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Paper for Psychology

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Guest Homeless Guy Spare Some Change

are you actually needing information on a psychological perspective of why wrestling is widely followed?

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I'm trying to either explain why certain matches have more heat than others, or explain ring psychology in-depth and why/how most wrestlers don't have much knowledge of it anymore.

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What level psych class is this? You're in high school, right?


If it's just a high school psych class, you could probably get away with just talking about how promos and heelish actions during a feud are a sort of operant conditioning, where the observers get a personal investment and become conditioned to want a counterbalancing response, i.e. the face getting one up on the heel. You could also discuss how heel turns have really big effects on fans because of the cognitive dissonance created: we've been cheering Shawn Michaels as a super-cool babyface for years, and then he sends his friend Jannetty through a window, and we as viewers are torn between cheering and recognizing the fault he's actually committed.


Your best bet is probably just to take a few general things like that and run with them. It wouldn't work in college seminars but it'll sure as hell be creative and solid for a high school course.

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Guest Boo_Bradley

Geez, I don't even have sigs enabled here, cause i don't want anyone at college to know i like wrestling, and here you guys are doing papers on it.


I wrote a report in Business Intro about Masterbation yesterday, though, so whatever...

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

My old roommate did this really elaborate video presentation on Erectile Dysfunction to make the class feel uncomfortable. It was a fucking masterpiece. Powerpoint slides, diagrams..it was for a second or third year stats class, I believe.


Definitely stick with basic broad wrasslin' concepts like good guys and bad guys, revenge, etc, and focus less on specific angles and shit, because that will read like the minutes from a Star Trek convention to your class and teacher. Uninteresting, and trivial. Focus on the crowd moreso than the ring.

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Guest Choken One

If you can do a powerpoint presentation, Show them various clips of wrestling using Pyschology and shit..It'll keep the class awake and shit

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Are you sure you want to do this project, Laz? I tried a few years back to do a presentation about the pressure to use 'roids in wrestling and I almost put my class to sleep. Unless everybody in there is a wrestling fan, you're fucked. Then again, the teacher is the only one marking you and they have to pay attention (for the most part) so if you feel the need.


On the subject of psychology, it's a touchy thing, mainly due to the fact that it means something different to every person. Try not to get into too much detail, ie. Puro Psych or you'll put everybody to sleep. Basic storylines or archtypes are a good and easy thing to explain. The best match you can probably use that would be easy to explain is Benoit vs Angle from WrestleMania 17, as it carries many paralells and uses solid storytelling.


Canadian God vs American God

Grizzled vet vs Hotshot Amateur

Former World Champ vs The guy who should be champ


The match itself would work well for you, as the storyline was "Benoit keeps one-upping Angle", which was shown in a lot of different ways.


- Benoit beats Angle in the amateur showdown early in the match. Angle responds by snapping and throwing a cheap punch at Benoit.

- Benoit succesfully locks on the crossface and gets a tapout, while Angles attempts at the anklelock fail.

- Angle's moonsault misses, while Benoit hits the diving headbutt.

- Finally, Angle goes to his trump card, the Angle Slam, which Benoit kicks out of. Angle then becomes a desperate man and cheats his way out of the match.


Easy, right?

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You could also do it on how the most popular wrestlers are those who the audience can relate too, while gimmicks are used to make people care about someone they don't particularly know about.

People can relate to Brock Lesnar? Goldberg? HHH? The Rock? Kurt Angle? How do you figure?


The only wrestler that the WWE every marketed as a "working man's" wrestler was Austin during the attitude era. Other then that, nobody has come along that the fans can truly relate to. I suppose you could use Benoit, but the WWE hasn't established it clearly. The only other one I could see you get some use out of is Zach Gowan, as he was marketed as a boy who's living his dream.

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You could also do it on how the most popular wrestlers are those who the audience can relate too, while gimmicks are used to make people care about someone they don't particularly know about.

People can relate to Brock Lesnar? Goldberg? HHH? The Rock? Kurt Angle? How do you figure?


The only wrestler that the WWE every marketed as a "working man's" wrestler was Austin during the attitude era. Other then that, nobody has come along that the fans can truly relate to. I suppose you could use Benoit, but the WWE hasn't established it clearly. The only other one I could see you get some use out of is Zach Gowan, as he was marketed as a boy who's living his dream.

They can relate to them more than The Hurricane. That's why gimmicks rarely get to ME staus now: they're not realistic.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

You're getting WAY too into it. Use Hogan/Andre as your example.


Everyone knows who Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant are, also, there's a higher chance that the people in your class watched wrestling when they were little kids, and might even remember it.


Talk about what makes these guys the epittamy of good/evil in the eyes of the fans. Touch on the "gladiator" aspect of it, the appeal of physical violence, etc. Do NOT, under any circumstances get in-depth in terms of the wrestling business, or feuds and storylines.

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