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Guest wildpegasus

Video games that made you cry?

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Guest wildpegasus

So, has anyone out here cried during a video game? I imagine there must be some out there who have since in a video game as opposed to a movie "it's you" who's doing everything. In a movie you have more of a 3rd person perspective.















Xenosaga's ending had me on the point of tears. I thought this was nicely done.


No matter how many times I play it, Rydia coming back in FFII (or IV, depending on your perspective) to save you from Golbez puts goosebumps on my arms. Everybody helping you at the end boss fight against Zeromus was nice as well.

Edited by wildpegasus

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FF VIII's ending, even after seeing it over and over, makes me get all emotional. Squall getting stuck in time and freaking out that he is alone again, Seifer and his posse happy again, Laguna visiting Raine's grave, and then the big finish with Squall & Rinoa. Great moments. I love the music too.


On FF VI in FF Anthology there is a CG movie you unlock when you beat the game that has the opera house music playing while it shows various scenes from the game(like the Edgar/Sabin coin toss, Shadow in the train, Setzer fighting on the Airship). For some reason it really gets to me. That song along with those classic scenes makes me think of how epic the story is and how we'll probably never see those characters again.

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Guest FrigidSoul

I've never cried during a movie so I'm not about to cry during a videogame.


I will say Aeris/Aerith dying in FF7 gave me that level of shock though...it made me sadder due to the fact I had gotten her ultimate weapon and 4th Limit Breaker and there she was...dead

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FF VIII's ending, even after seeing it over and over, makes me get all emotional. Squall getting stuck in time and freaking out that he is alone again, Seifer and his posse happy again, Laguna visiting Raine's grave, and then the big finish with Squall & Rinoa. Great moments. I love the music too.

...and thank you for spoiling the ending to FF VIII. :angry:

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If you've ever played Xenosaga, you'd know it's more like a movie than a game in any sense. A friend of mine calls it the "move 5 steps and it's FMV time" game. I sold the movie because I couldn't get into it, so I can't tell you if it gets to the point where you'd cry over it.

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^ like you expected something else from her?



i've never beat it either... and yeah her spoiling it pisses me off...


but I kinda knew she would spoil something when I clicked the thread...

I don't really know anything about her, but I at least expected some spoiler tags.. =\

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Guest Mercutio X. Machina
I've never cried during a movie so I'm not about to cry during a videogame.


I will say Aeris/Aerith dying in FF7 gave me that level of shock though...it made me sadder due to the fact I had gotten her ultimate weapon and 4th Limit Breaker and there she was...dead

Get this guy outta my head. He stole my entire post.

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Suikoden II


Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

Jowy Blight's death in ending two. Jowy is already one of my favourite villains of all time, largely because he wasn't evil. It isn't so much that he died, but the way he died being slowly tortured to death by the Black Sword Rune (sort of like Gollum in LOTR, except his life is shortened rather than extended) and allowing/forcing Riou to unite the Rune of the Beginning so that the same thing doesn't happen to him. The best ending to an RPG ever.



I also cried in FFII after I spent 5 hours getting through the final dungeon and gathering all the treasures only to have the game crash 5 steps from the final boss.

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I've never cried during a movie so I'm not about to cry during a videogame.


I will say Aeris/Aerith dying in FF7 gave me that level of shock though...it made me sadder due to the fact I had gotten her ultimate weapon and 4th Limit Breaker and there she was...dead

That actually got some tears from me. First time in a long time.


FF VIII's ending, even after seeing it over and over, makes me get all emotional. Squall getting stuck in time and freaking out that he is alone again, Seifer and his posse happy again, Laguna visiting Raine's grave, and then the big finish with Squall & Rinoa. Great moments. I love the music too.

...and thank you for spoiling the ending to FF VIII. :angry:

No offense, but frankly, can I ask what the fuck is your problem? Not Sakura, but you vivi?


This is a thread about video games that make you cry. DID YOU AND PEOPLE LIKE YOU NOT EXPECT SPOILERS??? Geezus, everything in this thread is going to be a spoiler, so I don't know why you wouldn't expect something to be spoiled on games. Sure, yes, it's the ending, but grow up, the game has been out for shit... I think four or more years now, I don't think there's any necessary need to put up spoilers. Sorry, but if you haven't beaten it by now, or you hate the game, or you have absolutely no burning desire to defeat it (which most people state they do) THEN WHY THE FUCK DO YOU CARE IF SHE SPOILED IT FOR YOU? Oh, I forgot, it's Sakura, we must obscenely bash her because anything she does is evil.

[/end rant]


But considering people are just going to bitch anyways, I'll put them in spoilers.


Personally, last time I had a good choke up, was Grandia 2's ending. Yah, it's not really something to get choked up about because it's a happy ending, but is it really?


Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

Ryugo has not one girl waiting for him, but two. So he's still gotta make a decision on that. Ryugo is also has been gone for a year to have some time to think about his life and everything that's happened recently to him.


And those two people Ryugo cares about have changed a lot, Mellina becomes a school teacher that the kids she teaches adore which is a total role reversal from her Demonic self, and Elena leaves the Priesthood and becomes a traveling Songstress which I find cool because again it's a total role reversal from what she was. but both of them don't think that Ryugo will leave either one of them alone or go off with the other gal.


