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Guest Choken One

This Weekends Movie Rentals!

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Guest Choken One

I went and Rented Seven Movies Today...



I got



Monsters Ball

Italian Job

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind


28 days later

Punch Drunk Love...


Any opinions on them?


I got them for free so it's not like I wasted 30 bucks here...

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Monsters Ball-overrated but decent

Italian Job-awesome

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind-overrated pile of crap

Identity-pile of crap

28 days later-awesome

Punch Drunk Love-decent

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Guest Choken One

I can renew them all the way to Friday which gives me PLENTLY of time for the next week.

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Guest hhheld_down

phonebooth - criminally short but so awesome

identity - very good

punch drunk love - awesome stuff from sandler

28 days later - awesome


the others i have never seen. really good choices there my friend

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Guest Choken One

Choken One's Reviews...





This movie stars Adam Sandler in what was supposedly his breakout movie as a true actor like Truman Show was for Jim Carey.


The problem is simply this, That didn't Happen. While Sandler was solid with what little he had to work with and his improvs couldn't get anything out of it either. The story was extremly thin. The sweatness of the movie was there but it still didn't captivate me.


P.T Anderson once again BRUTALLY mis uses Luis Guzman whom just might been the true highlight of this movie because Sandler wasn't..nor were the annoying sisters or the equally annoying Watson.


It was complete arthouse. people seemed to think this movie was brilliant when it was just an mundane monotone "romantic" movie. **.



Phone Booth


Before this movie, I never understood the love Colin Ferrell had, I figured it was merely for his rugged good looks.


I was wrong. DEAD WRONG. Phone Booth was an amazing exprience to enjoy. Yes, the movie did have a couple logic gaps but that's nothing to be concerned about but I really enjoyed not only the thrilling emotional performence from Ferrell but the great voice of Sutherland (Still can't get over the though of Jack Bauer as a Sniper). Forrest Whittaker "phoned" (pardon the pun) in his usual solid performence. I really enjoy the verbal dialouge between Jac..I mean the Sniper and Stu. I'm tired of these "Do the stunts...add in a story later" action movie.


Unfortantly, this movie just shuffled because of 9/11 and The D.C Sniper and people didn't come out to enjoy this movie. ****1/4


Monster's Ball


Halle Berry. Sexy, Beautilful, stunning...All perfect adjectives for the beauty but Oscar Winnng Actress? Sure why not.


I do not believe that it was the greatest performence but it was EASILY the greatest of Berry's career and the real strength of the movie was from Billy Bob Thornton whom put on another stellar performence that is known for.


Going into the movie, Many people were well aware of a Sex scene feautring a Undressed Berry, which sparked inital interest but people were left stunned by a provoking thought stirring emotional movie. And besides it pulled off the impossible, it took a sex scene with Halle Berry, jus about everyguys dream girl and made it so emotional that you couldn't get wood. I blame Thornton. ***3/4.


I'll get the other 4 at later points...

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Guest Choken One

Nah...There's the first ten minutes where he walks around and shit.


It's a great movie that shows you don't need to have a exploding car every three seconds to entertain.


The only thing that I really couldn't stand about the movie was how Keifer Sutherland CONSTANTLY chuckled every 3 seconds...My favorite line was this one




Stu is not answering The Caller]

The Caller: Stu... my sainted mother used to do this... She used to... Ahh! Please, don't do this... You're bringing back my unhappy childhood... Talk to me, please! Talk to me! I can't take it.... Ahh!

[The Caller laughs]

The Caller: I'm just kidding with you Stu. I actually had a very nice childhood.



(The Caller cocks his gun]

The Caller: Now doesn't that just torque your jaws? I love that. You know like in the movies just as the good guy is about to kill the bad guy, he cocks his gun. Now why didn't he have it cocked? Because that sound is scary. It's cool, isn't it?

Edited by Choken One

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Guest El Satanico

They did a great job of taking the premise of a guy in a phone booth and turning it into a tense and entertaining 1:20 film.


Maybe it wasn't entertaining in a "dude, that explosion fucking ruled" way, but twas still entertaining.

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Guest Choken One

I can't honestly think of anyone else that could have NAILED that part so perfectly like Ferell did...

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Identity was a solid film. Good acting, and I actually got the "swerve" about 20 minutes into the movie. Solid movie, good for a popcorn flick, but nothing too great. It has Clea DuVall (**splooges**) and John Cusack, which might have influenced my opinion of it in a positive manner.


28 Days Later is just a fucking great return to old-school horror.

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Guest Choken One



Wow. An great thriller. I love "Scary" movies that don't need to play the gore card to impress but it still served ample red.


Far-fetched? A slight Bit.


An incredible Cast. Ray Lolitia continues to be one of Hollywood's Under appreciated Actors and Cusack is a god. Amanda Peet, whom I used to have a tight distaste for (acting wise that is), REALLY stole the show here.


The movie was REALLY absorbing here as RIGHT from the start, you get into it.


The "swerve" was detected early on but that doesn't mean I didn't have fun watching it unravel. ***3/4.

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Guest Choken One

28 Days Later


If You want Blood, This will give it to you. If you were looking for a scary balls out thriller like the movie claims to be, Don't come looking here.


The movie, nicely written was in no way scary as it had claimed to be. Not ONE single "spooky" moment in the whole thing.


Coming in, I was expecting this killer horror movie but instead I got a paint by numbers feel as I felt a complete deja vu sense about this movie.


It's a smart movie about the reality of human nature and our understanding of it.


It's just in No way scary as it claims to be. **3/4.

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Phone Booth was okay. I didn't go gaga over it like others did. It was basically a longer episode of 24 with Keifer as the unseen bad guy.


28 Days Later didn't live up to the enormous hype it got.


Punch Drunk Love was masterful. Excellent story, great pacing, and superb performances from all the principles, even Adam Sandler, whom I previously despised in his other belligerent man-child roles.


The others I haven't seen.

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Guest Choken One



Fuck that. It was a modest at best and horribly written contrived movie with no endearing characters whatsoever.

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Guest El Satanico

Well blame the US distributers for misleading people about what sort of movie 28 Days Later... was.


In the US, a Horror movie will usually make more money than a character study with horror undertones. So of course the US distributer is going to push it as a horror movie and say stuff like "scarier than the exorcist".


Regardless, 28 Days Later was an excellent movie. It may not have been "scary as hell" like the US trailers said, but it was very intense.

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Guest Choken One

Yes it was a good movie for the Last 30 minutes...Before that it was just kinda there but the last 30 minutes were intense and awesome if not a bit jarring since the whole movie had a slow pace and suddenly every thing is frantic.


I love the musical score at the end...

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Guest Choken One

The Italian Job


Popcorn. Pure Popcorn.


The Italian Job, the final stop on my movie tour de force (Confessions was too messed up to watch). Rarely, Do I look forward to seeing a Movie with Marky Mark as the lead but it had Edward Fn Norton and Charlize Theron in the movie so I couldn't resist.


The movie seemed to be along the lines of smaller less glitzy Ocean's 11. However, Wahlberg was less annoying the Georgie Boy was.


The movie was fast paced as Heist movies ALWAYS should be. It wasn't anything mind provoking as All the other movies I expirenced this weekend, which was a HUGE relief for me.


Fun and Mindless entertainment. ***1/2

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