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Jarrett's opponent

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Ya know, this could be a VERY interesting situation. I honestly have NO idea of everyone that Hart has managed since my memory of his wrestlers is terrible.


People are saying Honky Tonk Man. I also remember The Nasty Boyz being managed by Hart as well.

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Honky is very plausible, since a lot of people called Jarrett's old gimmick things like "second rate Honky Tonk Man", etc. Plus, I believe he's fairly big in Memphis.


Here's a list of people Hart has managed off the top of my head. Keep in mind he's managed a lot in Memphis, and I'm not familiar with each of those guys from that long ago.


Honky Tonk Man

Nasty Boys (could be Knobs, I doubt Saggs)

Greg "The Hammer" Valentine

King Kong Bundy




Ted DiBiase

IRS/Mike Rotundo

The Mountie

Lex Luger

Kamala (Dungeon of Doom days)


and, one that is incredibly plausible given the fact that this is a Hogan angle...


Are you ready for it...





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Guest Salacious Crumb

Earthquake would be a good possibility as he lives in Florida and would probably jump at the chance to be on tv again.

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Guest Choken One

Terry Funk is the only one I would give a shit about but we all know it's gonna be Tenta or Typhoon or HTM or most likely Leslie.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

It seriously HAS to be Terry Funk. Honestly I don't even think TNA is dumb enough to try any of those other guys. They are not that desperate to think one of the others named here would even be acceptable.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
It's *possible* it's DiBiase, right?



you have a better chance of seeing Jesus instead of Ted Dibia........nevermind :ph34r:

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It's *possible* it's DiBiase, right?



you have a better chance of seeing Jesus instead of Ted Dibia........nevermind :ph34r:

Well, I believe Jesus will come back eventually... let's hope it's to TNA Wednesday night.

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Guest ToddRoyal

No chance at ALL it's Savage. Savage despises Hogan, and Hart is Hogan's best friend/business associate. You have a better chance of seeing Roadkill pull off a 630 than Savage being a part of this angle.

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Guest Choken One

True but Wouldn't Savage just LOVE to say



"Hey, Hogan this proves I can carry a company by my damn self with you!"

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Guest bort

1 word




the only guy i can see it beeing is Beefcake because of his good friendship with hogan, we all know when you get hogan you get Hart and beefcake with him

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

I was gonna say Rotundo, since he's still going & is still supposed to be somewhat decent.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
I was gonna say Rotundo, since he's still going & is still supposed to be somewhat decent.

Rotundo would be a good choice I bet since he can actually wrestle and has a traditional style.

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

In light of Warrior's...um...announcement, & since with Bound For Glory still coming up in the next few months, what are the odds of him as the opponent? I don't think Hart ever managed him, but it just all seems sorta coincidental. Hart managed the Renegade, who we all know is dead, so that's about all i got. Point? What point?

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