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PPV win loss records

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A look at wrestlers PPV win-loss records




by Houston Mitchell


Just to show I have too much free time on my hands, I have compiled a W-L-D

pay-per-view record for most active wrestlers today. I started from January,

1998, and went over the results up to and including last month's WWE PPV. I

also included WCW PPV's, but not ECW or NWA/TNA. The rules:


1) If you were in a match and won, via pinfall, DQ, countout, whatever, you

are 1-0-0, you lose by any means, you are 0-1-0, if it ends in a draw or no

contest, you are 0-0-1.

2) Results as part of a tag team also count. So if Steve Austin is teaming

with Mankind and beats the Dudleyz, Austin and Mankind get one win each,

D-Von and Bubba Ray one loss each.

3) Whatever name you wrestle under counts under your most recent name. So

Dustin Runnels, Dustin Rhodes, Goldust's records are all listed as Goldust.

4) You had to have had at least 10 matches to qualify for the list. There

are a couple of exceptions, which hopefully will be self-explanatory.

5) Women are in their own list.

6) Royal Rumble, battle royal style matches weren't counted.



It's not a perfect system, but the results are interesting. Feel free to

publish it if you want, or just ignore it. :)




Chris Jericho, 30-28-0, .517

Triple H, 29-18-2, .612

The Rock, 29-23-2, .556

Kurt Angle, 26-20-0, .565

Undertaker, 25-15-4, .614

Booker T, 25-18-0, .581

Steve Austin, 22-17-2, .561



Chris Benoit, 21-31-0, .404

Chris Jericho, 30-28-0, .517

Edge, 21-24-0, .467

Kane, 20-24-2, .457

Big Show, 13-24-0, .351

The Rock, 29-23-2, .556



Goldberg, 21-6-1, .768

Brock Lesnar, 10-4-1, .700

Val Venis, 14-6-0, .700

Undertaker, 25-15-4, .614

Triple H, 29-18-2, .612

Scott Steiner, 16-11-1, .589

Booker T, 25-18-0, .581

Kurt Angle, 26-20-0, .565

Steve Austin, 22-17-2, .561

Hulk Hogan, 14-11-1, .558

The Rock, 29-23-2, .556



Vince McMahon, 2-6-0, .250

Raven, 4-11-0, .267

A-Train, 3-7-1, .318

Rey Misterio, 8-17-1, .327

Goldust, 7-13-0, .350

Big Show, 13-24-0, .351

Test, 7-12-1, .375

Jeff Jarrett, 13-20-1, .397

Shawn Michaels, 4-6-0, .400

Al Snow, 8-12-0, .400

Chris Benoit, 21-31-0, .404



Sable, 6-2-0, .750

Ivory, 6-4-0, .600

Jazz, 4-3-0, .571

Trish Stratus, 9-10-2, .476

Victoria, 2-3-0, .400

Lita, 3-5-1, .389

Molly Holly, 3-5-0, .375

Jacqueline, 0-8-0, .000



Undertaker, 25-15-4, .614

Triple H, 29-18-2, .612

Booker T, 25-18-0, .581

Kurt Angle, 26-20-0, .565

Steve Austin, 22-17-2, .561

The Rock, 29-23-2, .556

Chris Jericho, 30-28-0, .517

Edge, 21-24-0, .467

Kane, 20-24-2, .457

Chris Benoit, 21-31-0, .404



Eddie Guerrero, 18-16-0, .529

Road Dogg, 16-15-0, .516

Christian, 19-20-0, .487

Billy Gunn, 17-18-0, .486

Billy Kidman, 16-18-0, .471

Bubba Ray Dudley, 16-18-0, .471

D-Von Dudley, 14-18-0, .438

Jeff Jarrett, 13-20-1, .397

Big Show, 13-24-0, .351



Goldberg, 21-6-1, .768

Val Venis, 14-6-0, .700

Hulk Hogan, 14-11-1, .558

Kevin Nash, 15-14-0, .517

Ric Flair, 12-14-0, .462

Rob Van Dam, 10-12-0, .455

Matt Hardy, 11-14-0, .440

Mick Foley, 11-15-1, .426

Bradshaw, 8-11-1, .425

Jeff Hardy, 12-17-0, .414

Al Snow, 8-12-0, .400

Test, 7-12-1, .375

Goldust, 7-13-0, .350

Rey Misterio, 8-17-1, .327



Brock Lesnar, 10-4-1, .700

Shane "Hurricane" Helms, 7-7-0, .500

Chavo Guerrero, 9-9-0, .500

Spike Dudley, 5-5-0, .500

Shane McMahon, 6-7-0, .462

Ron Simmons, 8-10-1, .447

Lance Storm, 8-10-0, .444

D-Lo Brown, 8-11-0, .421

Mark Henry, 5-7-0, .417

Rikishi, 6-9-1, .406

Shawn Michaels, 4-6-0, .400

A-Train, 3-7-1, .318

Raven, 4-11-0, .267

Vince McMahon, 2-6-0, .250

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Goldberg, 21-6-1, .768

Brock Lesnar, 10-4-1, .700

Val Venis, 14-6-0, .700

Undertaker, 25-15-4, .614

Triple H, 29-18-2, .612

Scott Steiner, 16-11-1, .589

Booker T, 25-18-0, .581

Kurt Angle, 26-20-0, .565

Steve Austin, 22-17-2, .561

Hulk Hogan, 14-11-1, .558

The Rock, 29-23-2, .556

Hmm, who doesnt fit in here?

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Guest TheGame2705


3. A-Train, 3-7-1, .318


A-Train megapush I tell you. This OBVIOUSLY proves what smarks have said about the push.

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Guest Choken One

Heh...well that's kinda a surprise to see that A-Train jobbed alot and notice Jericho has more wins then everyone else?

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Heh...well that's kinda a surprise to see that A-Train jobbed alot and notice Jericho has more wins then everyone else?

Yeah he went on a roll earlier this year.

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Guest Choken One
Starrcade 98, Sin 2001, Starrcade 99, New Blood Rising, Fall Brawl 2000


There's the other 5

Huh? Oh I was thinking it was this year only never mind...


I never saw the thing that said PPV...i assumed it was normal TV...

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Guest Choken One

I should add NONE of those were clean, I think.


Cept Steiner's which was a NO DQ anyways.

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Guest Razor Roman

Jericho has the most wins because he's the only guy that hasn't been injured or off making movies... EVER in the past half-decade.

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