I guess I find the ending of Grandia 2 kinda saddening because no one's journey is really finished. Elena became a wandering Songstress so that she can better understand the world throughout her travels, Mellina has had her fill of wandering around the world as a Demonic being; so she's trying to enjoy life as a normal magic using person, and Ryugo is still trying to figure everything out that happened and come to grips with it.


Also, I agree with what Kahran said about Suikoden 2's ending. It was a well thoughout ending and wonderfully played out how it would work till the end. I just something to add:


Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

The true ending doesn't see Jowy die. This is assuming you get all 108 stars and also save that girl chick as she isn't really supposed to die. I think those are all the stuff you need to do to save Jowy. But what's most interesting, is just like McDohl, they leave everything that happened behind. At least that's what I got by the ending picture is you saved Jowy. Maybe I'm wrong on that. It's been awhile since I've beaten Sui2.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

I laughed so hard I cried at Ocelot betraying EVERYONE in the last good cutscene of MGS 2: SOL

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FF VIII's ending, even after seeing it over and over, makes me get all emotional. Squall getting stuck in time and freaking out that he is alone again, Seifer and his posse happy again, Laguna visiting Raine's grave, and then the big finish with Squall & Rinoa. Great moments. I love the music too.

...and thank you for spoiling the ending to FF VIII. :angry:

Thankfully, no one else cares about FF8 anyway

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Ninja Gaiden for the NES.


Not because of the story, but because the game would never !@#$% end (stayed up till 5 a.m. all week trying to beat this game).


That's all I'm going to say because I don't want to be a Spoiler-sport...

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Obligatory smart-ass answer: every new Acclaim title because it means they aren't out of business yet.


Serious answer: None really, although the Opera House scene got me pretty good too, as well as some other RPG scenes.


I laughed at Aeris' death, though. It just seemed so hokey, and plus I didn't really have any real emotion for the characters. Ticked me off that I had gotten her last Limit Break and built her up only to lose her, though.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

We have hit a new low...


I cried when I had a ******** star match with Scott vs. Rick Steiner in Legends of Wrestling 2.

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Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

The true ending doesn't see Jowy die. This is assuming you get all 108 stars and also save that girl chick as she isn't really supposed to die. I think those are all the stuff you need to do to save Jowy. But what's most interesting, is just like McDohl, they leave everything that happened behind. At least that's what I got by the ending picture is you saved Jowy. Maybe I'm wrong on that. It's been awhile since I've beaten Sui2.


Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

Yes, and he does indeed show up in Suikogaiden Vol 2 which is after Suikoden II. Officially though, the creator of the series said the ending is open ended and that personally he believes the proper ending is the one in which he gets killed, Nanami is really dead, and Riou becomes President of the Dunan Republic.


Same story with Gremio's death in Suikoden I. There is no official ending. If you saved him, then he shows up in Suikoden II. If not, then he's dead. Pahn did survive, even though he can be killed in Suikoden I as well. He shows up in Suikoden II regardless. Gremio's death probably would have made me cry if I didn't hate him and was overjoyed that the game didn't force his useless ass in my party anymore.

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Guest Olympic Slam

I cried when I was seven years old when my cousin and I were playing Super Mario Bros. 3 in two player mode and he beat the game instead of me. It felt like I went to all that trouble for nothing. *sniff*

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Guest Kamui

Got kind of choked up: The endings of FF8, Xenosaga, and Grandia 2 (SUCH A GOOD ENDING).


All-out tears: FFX. I'm sorry, I couldn't help it, yes, I'm straight, blah blah blah, but that was the saddest ending ever. I loved Tidus and Yuna, and to see them not end up together really tore at my heart strings. *sniff*



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Guest One Trick Pony
Ninja Gaiden for the NES.


Not because of the story, but because the game would never !@#$% end (stayed up till 5 a.m. all week trying to beat this game).


That's all I'm going to say because I don't want to be a Spoiler-sport...


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Guest wildpegasus
Ninja Gaiden for the NES.


Not because of the story, but because the game would never !@#$% end (stayed up till 5 a.m. all week trying to beat this game).


That's all I'm going to say because I don't want to be a Spoiler-sport...


I love this game. It's my favourite ever. I've probably beaten it over 30 times. I always wanted to play the PC Engine version though as I heard it's even harder. Than, my life will be complete

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Got kind of choked up: The endings of FF8, Xenosaga, and Grandia 2 (SUCH A GOOD ENDING).


All-out tears: FFX. I'm sorry, I couldn't help it, yes, I'm straight, blah blah blah, but that was the saddest ending ever. I loved Tidus and Yuna, and to see them not end up together really tore at my heart strings. *sniff*



I don't know what's worse: you being a huge wuss or playing Xenosaga to completion. :P


I'll admit that Lunar kinda got to me at points, though.

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The FFX ending is emotional. The part where Yuna and Tidus try to hug but she goes through him is incredibly sad. Being upset over that doesn't make you a wuss.


Speaking of that...X-2 comes out tomorrow!



I can't believe anyone would go into this thread and then complain about spoilers. There's even a spoiler warning for the entire thread.

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