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Guest Ghettoman

Nope, didn't show any aftermatch interaction between the two. Came off pretty dumb on TV if you ask me.

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Guest Ghettoman

They would of been better off leaving it in, they were building towards it all night long, the promo in the back set it up perfectly. If anything after the FU he should of took the mic to explain to the crowd in character why.


It just came off bad with the crowd being alive one second then dead the next, and that nothing happened with Benoit after the match killed the idea of disention between him and Benoit.

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Guest Ghettoman

Yeah because judging on the crowd reaction for both Benoit's the one you want to protect there.


Benoit's good enough to rebound from bad booking in his matches to the point where he's not losing any fans, Cena's hot, and should be used like he's hot, if that means FUing Benoit after a match, then so be it.

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Is Benoit THAT fragile where has to be protected to this extent? That FU would have put more on Cena than hurting Benoit. It doesn't matter, the crowd saw it and that's what matters anyway. And judging by the crowd's reaction from live reports, they popped when Cena FU'ed Benoit. So, when the fans are popping more for someone who is basically a heel, then the 2nd most important face, you have to reevaluate some things. I think in the end, Cena will get Benoit's push.

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Guest wildpegasus

The crowd would've popped for anyone getting the FU. Benoit getting an FU would make him look too weak especially when he's the one going after Lesnar. I'm not too entirely convinced Cena's any kind of draw yet even if he gets good pops. He needs to be kept around the midcard or a little higher as of now until he can improve his in ring skills (where it does seem like he's improving at) some more. The guy's still very young and he has a gimmick which appeals to at least some people so he'll be perfectly fine. Matt Hardy would be a better person overall to have in the upper card.

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"This extent"??? Oh yeah, he sure is getting the Royal Treatment here. That poor Cena with Benoit holding him down. It's all about Benoit isn't it. God, when will his tyranny END?!


Benoit usually gets the top 3 pops at live events.


And yeah, they should be protecting Benoit since he's challenging Brock at all the house show events.


It was a stupid move that would have taken any momentum off Benoit. Cena didn't lose anything - if he didn't lose anything from jobbing to Taker, or Eddie, or Angle, or Brock, he won't here.

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Guest Ghettoman

How does Benoit look weak by taking an unexpected finisher? Should he have taken it, got right back up and thrown him in a crossface? Should he have reversed it into a crossface?


The FU pushes the disention with the team and further underdogs them, if Benoit can't survive taking someones finisher and legitamizing it as a finisher than he's not as good or as over as some of you are saying.


It would of furthered the story for survivor series, added an unpredictability to Cena, and done nothing to harm Benoit.


Cena is priority over Benoit right now, it doesn't matter where he's pushed, he's a potential money maker right now a lot more so than Benoit and keeping him interesting should be key.

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How does Benoit look weak by taking an unexpected finisher? Should he have taken it, got right back up and thrown him in a crossface? Should he have reversed it into a crossface?


Benoit extends his hand and admits he was wrong about Cena. Cena kicks his ass. Yeah, how DOES that make Benoit look weak??? It shouldn't have been done at all.


The FU pushes the disention with the team and further underdogs them, if Benoit can't survive taking someones finisher and legitamizing it as a finisher than he's not as good or as over as some of you are saying.


They could have done that in OTHER WAYS that didn't have to sacrifice Benoit and make him patsy.


It would of furthered the story for survivor series, added an unpredictability to Cena, and done nothing to harm Benoit.


Did nothing to harm Benoit?! How the fuck can you say that? Cena, the guy who got beaten by nearly everyone on the roster, punks out Benoit. Yeah, that would leave him fresh as a fucking rose. Again, other ways to do that.


Cena is priority over Benoit right now, it doesn't matter where he's pushed, he's a potential money maker right now a lot more so than Benoit and keeping him interesting should be key.


Benoit drew better when he main evented than Cena did. Not only this year, but when he first was called up. I'm not saying that Benoit is a draw, but I'm not saying he isn't one either. The only potential money Cena will be making any time soon is in Merch sales - and you don't have to be a ME to sell a shirt. You just have to be given screen and mic time to develop your character - which Cena has. Saying that the guy challenging for the WWE Title is not of priority is just ridiculous.

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Guest Ghettoman

Cena's run last time was as a heel and heel runs are always less succesful than face runs.


Benoit extends his hand to Cena to show him what matters is the victory, Cena responds by pretty much saying your right, but I'm still gonna do whatever the hell I want. It puts Cena over as unpredictable and the only way it harms Benoit is if he's not strong enough to sell someones finisher, which I'm sure he is.


