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Tim Cooke

4/12/03 - Danielson vs. London

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Guest Max Peter David

I enjoyed the purity of the Low Ki/Dragon match. The ONLY problem with it, is that Dragon was heavily selling the neck in the opener, but kicked out of an top rope fisherman buster. The rest was pure wrestling at its finest. Low Ki fighting to remain the top star of the company, and Dragon fighting for his first Ring of Honor victory.


The right man went over, and the crowd was with them even though the first 15+ minutes was mat work.


I have no problem with London/Danielson, but Ki/Dragon was superior, as was Styles/London.

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The problems with Ki-Dragon were numerous: There was almost no selling in the longterm, which hurt the match a lot. The matwork didn't establish anything or build to anything, because we all knew they were just going to break out the insane moves at the finish. The Super Ki-Krusher became a fisherman's buster because it was blown.

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Guest RickyChosyu
Ok, you liked it more...care to explain why?


So now the question is: why did you even give your opinion?

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QUOTE (Nevermortal @ Nov 15 2003, 09:18 PM)

QUOTE (Michrome @ Nov 15 2003, 02:29 PM)

Ok, you liked it more...care to explain why?




So now the question is: why did you even give your opinion?




My thoughts exactly, though not unexpected.



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I like London-Dragon a lot but I preferred Styles-Dragon from All Star...it all comes down to personal taste, arguing over headlocks is pretty stupid.

Edited by Mystery Eskimo

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Guest RickyChosyu
I like London-Dragon a lot but I preferred Styles-Dragon from All Star...it all comes down to personal taste, arguing over headlocks is pretty stupid.

Actually, it's not. The headlock was part of the body of the match. Arguing over how well they built to the body of the match is part of evaluating the work.


Everyone has their taste, but that doesn't mean we can't judge which match is better, or how valuable a headlock is.

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QUOTE (Nevermortal @ Nov 15 2003, 09:18 PM)

QUOTE (Michrome @ Nov 15 2003, 02:29 PM)

Ok, you liked it more...care to explain why?




So now the question is: why did you even give your opinion?




My thoughts exactly, though not unexpected.



Because I can-can-can-can.

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Haven't come back to the thread since I posted.


I don't know. I watched the thing and it just didn't work for me. I almost felt like it got extra praise because it went 40+ minutes...but I thought a lot of it was just slow. I was pretty bored for a good part of that 40 minutes...and I haven't gotten bored at many other RoH matches...none that I can remember. I just kept waiting for something to happen.

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Guest Joe

Okay, I saw London/Dragon for the first time a few weeks ago and have to say I loved it...At first I wasn't sure, the first few minutes were pretty slow, but then when they started playing to the crowd, and Dragon got into the heel role very clearly, it hooked me...From about ten minutes in until the end, I was at the edge of my seat, totally into the match...That's the most important thing for me, getting hooked...I don't care if they're doing a million high spots or a million headlocks, if they can hook me and make me feel invested in the match, then I'm there with them...London and Dragon did that for me...It will definitely make my top 10 for the year...

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"I don't know. I watched the thing and it just didn't work for me. I almost felt like it got extra praise because it went 40+ minutes...but I thought a lot of it was just slow. I was pretty bored for a good part of that 40 minutes...and I haven't gotten bored at many other RoH matches...none that I can remember. I just kept waiting for something to happen."


I hate matches that go long for the sake of going long.


Off the top of my head:


9/3/94 Kobashi vs. Williams

1/24/95 Misawa/Kobashi vs. Kawada/Taue

5/7/95 Toyota vs. K. Inoue


This was a fine length at 40 for 3 falls.


What was slow to you? The actual build were they developed storylines and characters?


This match was Flair/Steamboat of 2003 with a far more state of the art moveset and frankly, better selling from London.


I get tremendously bored at a lot of ROH matches that are either spotfests or just guys hitting moves for no specific reasons.



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Guest Ray

I hate 2/3 falls matches which are rushed (WWE, I'm looking at you).


40 minutes was NECESSARY to properly build each fall.

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Maybe it was just that I had heard so much about it before seeing it. It just took a long time for me to get into the match. And when I can't get into a match (or movie...or book...or anything) pretty quickly I have a hard time getting into it.

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I have to say that I got into the match at certain points, but as a whole, the more I watch it, it's dull.


I originally called the match 'Match of the Year' but now I'm not so sure. I would even go as far as to say that the match didn't exceed the **** point.


The psychology was excellent and technically there was nothing wrong with the match. Danielson sold a LOCKUP for fuck sake ! The complaint isn't with the content, but this is one of them matches that DID lack emotion, and it hurt the match.

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Guest RickyChosyu

Lack of emotion from who? Watching it, I remember plenty of emtion from London, who sold his leg like it was broken for the second portion. I also remember Danielson rudoing it up with slaps and Ohtani-isms to add storyline to the match.


Your thesis needs developing.

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Maybe you should pm him Tim.


I've got a question for you-


You said there were four ROH **** matches- I know two of them are London v. Dragon and London v. Styles- what was the third and forth one?

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In 2003-




3/22/03 Williams vs. Daniels

4/12/03 Danielson vs. London

6/14/03 London vs. Styles

8/16/03 Homicide vs. Corino


The other top matches from the companies history that I would defend:


11/9/02 Danielson vs. Styles

12/7/02 London vs. Danielson

12/28/02 London vs. Xavier (London showing he was truley game in the ring)

4/26/03 Carnage Crew vs. Fast Eddie/Don Juan/Hotstuff Hernandez (under rated- I'm not a fan of spotfests but this had a good storyline, good intensity, and heat.)

7/19/03 London vs. Joe (probably no better than ***1/4 but a personal favorite for a London fanatic)



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What about-


Dragon v. Joe from 1st Ann

Daniels v. London

Homicide v. Joe

Whitmer v. Homicide v. Maff v. Cabana

Punk v. Raven- dog collar match


Those are some matches from 2003 that I loved- just wanted to get your thoughts

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Guest Dynamite Kido
What about-


Dragon v. Joe from 1st Ann

Daniels v. London

Homicide v. Joe

Whitmer v. Homicide v. Maff v. Cabana

Punk v. Raven- dog collar match


Those are some matches from 2003 that I loved- just wanted to get your thoughts

Bob, were you referring to the 4/26 one?

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"Dragon v. Joe from 1st Ann"


- Good match but doesn't stand up to Danielson's work with London, Styles. Just wasn't feeling it, maybe I need to re-watch it.


"Daniels v. London"


- Excellent. Should be added to the list.


"Homicide v. Joe"


Yuck. Way too much no selling, way too much goofiness. Joe kills the middle of the portion with those stupid bootscrapes on the outside. Once is fine but they are so annoying now. I doubt their 10/25 rematch will be any better. The 11/16/02 match is the best and that isn't even worth checking out more than once.


"Whitmer v. Homicide v. Maff v. Cabana"


Live it was okay. On tape it wasn't. The 1/11/03 4 way kills this. Way too much head dropping, wacky selling, and not enough logical thought. Cabana was good though.


"Punk v. Raven- dog collar match"


Good stuff. Need to watch again.


I would also add the 8/9/03 Cabana/Steele vs. Jacobs/Shelley to the list. Still not the great southern tag match that ROH is *capable* of putting on but a step in the right direction.



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Guest Dynamite Kido
Yea- That's the only ROH match they had.


Another one I loved from the same show was Punk v. Homicide.


Yes- I'm a HUGE Homicide mark

Homicide vs Punk was AMAZING!!!! I would have to say that match is definately at least ****.


<-----Homicide mark as well.

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