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Guest Corino 1000

Matt Hardyz next possible fued.

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Guest Corino 1000

Im pretty that since Matt Hardy just came on RaW as a face that it might probally lead to a Christian v.s Hardy fued.


Christian gets Jealous that Lita is now paying all attention to Matt and dosen't give a damn about Christian will probally get jealous and I guess start something to fued with Matt.


Whats gonna happen to Shannon Moore on Smackdown?

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Guest Choken One

Smackdown should at LEAST have a segment where Heyman makes sure every single wrestler contract's aren't expiring...

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

I have a feeling Matt's turning heel and is just messing around pretending to be a good guy. But I do rather want him as a face...



Plus you spelled feud wrong in the title. Tsk Tsk Tsk.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

I posted my thing like 40 seconds before Hardys turn so I still predicted it right. WOOO!



Everyone and their mother knew he wasn't going to be a face.

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Matt Hardy motherfucking OWNZ~! You just *knew* he wasn't going to be all kissy-kissy-lovey-lovey w/ Lita, and just waiting for him to screw over Lita was great. I had this HUGE smile on my face the sceond he stepped off the apron away from Lita.

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Did Matt run out of facts about himself or something?


Bringing back Matt Facts is a must.

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Guest Choken One

I guess Matt got a upgrade but it looked like Matt lost his CPU and used a old 1987 Apple cpu.

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I still think he should've gotten down on one knee and said "Lita....are you a Mattitude follower?"


That's what I thought was going to happen. Matt would ask Lita to be a Mattitude follower, Lita would say no and then Matt would dump her and attack her.


Speaking of this, Xitan got Lita her job back. I wonder if this was planned between Xitan and Hardy. Matt doesn't want her anymore, Xitan does and they work out a plan.

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Guest Choken One
I still think he should've gotten down on one knee and said "Lita....are you a Mattitude follower?"


That's what I thought was going to happen. Matt would ask Lita to be a Mattitude follower, Lita would say no and then Matt would dump her and attack her.


Speaking of this, Xitan got Lita her job back. I wonder if this was planned between Xitan and Hardy. Matt doesn't want her anymore, Xitan does and they work out a plan.

Then you GOTTA figure Jericho was invovled...



Matt knew his contract was up...realized he could FINALLY humilate Lita...Calls good buddy Jericho up...tells him his plans...Jericho informs Xtian that Matt will be breaking up with Lita...



Only problem is this...Bischoff didn't offer the favors until an hour before the event occured.


Another thing...Why would she say No to being a MFER? Unless they went with the whole "I'M A INDEPENDENT WOMAN" route for the 100th time...there is not reason Lita would go "uh no".

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Matt knew his contract was up...realized he could FINALLY humilate Lita...Calls good buddy Jericho up...tells him his plans...Jericho informs Xtian that Matt will be breaking up with Lita...



Only problem is this...Bischoff didn't offer the favors until an hour before the event occured.


Well it could still work out. I mean Xitan could just be there for her to talk to, someone to cry on, etc. Then later Xitan gets Lita her job back cause his real tight with Bishoff.


Another thing...Why would she say No to being a MFER? Unless they went with the whole "I'M A INDEPENDENT WOMAN" route for the 100th time...there is not reason Lita would go "uh no".


I think it would. I mean Lita wants to be married to him not be some follower of his. And besides, you saw how well being a Mattitude follower did for Shannon Moore's career.

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Speaking of Mattitude Followers...I thought of someone who could become one...based on a line from Coach.




Think about it, Rosey realizes that MAYBE Coach could be right, and being a Super Hero In Training won't work. He sees the light of Mattitude, and joins Matt Hardy as the new MFer.

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And besides, you saw how well being a Mattitude follower did for Shannon Moore's career.


Don't forget the *other* MFer and the first Moore-on...


Damn, its like how being a lackey for Scott Hall was bad news back in WCW.


Matt/X should be a kick ass program on the mic, although maybe not in the ring. Still, they've had plenty of experience in the ring together, and maybe they'll reference the past rivalries.

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Guest Choken One
Rosey WOULD be great and it gives us a Helms/Matty match!

The only problem: Finding a Mattitude shirt big enough for Rosey.

Rosey should just wear his own Makeshift Mattitude shirt (ala the SHIT one) and Have matt constantly bitch about it and Rosey can keep going "They don't make XXXL Mattitude shirts" and matt goes "That's because MFers aren't fat slobs like you".

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Rosey WOULD be great and it gives us a Helms/Matty match!

The only problem: Finding a Mattitude shirt big enough for Rosey.

Rosey should just wear his own Makeshift Mattitude shirt (ala the SHIT one) and Have matt constantly bitch about it and Rosey can keep going "They don't make XXXL Mattitude shirts" and matt goes "That's because MFers aren't fat slobs like you".

True...that COULD work out well.


...though, picturing Rosey trying to repeat the performance of Moore last year...


*Rosey lays on top of Matt to prevent a top rope move from being done...not realizing he's crushing Matt as he does it.

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Guest Choken One
Rosey WOULD be great and it gives us a Helms/Matty match!

The only problem: Finding a Mattitude shirt big enough for Rosey.

Rosey should just wear his own Makeshift Mattitude shirt (ala the SHIT one) and Have matt constantly bitch about it and Rosey can keep going "They don't make XXXL Mattitude shirts" and matt goes "That's because MFers aren't fat slobs like you".

True...that COULD work out well.


...though, picturing Rosey trying to repeat the performance of Moore last year...


*Rosey lays on top of Matt to prevent a top rope move from being done...not realizing he's crushing Matt as he does it.

If they want the comedy...Matt/Rosey will deliver in SPADES but It seems WWE is pushing Matt as a true heel so maybe Matt will go MFerless.

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Rosey WOULD be great and it gives us a Helms/Matty match!

The only problem: Finding a Mattitude shirt big enough for Rosey.

Rosey should just wear his own Makeshift Mattitude shirt (ala the SHIT one) and Have matt constantly bitch about it and Rosey can keep going "They don't make XXXL Mattitude shirts" and matt goes "That's because MFers aren't fat slobs like you".

True...that COULD work out well.


...though, picturing Rosey trying to repeat the performance of Moore last year...


*Rosey lays on top of Matt to prevent a top rope move from being done...not realizing he's crushing Matt as he does it.

That would be the funniest thing ever... made me laugh and i'm at work.

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Guest Goodear

Christian facing off against Matt with their traditional face-heel lines changed over would be a fun little deal. I personally would love the idea of Christian being a 'good guy' for like all the wrong reasons.


"What's wrong with you Hardy? ... She's got a GREAT ASS!!! Sigh. Sucker."

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