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Jessica Dreams of Jeannie

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Jessica Dreams of Jeannie

by Michael Ausiello


Big-screen versions of classic TV shows are all the rage in Hollywood right now. Nicole Kidman plans to play Samantha Stephens — the nose-twitchin' witch originated by Elizabeth Montgomery — in a Bewitched movie. And if Jessica Simpson gets her way, she'll be the one to fill Barbara Eden's sequined bra and harem pants for an I Dream of Jeannie flick. But will the pop tart's wish be granted?


According to the Newlyweds star's manager-dad, Joe Simpson, yes. With Columbia Pictures moving forward on a film adaptation of Jeannie, Pop says, "she'd be one of their top contenders."


And here's how sure the "Irresistible" vixen feels she's right for the part. Earlier this month, Simpson took a risk by making a very public plea to Sony on Larry King Live, telling guest host Ryan Seacrest she really wants to be Jeannie. Talk about chutzpah!


However, a studio exec stresses, "we're talking with a wide range of actresses and not negotiating with anyone." Still, Pa says Jess is earnestly taking acting lessons, and maintains that she'd be a natural to play the bottled blonde: "Their personalities are pretty close." — Additional reporting by Daniel R. Coleridge


Oh I just love that part were her dad said that Jessica and Jeannie have pretty close personalities. Funny I don't remember Jeannie being dumb as a rock. Hell at least Jeannie had some common sense which is more the I can say for Jessica.

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Guest Flyboy
Isn't "Jessica Dreams of Jeannie" the name of some lesbian porn?

I was thinking the EXACT same thing.

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Guest JMA

I really liked the show "I Dream of Jeannie." I DON'T want to see it with a pop soundtrack and teen idols.

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Guest Plushy Al Logan
I really liked the show "I Dream of Jeannie." I DON'T want to see it with a pop soundtrack and teen idols.

Too late. It's going to happen sooner or later.

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Then let your wallet speak for you. Don't watch it.


If more people would stop going to see all these stupid movies... you know, the ones that you know will be worthless movies, with talentless "actors" and no discernible plots... then maybe... just maybe, they'll stop making them.


I won't hold my breath though.


If you must see it solely for the train wreck factor, wait the two months for it to show up on cable. Don't even rent it. Don't give those Hollywood schmucks the satisfaction of recouping any losses for their lousy shit.


And I agree: Jessica Simpson is as dumb as rocks. Maybe dumber. But not as dumb as the people who watch her on TV. Now that's dumb.

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Jeannie on the show wasn't so much dumb as she was naive. She was locked up in a bottle for over 2000 years and, of course, as basically a slave to her "master" she didn't have to be all that smart. They are going to need one hell of a comedic actor as Major Nelson to carry this thing. They'll probably get Ashton Kutcher. Fuck him.

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