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Matrix Reloaded

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In the scene were Morpheous, Neo and Trinity all go to see Merovingian, right when they walk in the resturant and towards his table, Neo makes eye contact with a guy being taken away from the table. The music does this little...thing...and they just move on. Who was that guy? Did he show up any other time in this movie or was that some foreshadowing for the next movie.

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Guest Just J

I saw that to. Then I got caught up in the movie and forgot about him. I saw it for the first time last night and I must say, I'm glad I didn't go to the theatre to see it. I enjoyed just fine at home.

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One question about ReLoaded.


Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

At the end, I got the idea that Scion (sp?) was destroyed and the only survivors are Neo, Trinity, Morpheus, their crew and I think another ship.

I think, when Neo choose to save Trinity lick start the end of Scion.


I ask this 'cause down here I ask the same question, and still its not clear.



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actually I think that a bunch of ships were sent to try and head off some of the Sentinals that were drilling for Zion. And they got their asses handled.


I think the fact that Neo pulled some "the One" shit outside the Matrix made a lot of questions that people didn't even notice.

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My theory is this: Zion is actually in the Matrix and they don't even realize it. In other words there is another ACTUAL reality outside of everything. I don't see how Neo could bust out his moves in the alleged real world, nor do I see how the Architect could just send guys to destroy Zion at will if it was indeed outside the Matrix. See, I figure that the Architect lets them have a little rebellion and then squashes it for his own amusement, and lets "the One" rebuild Zion and make these rebels THINK they are accomplishing something....all the while it's just another area of the Matrix.


That made no sense whatsoever, but then does the movie itself?


I frankly see no good ending for Matrix Revolutions. What the hell can they possibly do? Let's see, Neo destroys the Matrix, whoops Smith for the final time, and frees everyone (99% of whom prefer living a bogus Matrix life than being in the apocalyptic "real" world). Yay! Now everyone can live in a scorched earth!


This is a major problem with the Matrix series, it's very hard to get behind what our heroes are trying to accomplish.

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Guest Turlis

your theroy is a little scewed because of the fact that agent smith flat out tells neo that some part of him was copyed onto neo, neo is now slightly connected to the machines themselves because of that copy when he "distroyed" agent smith in the first one, thus when smith refused to go and be deleated his code was damaged because part of neo's code was coppied into his, (the whole sceen after neo talks to the oracle) so now instead of just being able to stop machines in the matrix he can use that conection he has now to mess up there mechanical brains outside the matrix as well but it comes with a price (End of movie)

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Guest NCJ
your theroy is a little scewed because of the fact that agent smith flat out tells neo that some part of him was copyed onto neo, neo is now slightly connected to the machines themselves because of that copy when he "distroyed" agent smith in the first one, thus when smith refused to go and be deleated his code was damaged because part of neo's code was coppied into his, (the whole sceen after neo talks to the oracle) so now instead of just being able to stop machines in the matrix he can use that conection he has now to mess up there mechanical brains outside the matrix as well but it comes with a price (End of movie)


That was a reason I hadn't thought of. I don't know if that is the way it will go, but I think that is a very good explination. That also explains why Smith would be able to come into the "real world" by infecting the one guy.


All I know is I am definately looking forward to the new movie.

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You are well within your right to be bored to tears. There were several entire reels that I was bored shitless in the theater. The whole opening half hour was just horrible, with an uninteresting look at Zion (why save this shitty place?), introducing characters that no one cares about, rambling incoherent speeches about nothing at all...it was all pretty glaring.


Once the Keymaker gets into it the movie starts picking up a bit, up until the truly baffling Architect scene. I've never seen a scene that so thoroughly pulled the rug out from under the audience.


It is truly a movie that is better to watch if you are a complete idiot. If you are intelligent you'll actually try and FOLLOW all that shit.

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God, I hated that fucking orgy scene that lasted like 5 fucking minutes with no point what so ever. The theater I saw it as was fucking cheering when the damn thing was over. That being said Seeing the trailer before Kill Bill, I'm willing to give it a second chance.

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I enjoyed every second of it myself. Even that "pointless" talk stuff in the beganing had a purpose. I do agree that the dance scene that was there to show they were human and what separated them from the machines was overly long...but it had hot nude women grinding on each other so I won't complain to much.


Plus it was important to sell how MUCH Morpheus believed in the prophecy.


It is a well structured movie that I can enjoy alot more on DVD. It just didn't seem that long anymore.

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