He comes in and kills the Champion at Dirty Deeds, but then he gets his ass kicked by an oattoast newbie? Uhh...consistency?


Money vs. K-Ness: Just a small note, but work on your grammar. A match like this should have a clean finish...it gets really annoying seeing matches with interference just to put a feud over. Can't that wait till AFTER match? Okay match otherwise.


Main event: "Shin-Jingi Naki Tataka [Kill Bill Teaser]" Uhh, it's great to know the name of his music, but you don't have to name it every time. Kind of like "Know Your Role 2k3 (Hollywood version)" OKAY, I GET IT. ...AND YOU USE THE SAME ENTRANCE AGAIN OH MY GOD, MY EYES. Please tell me that's just for this week. If you paste that every week, it'll get EXTREMELY bothersome. Anyway, onto the match. Bodyslam, tumbleweed, chops? Uhh, that was awkward. The psychology is all over the place here. Shining wizard, armbar, moonsault to the back? "Lightning hits the ropes, but Jay drop toe holds PRL into a submission" Umm...which submission? Now, there's not really much transition between Jay's moves. Spot, spot, spot. Sometimes it's the little things that make a match. "He is too tired to cover him, however. He goes for the cover, but gets a 2 count." ...oooook. I'm also not a fan of JR commentating on moves that aren't even described in the match. I don't like PRL's moveset. It's like he has every WWF move in the books, and it's awfully unbalanced. So, Jay takes about 5 of PRL's signature moves, and then just gets up and hits a plancha onto teh outside? That seems odd. And in another case of this, Jay fights out of more punishment, and a sleeper, and just hits three German Suplexes? And now we're back to spot, spot, spot. The flow of this match is REALLY unbalanced, and difficult to picture. You know what's weird? PRL does the four forearm smashes and NO ONE thinks of ducking one or reversing them. "JR: SWEET CHIN MUSIC! THE SWEET CHIN MUSIC CONNECTS! IT'S ALL OVER! PRL now setting up Jay. P.R. Nightmare! NO! Saito Suplex on Puerto Rican Lightning! Now Jay has kipped up!" See, that's what I hate about the JR-describing-moves thing. This is a "pivotal" point in the match (even though there's been about 50) and you have JR describing it instead of in ring action doing the talking. And as Jay continues his comeback, it's like you're just running through his moveset. Nothing really has any rhyme or reason. Okay, now the match goes to OVERBOOKING HELL. Really, really, really overblown sequence here. You have such a long match, and then end it with an interference-laden overbooking. It's quite disappointing.


So yeah, on second viewing, 6 may be a little harsh...maybe a 7. But hey, this show was hyped to hell, so I had *high* expectations going into it. Solid effort for an Oattoast show, but certainly not the best.

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thats probably an hD guy who wants to bring down our rating...


This show was decidedly not a 6

Yes, because when good hD~!'s routinely got 1's and 3's from people, we immediately blamed IZ guys.

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Guest Dids

In terms of describing the finishers- I had the impression that the shows were "kayefabed" in a sense- so that it's read as if it's being viewed live- and JR would never describe a move as it's being done.


I agree that my match was spotty- but I think there was a story there- Shuffle's beat up and trying to fight back even through he's out of gas. I did have some problems with the match because I'm just not experienced enough with Lucha style stuff to write a great match with a lucha wrestler.

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When did you become Dave Meltzer SS? I never recall you trying to keep things real when you were around. As a matter of fact you were the one who kept going on and on about the OAOAST no longer being fun. All of a sudden we're supposed to be the SWF/SJL? You of all people should know our style is totally different.


As for the anti-HeldDown ad, I wrote it (maybe some could tell :) ). Somebody in the HD folder said the war was back on. I figured since the IZ crew have gained more experience posting the shows and whatnot, the rivally should be back on. There was supposed to be one from the start but I, along with a few others thought the new guys got hit so hard during the first show after the split, it fucked them up, in the sense that they started thinking too much about how to fix the problems instead of going out there and letting things fall into place.


"Less yackin', more whackin'" wasn't even intended to be some kiddie humor. Phrases like "hard hitting action" is so overused I tried to use something. The ad was based on negative political, where Dan Black has brought ad time promoting IZ even if the facts are wrong. Cheat to win, baby!


I was getting so much stuff in I didn't have time to look over some parts of the show.

In a way this IZ was like a

movie. You can find little errors in them that others miss. It happens.


I'm not trying to be an ass or anything, I do agree with some of your comments (the PRL entrance for one) but you make it sound like our guys should be more SWF-like.

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Yeah, I'd totally chime in that at the beginning of the split we were totally hammmered by HD in so many ways. That's why I was out there posting for weeks about not having brands feuding because I couldn't figure out a way to pull iZ out of being "secondary" to hD as it was being made out to be.


Thankfully, that did end, and Eskimo took over. Whatever I didn't know how to do, Eskimo did. He's a better iZ lead than I.


What's the point of Popick being retired, SS asks? There is a point, but I don't want to spoil the next 6 or so months. You should be seeing the beginning of the "corporate" concept, with both myself and SP recently going "corporate" and Tony being "corporate." There's also this growing trend to talk about "Producers" My actual purpose in retiring is that I simply am burned out of writing matches. I wasn't putting effort into what I was doing, and it took Caboose's help to have a good match and feud. And even then we dropped the ball alot. I'm trying to stay interested and use the SJ character in a more promo role until I'm able to actively post again, ie, when I have a stable internet connection. That will start in Jan I think, thanks to work. My "retiring" was also supposed to be penance for Caboose and have him catapulted into a World Title feud, but since Caboose went inactive it lost its luster there. I didn't know that was going to happen going into it


I hope that explains it somewhat.


Zack, there were several times when iZ tried to put on a good show and we'd get harsh ratings in the beginning. The ratings system was so subjective that it was difficult for me to even fathom. Like SS's 6, that's a reflection of his SWF values system. Alot of the new iZ was written by entirely new posters, and their effort was incredible comparitively speaking. I'd rather have ratings go like "Was this show better than last week's? and compare the show against other iZ shows whilst hD compares to other hD shows. That's the only fair ratings system I can think of when you have two brands with differing strengths.

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Why don't we stop having polls, and have people post their rating? That way that have to actually explain why they gave that rating, and no one logs onto their gimmick name to give a show extra votes.

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Why don't we stop having polls, and have people post their rating? That way that have to actually explain why they gave that rating, and no one logs onto their gimmick name to give a show extra votes.

That's not a bad idea, actually.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
no one logs onto their gimmick name to give a show extra votes.

who'd do THAT?!?

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Why don't we stop having polls, and have people post their rating? That way that have to actually explain why they gave that rating, and no one logs onto their gimmick name to give a show extra votes.

That's not a bad idea, actually.

I agree. I'm for it. Let's start next week.

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but you make it sound like our guys should be more SWF-like.


Well, you should. *insert smiley*

No, we shouldn't...if we try to be like the SWF, what's the point of the OAOAST existing? We may as well disband and all go to the SJL.

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Guest The Shad0w
I rather liked the show myself. There will be bigger things ahead for The Shadow. And you can take that to the bank, as you commoners like to say.

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