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Guest Ray

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Sting vs Hulk Hogan, 1995 - Sue me but this was much better than usual Hogan...especially WCW Hogan

That was when Sting was still multi-colored and Hogan had starting wearing black and white for the first time (his Pre-nWo Black and White time) right?

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Bret Hart, British Bulldog & Owen Hart vs Steve Austin, Undertaker & Mankind, Flag Match, 1997

Sid came back at that show, right?

I don't know what was up with Sid in 97. I remember at the April IYH, he was supposed to fight Bret ... and was subbed with Austin. Then at the May IYH he was supposed to fight Mankind ... and was subbed with Rocky.


I think around July he was in a car wreck with Furnas and LaFon ... so that meant his Summer Slam match with Vader was off. And that was it for him in the WWF if memory serves.


Just as a note on that flag match, 7/21/97 in Halifax, Nova Scotia - 2 weeks before Summer Slam.

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Sting vs Hulk Hogan, 1995 - Sue me but this was much better than usual Hogan...especially WCW Hogan

That was when Sting was still multi-colored and Hogan had starting wearing black and white for the first time (his Pre-nWo Black and White time) right?

Yeah, that was the Nitro right before World War 3 (11/20/96, I believe). It went opposite Shawn's collapse on Raw.

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Sting vs Hulk Hogan, 1995 - Sue me but this was much better than usual Hogan...especially WCW Hogan

That was when Sting was still multi-colored and Hogan had starting wearing black and white for the first time (his Pre-nWo Black and White time) right?

Yeah, that was the Nitro right before World War 3 (11/20/96, I believe). It went opposite Shawn's collapse on Raw.

I thought the match was very entertaining up till the finish.


The sad thing is everyone could see the finish coming before the Nitro opening aired.

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All of Angle/Booker's matches are really good and not remembered, for whatever reason.


I'd say Benoit/Austin from Calgary from Raw in May of 2001...it gets love, but not as much as it should. Also their late 2000 match on Raw was damn good.


Rock/Taker/Goldust/Booker vs. HHH/Un-Americans was pretty good, but no one remembers it (I don't think many people remember the latter part of 2002 because it was just so...I dunno)


Angle vs. Kane for the US title on Smackdown was pretty damn good as well.


All the Smackdown 6 stuff.


We could go on forever.

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Austin vs Regal in a strap match from Smackdown


Regal mocking Hogan and all of the Rock & Wrestle crap.

Man, I forgot ALL about that match. Didn't Booker & Bossman come out at the end or am I thinking of something else.

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How many people remember that "Star Studded" 4-Way tag title match leading up to SummerSlam 98? It was (I believe) Rock and D'lo Vs The Outlaws Vs Taker and Austin Vs Kane and Mankind. It's been a few years since I've watched it, so I'm not sure how it holds up, but I LOVED that match live.


yeah that was great, it was going to be Owen and The Rock but before the match started, Shamrock attacked Owen, who was replaced by D'Lo.


Then you had all the cahmpions in the WWF in one match:

Austin (WWF Champ, Tag Champ)

Undertaker (Tag Champ)

Rock (IC Champ)

D'Lo (Euro Champ)


this was when Kane pinned Taker with just a chokeslam and everyone was saying that they planned and stuff.



I loved the period leading to Summerslam 98, good times

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Summerslam 1998 buildup was some of the best I've EVER seen. It was so good that even the show itself was pretty good, it was kind of a let down in the long run.


That's what really got me hooked on wrestling...like hardcore...Summer of 1998.


Oh yeah...Outlaws vs. Austin/Taker...night after Fully Loaded is a fun match.

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Guest John Dub

Most people don't remember this, but in the midst of the InVasion Kidman and X-Pac had a feud that had the best wrestling seen out of either of them. They had maybe 2 PPV matches all together, but they had a number of TV matches too.

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Summerslam 1998 buildup was some of the best I've EVER seen. It was so good that even the show itself was pretty good, it was kind of a let down in the long run.

That's the main reason I never understood the love for the Austin/Taker SummerSlam match. It wasn't the worst match I've ever seen, but damn it, with that kind of build going into the show, I was expecting something spectacular. I'd say the SummerSlam 98 build was the best PPV build ever.


And I'll second the X-Pac/Kidman stuff. Their title unification match (where X-Pac won the Cruiserweight belt) was my favorite...partially because I was there, but still, it was a great match, and it was funny as hell watching the WWF try to get X-Pac over as a face and fail miserably.

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Sting vs Hulk Hogan, 1995 - Sue me but this was much better than usual Hogan...especially WCW Hogan

That was when Sting was still multi-colored and Hogan had starting wearing black and white for the first time (his Pre-nWo Black and White time) right?



Oh and Cawthon it was 95 not 96. :)

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Guest Mulatto Heat
All the Smackdown 6 stuff.

Yeah, those matches kind of got mishmashed together and written off as 'those SD 6 matches', with few of the individual matches getting remembered, which is a damn shame.

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Guest Frank The Tank

I don't know if anybody agrees with me, but War Games 2000 in the Triple Cage on Nitro was pretty good.

The Eddie/Tajiri vs Team Angle matches on Smackdown earlier this year are kind of forgotten.

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Summerslam 1998 buildup was some of the best I've EVER seen. It was so good that even the show itself was pretty good, it was kind of a let down in the long run.

