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Lil' Bitch

What was your favorite blow-off match to a feud?

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For me, it would be Hart / Lawler Kiss My Foot Match, KOTR 95. After harrassing him for 2 years, the sight of Jerry Lawler once again tapping out to Bret Hart's Sharpshooter and then having to engulf both Bret's sweaty foot and his own "shit covered" foot made me smile so much.

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I just got to say that I chuckled at what this topic read as on the main page. My favorite at the time, if only it had led to something more substanial, was Marty F'n Jannetty coming back out of nowhere to beat Shawn Micheals.

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Even though it wasn't the final blow off for the feud, I'd definitely say Bret Hart and Steve Austin from Wrestlemania 13, just for all the emotion involved leading up to it.


For "final" blow off...um...probably HIAC 1 (HBK/Taker) or the Tommy/Raven loser leaves town match from Wrestlepalooza 97...at least I think it was Wrestlepalooza. I taped it off of ECW TV so I can barely remember.

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Cactus/HHH- No Way Out '00

Austin/HHH-No Way Out 01

TA/Blanchard-Stacade 85

Funk/Flair- Clash of The Champions I Quit Match

Michaels/Hart SS 97

Michaels/Taker- Badd Blood

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Guest wayzing

When it comes to blowing off feuds I'd have to pick Randy Savage & Ultimate Warriors epic career match at WrestleMania VII. With Warrior pinning Savage with his foot on Savage's chest it seemed so definite. Savage was so close to taking in it but in the end there was no doubt who the better man was.




Oh, storyline wise for f**k's sake.

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