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Guest Charles Eric Horowitz

Excuse me, is anyone here an emcee/rapper?

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Guest Charles Eric Horowitz

Hi, I hope I'm not intruding in any conversations, but I was just curious to know if there's any practicing hip-hoppers out there, on here? If so, feel free to identify yourselves and share your experiences, or even express an as yet unfulfilled desire to excurse into the field. And for all you "souljas" out there, maybe you can even burn up some wax and display your skills via typing here a few very "bananas" verses!



And to those in charge of overseeing this message: I'm sorry if this is really more suited for the music folder. I made the distinction that that particular area was more suited for discussions of bands and artists and any emcees I hope are leaning towards contributing here of a more "signed" nature. I merely felt the shoot-the-breeze feel of this location would be more appropriate for my curiosity to invest itself into a written query. If for any reason you disagree, I feel the best course of action to take would be for us to meet or correspond with one another and take the necessary steps to resolve the issue amicably, rather than immediately hand me down a permanent dismissal from future usage of your internet forum.



So, anyone want to speak their piece on this? Please note that I am not demanding you do so. I would appreciate it if you did reply, but you are by no means obligated. My sincerest apologies for any miscommunication there may have been.




Meticulously edited for: correction of typos, correction of inadvertent syntax errors, final decision on what would be most proper spacing of paragraphs

Edited by Charles Eric Horowitz

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Guest Charles Eric Horowitz

I think I actually do realize who you are talking about. He is a distant cousin, perhaps slightly disturbed from his gradual fall from the public eye and the recent death of a friend.


I hope any familial situations will not serve to cause any ill will.

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The only one slightly disturbed here is you, multiple personality boy.


Oh, and here's a hearty fuck you for mentioning John Ritter's death to pretend that "OMG IT WAS ACTUALLY FONZIE!". Nimrod.

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Guest Charles Eric Horowitz

Sir, I assure you, this cousin of mine is not any "Fonzie." I understand you took offense to what you may have felt was suggested. My apologies. Hopefully we can refrain from these sort of ugly misunderstandings in the future. Completely my fault, I should have been more considerate of how what I say might be read into by others.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

And a mighty hunter.


As far as the topic goes, I've broken into one actual freestyle in my entire life, and its only purpose was to make fun of someone. It was marginally amusing, if clumsy. I've done a few bass tracks before for other people's stuff, but aside from that, it's not a genre I explore too much.

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Nothing serious but I write every now and then...just when I get bored and need to kill time. Nothing special at all.


I'm getting better at freestyling too if that's worth anything.

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I can freestyle ok in a technical sense, but the problem is 90% of the time it turns really gay. I don't plan it that way, my words just turn to ass fucking of their own accord.

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