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Guest MikeSC

PETA to NPR: Reject McDonald's 'Blood Money' Beque

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Guest MikeSC

(2003-11-06) -- People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) today called on National Public Radio (NPR) to reject a $200 million bequest from Joan Kroc, the recently-deceased widow of the McDonald's restaurant tycoon, Ray Kroc.


"NPR must turn away this blood money," said PETA spokeswoman Ingrid Newkirk. "We call on Americans to boycott NPR programs since they will be bought with the slaughtered carcasses of billions of sentient beings."


PETA will begin an anti-NPR campaign this week featuring radio commercials recorded by naked celebrities.


Because the bequest amounts to about twice NPR's annual budget, public radio stations will cease fundraising during NPR programs and Congress will withdraw all taxpayer funding.


...Who is now awaiting the inevitable "You know this isn't a news story" post

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Guest Salacious Crumb

I really hate PETA and they only feed the fire. Does every mentally unstable person end up as a upper level person in this organization? I mean these people are pretty nutty and only seem to get worse.

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Guest Plushy Al Logan
I really hate PETA and they only feed the fire. Does every mentally unstable person end up as a upper level person in this organization? I mean these people are pretty nutty and only seem to get worse.

Sadly, O'Reilly is right!

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I really hate PETA and they only feed the fire.  Does every mentally unstable person end up as a upper level person in this organization?  I mean these people are pretty nutty and only seem to get worse.

Sadly, O'Reilly is right!

Of course, everyone knows O'reilly is right...FAR right that is! LOL FAUX NEWS MEDIA WHORE 2003~!!!!


Sorry, I had to just once :P

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I'll boycott McDonald's just because Kroc gave NPR $200 million.



I prefer Quiznos these days anyway.


BTW, at my school there's a woman who's a member of PETA and quite passionate about the organization.


She's also a rabidly pro-Palestine, self-admitted socialist who, just the other day, remarked to one of my fellow classmates that she was going to attend an event about North Korea, designed to dispell some of the "lies" we Americans have been telling about their government.


Her exact quote: "They're all Stalinist Communist there, how bad could they be?"


I've still got the wounds on my tongue from where I had to bite it to keep my damn fool mouth from opening and saying something I would have regretted later.....


.....on second thought, I wouldn't have regretted it later. But still....

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Guest Salacious Crumb
Her exact quote: "They're all Stalinist Communist there, how bad could they be?"





Oh man that's going to give me hours and hours of laughs.

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At least she wasn't pimping the free health care in Cuba...

Ironic you say that.


She's also a huge fan of Cuba, and has stated on more than one occasion that she would have rather gone to school there.....except, of course, Cuba isn't exactly known for its great law schools.


The stories I could tell you about this broad.

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Guest MikeSC

Um, the story was a parody from scrappleface.com (hence my sig line at the end of the first post). I just thought it was funny.


However, Kroc DID give NPR $200M --- and the media seems to not care about her (quite the left-wing lib, mind you) doing it --- but Scaife gets TRASHED by a lot of people for doing the same thing.


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I'd like to say that I ate roughly half a pound of these "sentient beings" today by ordering 2 double-cheeseburgers from Wendy's.


PETA needs to shut up. Seriously. It's one thing to talk about vegetarianism/veganism, and about how we should protect the animals and the planet, but PETA is at a near-terrorist level about it. Didn't they threaten the lives of Ted Nugent's children because The Nuge happened to be an avid hunter?

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Are you shitting me? Ted Nugent is one of the last people on Earth that I would fuck with. These people have a SERIOUS collective martyr complex, wanting to get shot like that.


What's the big deal with Mickey D's giving NPR some money? It's public radio, donations are how they stay on the air, not to mention that Mcdonalds already does a ton of charity shit in the first place. It's not like NPR is suddenly going to start going "BA BA BAP BAP BAAAAA...I'm lovin' it."


"Shame on you, cow-cookers, your livelyhood is evil, and you may never attempt to do good in the world, because you make...EGG MC MUFFINS!"

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Guest Cerebus

I've been doing research into PETA for a long time (when I was still doing undergrad work they were one of my favorite subjects) and the fact that this even though Mike did tell us it was fake, it is so easily believable is just part of the "Greenpeace-ification" of PETA. Once they were an organization devoted to truly spreading vegeterianism and animal rights (see thier anti-fur crusades in the 80's) Now...I don't know WHAT the hell they are for besides getting dumb celebrities on their roster and getting headline grabbing crap like this. Those trading cards make me sick...When my younger sister was growing up I had her eating right but because of her health not because I told her she was going to become a fat cow or that by eating meat she, personally, was killing animals. The former are acceptable and the latter are just scare tactis used by an organization that is quickly becoming irrelevant.

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