And you said it best, Punks him out, not beats him clean in a match, not relentlessly beats the shit out of him, punks him out, which is Cena. It's not a declaraction he can beat Benoit, it's a declaration you don't know what I'm gonna do so don't act like you do. It pushes Cena's character, and unless Benoit's character is the un-one-uppable man, I think he's just fine.


Your acting as if Benoit isn't strong enough to take something like that and not be harmed by it. Last time I checked Benoits appeal didn't come from being untouchable.


And it works fine, who has Cena been fueding with Angle? Atrain? Brock? Do these names sound familiar? Cena's right on Benoit's level, just on the other side of the win/loss column. It's not as if interaction between the two is a contrast in level.

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Well it would've made for an interesting segment, but I think instead of Cena doing an FU to Benoit (his finishing maneuver), he could've pushed Benoit out of the way and yelled at him. If that caused Benoit to lash out then Cena could defend himself with the FU, showing Cena doesn't care about anyone, and it shows that Benoit is all about honor.

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Guest nikowwf

It didn't look bad at all. (it not being excluded) If you didn't know about it before hand, you'd have no idea it happened.


I think its good it was excluded. Crowd wants Cena as face - let him be face. I don't buy the ITS MORE LOGICAL FOR HIM TO BE TWEENER, BLAH BLAH. Crowd wants him as face, and shat on him FU'ing Benoit, which makes me feel its right decision to X it.



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The understanding I get is the reason it was cut is cause it confused the live crowd. Meaning it came off dead on tv which isn't the way you want a show to end.


If the crowd makes ANY reaction then the spot airs. The spot tanked and they cut it.

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Guest Ghettoman

How can you say it didn't come off bad on TV? Cena wins the match, the crowd is on there feet going crazy, they show a replay, come back and the crowd is completely dead. I would of prefered seeing why they went dead.

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Cena's run last time was as a heel and heel runs are always less succesful than face runs.


Benoit's first ME was as a heel. He held up pretty well.


Benoit extends his hand to Cena to show him what matters is the victory, Cena responds by pretty much saying your right, but I'm still gonna do whatever the hell I want.


No, it says that Benoit has seen the error of his ways and wants to shake Cena's hand to make up for it. Cena then spits in his face with the FU making Benoit look like a total bitch in the process.


It puts Cena over as unpredictable and the only way it harms Benoit is if he's not strong enough to sell someones finisher, which I'm sure he is.


And there are no other way to establish Cena as being "unpredictable" or "never changing his spots" - it must result in Benoit being a patsy.


And you said it best, Punks him out, not beats him clean in a match, not relentlessly beats the shit out of him, punks him out, which is Cena. It's not a declaraction he can beat Benoit, it's a declaration you don't know what I'm gonna do so don't act like you do.


And it also says that Benoit can be punked with no retribution. If that happened and Benoit didn't immediately beat the shit out of him, he'd be a total fucking pussy... but then there'd be people complaining about Tyrannical Benoit getting his heat back. Benoit got laid out in the middle of the ring at the end of the show - the last image in the publics head about would have been that. That's worse than getting pinned.


It pushes Cena's character, and unless Benoit's character is the un-one-uppable man, I think he's just fine.


But you think getting laid out in the middle of the ring by the man whose hand you wanted to shake wouldn't have hurt Benoit...


Your acting as if Benoit isn't strong enough to take something like that and not be harmed by it. Last time I checked Benoits appeal didn't come from being untouchable.


I think going into a World Title feud (even on house shows), Benoit needs all the strength and credibility he can muster.


And it works fine, who has Cena been fueding with Angle? Atrain? Brock? Do these names sound familiar? Cena's right on Benoit's level, just on the other side of the win/loss column. It's not as if interaction between the two is a contrast in level.


Actually it would have placed Cena *above* Benoit, since he's the guy who (a)Got the win, (b)Proved Benoit wrong, and ©Beat Benoits ass in the ring... but it never really would have hurt him... right??

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It did around the same buyrate as HHH/Rock Judgement day. It did higher than HHH/Austin SurSeries. It also did considerably better than the previous years Fully Loaded which featured Austin/Taker and HHH/Rock.


The 4 way at Unforgiven was the 3rd Highest PPV of the year behind WM and RR.


Again, I am not saying that Benoit is a draw, but he doesn't detract at all.

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Is Benoit THAT fragile where has to be protected to this extent? That FU would have put more on Cena than hurting Benoit. It doesn't matter, the crowd saw it and that's what matters anyway. And judging by the crowd's reaction from live reports, they popped when Cena FU'ed Benoit. So, when the fans are popping more for someone who is basically a heel, then the 2nd most important face, you have to reevaluate some things. I think in the end, Cena will get Benoit's push.

I was at the show, and you're absolutely correct when you say we popped for the F-U........we popped big time for it because it was pretty damn unexpected. It came off great live.

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