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The WWE is in some dire need of character development though - most of the wrestlers are 1 layered, if that. With all the hotshot hollywood C-level writers, with their Degree's and whatnot, you'd think that they'd be able to give character motivation and depth. Yet the ones who get the big monologues are the McMahon's... it's bullshit. So why even hire these fancy writing type if they can't do anything??

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Let me guess - they edited out the boos during Steph's pitiable monologue and added in cheers. Am I right, Marvin?

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Let me guess - they edited out the boos during Steph's pitiable monologue and added in cheers. Am I right, Marvin?

actually..you couldn't hear anything.


although I think I heard some applause when they came back to cole/tazz afterwards.

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Chavo had travel problems..


The Ref of the Eddy/Rhyno match is Nick Patrick btw...unless I missed it they didn't explain him reffing on Smackdown. The Crowd at this point is just about D E A D.


Commercial break in the middle of the match..


Eddy snuck the ring bell hammer in his boot, dug it out and tossed to Rhyno who got caught with it, and then Eddy hit him with the belt when the ref was trying to get rid of the hammer.


Big Show smashed up the lowrider truck with a pipe and then powerbombed and chokeslammed Eddy on the truck. Eddy's back was pretty torn up and bloody from broken glass.


During the break footage (in black and white) of Eddy getting helped to the back. I guess it was black and white cause his back was really bloody.


Rey vs Stamboli was short and pointless.

Edited by MarvinisaLunatic

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Shannon Moore, Funaki and Orlando Jordan looking at Eddy's Lowrider in the garage. Matt Hardy pulls shannon over and gives him a gift, a big picture of Matt Hardy. Then Ticket guy from RAW comes in and tries to get Matt Hardy to take his tape to Stephanie, Matt says he'll try and after he leaves Matt throws the tape in the Trash.


And Matt Hardy vs OLM is still on the card in the card rundown set to No Mercy's Theme Song - "Today is the Day" by Dope


Taker has a mini interview, gets attacked by Brock with the chain, commercial break, Brock drags taker out to the ring by the chain around the neck and they brawl outside of the ring...

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Guest nikowwf

Any mention of an 8th match? Its a 7-match PPV with some hoss matches and a Mcmahon mess - must be an 8th match planned,



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