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One and Only 10/29/03 TNA Thread

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Duggan hasn't sucked forever...


Go back to 1984 and check out some awesome matches with Ted DiBiase....

Seeing I wasn't even ONE year old when he had good matches, that means for 18-19 years hes sucked unless some miracle occurs.

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Guest dvkorn
Duggan hasn't sucked forever...


Go back to 1984 and check out some awesome matches with Ted DiBiase....

Seeing I wasn't even ONE year old when he had good matches, that means for 18-19 years hes sucked unless some miracle occurs.

yes, but that isn't forever, now is it...?

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Duggan hasn't sucked forever...


Go back to 1984 and check out some awesome matches with Ted DiBiase....

Seeing I wasn't even ONE year old when he had good matches, that means for 18-19 years hes sucked unless some miracle occurs.

yes, but that isn't forever, now is it...?

The major factor is only a handful of people will remember the matches.


His most memorable moment fans remember: A big booger hanging out of his nose at WM V.

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Guest Frank The Tank

I think I'll order next week, I'm a mark for Sting and the X-Division thing sounds decent.

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Someone already asked once and got no answer...


When did Jimmy Hart manage Jim Duggan?


Unless it was briefly in Memphis, I'm not thinking it's even possible.

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Duggan's Mid-South stuff is pretty good and he was over off the charts in that territory. And he was a fun brawler.Plus I've met him twice and he came across as a pretty friendly guy.


That said....I can't believe he was the surprise. And as far as I know, Jimmy Hart never managed him. Unless......did Hogan and Duggan ever team when they were in WCW around 1994?

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Guest TDinDC1112
I think Rick Steiner in his prime was pretty good. But he's sucked for at least 8-9 years now.



Duggan was very good in Mid-South.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

I would have to say that this weeks show is definately the worst I have seen to date. Here is the formula to make Duggan good again........become a total mark.......become 8 years old......and make it somehow revert back to 1986 again..........there you go.

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I'll admit to actually enjoying Duggan from a mark's perspective. There's something about the guy I like, and I'll readily admit that.


However, when booking for the main event, two things need to be the top reasons for booking a feud/angle:

1. The heat generated, and

2. The quality of the matches.


Duggan would not generate heat at a main event level, regardless of whatever promotion he'd go to. And his matches have sucked since before my birth (5/31/86, for those wondering), so he won't put on quality matches. -1 + -1 = -2. Duggan should not be booked anywhere near the main event.


That said, next week's show DOES look good. I'm interested to see what the fuck this "Triple Chance" tournament is (I'm guessing triple elimination, or just constant triple threat matches), what will happen during Raven/Mitchell, and Jarrett/Sting. Plus, I wanna hear that bitchin' ripoff of "Seek And Destroy" when Sting comes out.

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That said, next week's show DOES look good. I'm interested to see what the fuck this "Triple Chance" tournament is (I'm guessing triple elimination, or just constant triple threat matches),

OK...the Triple Chance thing is going to be broken up through a few weeks.


Next week: Battle Royal of X-Division competitors. Winner of that moves on to the finals. The previous 4 before the winner enter into qualifying matches.


2 Weeks Ahead: The last four that were actually eliminated face off in matches. Winners of those two move on to...


3 Weeks Ahead: A Triple Threat match between the Winner and the two qualified superstars.


Winner of that gets the title shot.

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Guest MikeSC
Signed? Last time I checked, no one signed contracts in TNA.


And good goddamn Jesus people, you act like this is the first time TNA has put on a bad show. What about the show with Russo in army gear that you complained about? Or the other one? Or the other 10 bad shows. And then when they put on a good show, you are quick to yell "I knew they could do it" or "WWE, this is your competition" (looking at you Mike).

Small problem --- by almost EVERY account, they haven't had a GOOD show in a long, long while. They took the interest from their .01 PPV and pissed it all away with mediocre shows.


If they wish to compete --- they need to CLEARLY put on better shows than WWE. They a) aren't free and b) are still a small company.


And bringing in Rick Steiner and Hacksaw Duggan aren't going to increase the match quality.


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Wasnt too impressed with last night......seemed like a Raw/Smackdown type show, which would lead into what would be a major ppv next week. I've finally gotten sick of that in putting on a mediocre show to build to a better one at a particular week. That shit has GOT to stop, they need to thrive on a ppv calibur event every Weds night, no questions asked. Putting out a match like Siaki-Ekmo v. Doring-Roadkill, for example, doesnt even come close to something ppv calibur. In theory, a match like Vamp-Raven is a main event calibur match, but 1) when you dont give them enough time and 2) you put them before shit like the Jarrett crap, well then what do you expect out of it.


The opener was ok, and so was Raven-Vamp (Vampiro sucked ass in that match though) but everything else was shit if you ask me. What kind of surprises from Hart was that?! He didnt manage either of those guys from what I can recall. They would have been better off just having Sting there and cut an angle with him and Jarrett to end the show leading into the match next week. Sting actually talking it up with Jarrett for 10 minutes is better than what they gave us. Those two "matches" with Duggan and Steiner were dumb and really served no purpose other than Jimmy Hart is all talk and no action as a babyface, which is not what is ideal for a face talent.


I cant stand fuckin Michael Shane at all, they need to get the belt off him and fast. My assumption is that Styles will win this whole tournament thing and then get a shot at Shane around Thanksgiving (which I hope they still make into a major show that week even if their 30th ppv is off for now) to win the belt. I dont see how putting Styles back in the X division is a positive though, but whatever. I suppose if you had guys like Daniels. Lo-Ki and others continue to do X division stuff as well in the future, that might work maybe in mixing it up in programs with upcoming stars like Dutt, Sabin, etc. But back to Shane.....I would bet he is Douglas' guy, and Trinity is probably the chick that Douglas is raving about too.


Abyss still to me has promise, but he needs to get away from Kash, as theres nothing else to talk about there. AMW probably should get the belts soon again here, as another guy who has gotten stale to me is Gilberti and the whole thing with him and AMW. Basically it seems like all of the feuds except Hogan-Jarrett really have no steam to them and need to be blown off soon. Raven-Michell has to end for next week. I liked that match he had tonight at times but it didnt flow enough to really get into. Vamp seemed to be phoning in his match. As much as I'd like to see him stay around, if he's going to work like that in the future, he's not worth the money.


One thing I can see happening soon is guys like Piper, Brown, and Lynn return to do something, hopefully. Could see something along the lines of Piper bringing them both in to manage them against the Red Shirts. Like I said, I think the major problem at this point is they need to move on from some of these feuds, unless they have some twists to them. Next week sounds ok with Sting, but I would bet that is just a one time shot for him.

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I would have to say that this weeks show is definately the worst I have seen to date. Here is the formula to make Duggan good again........become a total mark.......become 8 years old......and make it somehow revert back to 1986 again..........there you go.

I feel the same way about Sting for next week.

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