That's the main reason I never understood the love for the Austin/Taker SummerSlam match. It wasn't the worst match I've ever seen, but damn it, with that kind of build going into the show, I was expecting something spectacular. I'd say the SummerSlam 98 build was the best PPV build ever.


And I'll second the X-Pac/Kidman stuff. Their title unification match (where X-Pac won the Cruiserweight belt) was my favorite...partially because I was there, but still, it was a great match, and it was funny as hell watching the WWF try to get X-Pac over as a face and fail miserably.


i'm one of those that love the Taker/Austin match at SS 98, but i know it's not a greeeeeat match, i think i love it because of all the story and the build up to it. Every match in that card had awesome build up to them.


and X-Pac had some decent matches with Tajiri around the summer of 2001 too, like the one at Summerslam that year. He was working hard during the Invasion, too bad everyone hated him anyways.


And i agree with the Smackdown six matches, a few are remembered (mostly the tag matches) but this guys were having excellente matches every week and so often that they just got lost in time.

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RVD v. Eddy- IC title ladder match

Austin/HBK v. Owen/Davey Boy for the Tag titles.

Taz v. HHH-Tazz was the ECW CHAMP.

HHH v. Taka

Foley v. Funk -streetfight match

RVD v. Taker-Undisputed WWE title

RVD v. Dreamer- for the IC/Hardcore title unification match

Benoit v. Angle - cage match

TLC 3- WWE always forgets this TLC match.

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RVD v. Eddy- IC title ladder match

Austin/HBK v. Owen/Davey Boy for the Tag titles.

Dude, these two gets TONS of love.

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Matt Hardy vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. fro the CW title a few months ago.


Matt vs. Benoit in the US Title tournament semi-final


Angle vs. Austin - Raw january 2001

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How many people remember that "Star Studded" 4-Way tag title match leading up to SummerSlam 98? It was (I believe) Rock and D'lo Vs The Outlaws Vs Taker and Austin Vs Kane and Mankind. It's been a few years since I've watched it, so I'm not sure how it holds up, but I LOVED that match live.


Saw this match again.....hmmm, probably within the last six months, upon reviewing some of my own wrestling comps.


I would say that it still holds up. The heat from the crowd was tremendous, and I'll admit to marking out a bit while watching it (especially for Rock).

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Guest Choken One

Anyone remember RAW BOWL?


The ring had this Football field design and the opener was a 4 Corners Tag Match with Smoking Gunns and 3 other teams and it also Included Razor attacking Goldy backstage where Razor was stiffing goldy.

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Guest Real F'n Show

the only thing i can remember about the summerslam 98 austin/taker match is undertaker legdropping austin through the announce table from the top rope. I thought that was freaking awesome at the time...

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Sting vs Hulk Hogan, 1995 - Sue me but this was much better than usual Hogan...especially WCW Hogan

That was when Sting was still multi-colored and Hogan had starting wearing black and white for the first time (his Pre-nWo Black and White time) right?

Yeah, that was the Nitro right before World War 3 (11/20/96, I believe). It went opposite Shawn's collapse on Raw.

I thought the match was very entertaining up till the finish.


The sad thing is everyone could see the finish coming before the Nitro opening aired.

Remind me, as it's been a while...what was the finish?

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Guest Choken One

Speaking of the Shawn Collaspe Match...They were having a fun nifty match.


Shawn and Owen always were great together...The IYH match was better then Any match Shawn/Bret had and I witnessed a ****1/2 25 Minute gem with those two at a house show...Hour before...I met Owen and talked to him for 15 minutes...He pointed me out during the match and yelled "You Stink!" and as the crowd booed him...He winked.


I still can't decide what was better...Owen Winking at me or Mr. Perfect stealing my sign and making a urniating gesture on it and then HHH picked it up (this was a HHH/HBK Main event) and HHH began to rip it up but Shawn put a stop to that and layed out HHH and High fived me.

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W/ help from Cawthon's site


February 4th, 2002 Raw

Chris Jericho & Undertaker vs The Rock & Steve Austin


December 23rd, 1999 Thunder

Chris Benoit vs Bret Hart


Both matches were solid ***-***1/2+ that seem to be somewhat forgotten about

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Guest Choken One
Owen Hart Tribute Match - WCW

Chris Benoit vs. Bret Hart

It's FORGOTTEN matches.



People still talk about this match constantly.

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Anyone remember RAW BOWL?


The ring had this Football field design and the opener was a 4 Corners Tag Match with Smoking Gunns and 3 other teams and it also Included Razor attacking Goldy backstage where Razor was stiffing goldy.

The Goldust attack and the Raw Bowl were two different shows actually (same taping though). Still, the match itself was good enough, and I'll be damned if I didn't mark for that Goldust beating. At the time, I damn near wore out my VCR by rewinding the tape to watch the beat down over and over again.


I miss being a mark. :sniffle:

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Remind me, as it's been a while...what was the finish?

Savage was in Hogan's corner. Sting had the Scorpion on Hogan and he was screaming in pain ... Savage was cheering him on but it was obvious Hogan was about to tap ...


Then comes the Dungeon of Doom clusterfuck brawl to mess up everything!

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Guest Frank The Tank
W/ help from Cawthon's site


February 4th, 2002 Raw

Chris Jericho & Undertaker vs The Rock & Steve Austin

I don't remember that being any good.

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