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Angle Slam

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Guest Anglesault
I think it's time Angle got a new finish, personally. Although, honestly, there are only three finishes in WWE that are still pretty protected: Pedigree, Tombstone, and Stunner.


I'd like to see Angle do some sort of Blood Rush (see "Wrestling Moves discussion" post in the General Wrestling folder for description, 5th post up from the bottom), as it'd be fairly easy to hit on people of equal size, as well as a little bigger. And for the hosses? AnkleLock works fine.


Can anybody think of a great finish these days, indy or puro or otherwise, that doesn't involve a head-drop? Aside from a few cool flying moves, and maybe a great submission here and there, nothing really comes to mind.

I think I heard someone mention a cool move that starts out like a Dragon sleeper, but the agressor flips the victim over into The Diamond Cutter position and hits it.

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Guest Anglesault
Sounds like an Osaka Street Cutter (which is the inverted front facelock flipped into the Stunner).

Yeah, sounds like the same thing.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Just to veto any "he can't win clean with the angle Slam", at Vengeance, Angle pinned Brock CLEAN with the angle slam, so there!

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Guest Ray

WWE has always said stupid things. They said Hogan never faced Andre before Mania 3. They said Andre was never slammed before then. During the Jericho/Michaels Raw match, they said Shawn had never tapped out in his life.


Just wait...five years from now they'll be saying Brock never tapped out when they need to get heat on a match.

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Guest Bogey316

Thinking you're the most popular poster on a internet message board is like winning a gold medal in the special olympics, you're still retarded

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Guest M. Harry Smilac

It's just a glorified Samoan Drop.


If people hadn't started to kick out of it Nathan Jones would be using a body slam as his finisher.

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I've actually kicked out of the Angle Slam on several occasion.

This reminds me of the Figure Four.


When Flair is a face, the Figure Four is the BAH GAWD MOST DEVASTATING OF ALL TIME WHOOOOO


When Flair is a heel, feh... I could reverse the damn thing turning over in my sleep.

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Guest NCJ

Not NWA heel Flair damn it. And WWF heel Flair in 1992 the figure four was protected pretty well.

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Guest Goodear

Yup he got a pinfall over Randy Savage with it after Razor Ramon took out Macho Man's knee during the match.

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Guest I Fear Hogans Air Guitair

I would say Edge has kicked out of it the most and that's about the same time the move lost it's cred. Didn't Edge kick out of it twice in one match?

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I would say Edge has kicked out of it the most and that's about the same time the move lost it's cred. Didn't Edge kick out of it twice in one match?

I dont' know about that, but he was kicked out of the slam alot. It's strange, during that feud, both Edge and Angle kicked out of each other's finishers a lot. I never really got that.

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Guest RollingSambos

The question is, who hasn't kicked out of the Angle Slam? The Ankle Lock is much more lethal, the Angle Slam is basically the equivalent of Jericho's Lionsault...once in a blue moon, it will get the win, but it's major purpose is false finish.

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