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Tiffani Malibu

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Probably opening a can of works/asking for trouble here, but...


I just happened to read through the "post your pic" thread (yes, all 25 pages of it) and then caught this thread here


Was the joke/reality-of-the-situation ever revealed elsewhere? What was going on and who was she really?


Angel, the curious n00b

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Tiffani was Zack.



Well, I suppose that much should have been obvious


Who was the actual girl though? RL friend? Or just some random stolen camwhore images?


Reminds me of a prank on another board I used to frequent, when a brand new poster on the board posted a Halloween pic of herself (dressed like the St. Pauli Girl) right around her first post, but since it was one of those long scrolling boards, not like this, you couldn't quite tell if maybe she'd posted before... anyways, she'd managed to lure a couple of the male posters into some shit (thankfully I wasn't one of them, I had my own woman issues at that time) before it was revealed that it was just the resident asshole playing a prank on the board.

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Actually, most people didn't know it was Zack at all. It was accused of being Banky most of the time.


It was a girl that Zack knows from the net.



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