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Guest RollingSambos

Randy Orton

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He butchered the line to Austin two weeks ago and even Dave Batistia had to pick up the ball there.


Jesus Christ, I'm not saying that Orton is the perfect promo man! I'm pointing out that OTHER now-great promo guys made mistakes in their rookie years. So Orton is allowed to fuck up a few times without you guys writing him off.


Man, read what I am actually saying before you attempt to make a point.

Read my point: Too much, too soon.


If he's pushed to the moon now and no one cares, his career is damaged until he pulls a miracle out of his ass or a whole new generation of fans show up.


I'm not saying he doesn't have potential, but that and two quarters will get you a cup of coffee unless your name is Luger. He needs experience and to be brought along at his OWN speed, not the speed Vince dictates.

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Guest RollingSambos
Even when Rock was Rocky Maviva, you could almost sense the guy was loaded with charisma. It was just there.


I completely fucking disagree. It wasn't there at all until during 1996 or 1997. About halfway into his Nation run, the charisma started to come out. By the summer of 1998, it was all the way there. And when it was developing, Rocky was definitely known to mumble and stutter a line or two.


"St, st, Stone Cold..."


As far as Orton goes, I already do see that "X" factor that you are talking about. I'm finding that I am having to pretty much repeat myself, so I'm gonna let some other Orton supporters have at this one...if there are any.

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Guest RollingSambos

Oh boy...I'm definitely not touching this one now.


You just summoned the Hosstista Haters.

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Guest JMA

Personally, I think you CAN learn how to be charismatic. It's not like charisma is some innate ability you're born with.

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Personally, I think you CAN learn how to be charismatic. It's not like charisma is some innate ability you're born with.


But you can't learn in your 20's.


If you haven't learned by high school, the ship has sailed.

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Guest Choken One



Charisma is Natural.


You can learn how to work a crowd or play to audience but Charisma will cut that effort away.


It's like How Benoit has to work 10-15 minutes to get the crowd behind him because he doesn't have that Charisma.


Look at a guy like RVD, lesser (by far) wrestler but LOADED with Charisma that will instantly suck the crowd into the match...


Charisma is natural and is a CRUCIAL thing to have...


Orton doesn't have that.


He has an "Aura"...


Rock...He doesn't have CHARISMA...He has the "IT".


Very, Very Very Few people have IT.


Rock, Hogan, Flair, Sid (yes you heard me) and Shawn all had IT.

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Give me an example of Benoit having to work for 15 minutes to get a crowd behind him and I'll believe you.


Oh, by the way, you left out THE FUTURE JOHN CENA in your list of Captain Charisma's.

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The crowd at the Rumble was hot for Benoit from the get-go. The teasing of the sharpshooter, ddt on the apron, you name it. By the time he succesfully locked in the crossface for the first time the place blew up.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

I remember Choken saying how the watched the Rumble at a bar from a TV with no sound.


Anyway, I see the subject of this thread going the way of "Angle/Cena will be Bret/Austin II". Pretty much lots of arguing with nothing going anywhere.

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Guest Choken One

and I've since watched it about 20 times on video.


Yeah, There hot I guess...


But people (other then us don't go "OOHHH IT'S BENOIT! LET'S CHEER LIKE CRAZY!") like they do for RVD and such.

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Guest Choken One
I remember Choken saying how the watched the Rumble at a bar from a TV with no sound.


Anyway, I see the subject of this thread going the way of "Angle/Cena will be Bret/Austin II". Pretty much lots of arguing with nothing going anywhere.

Isn't that pretty much EVERY thread here?

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Guest Mulatto Heat
But people (other then us don't go "OOHHH IT'S BENOIT! LET'S CHEER LIKE CRAZY!") like they do for RVD and such.

Fair enough. That's different from what you said before: "He has to wrestle 10-15 mins to get any sort of reaction". Um, no.


Isn't that pretty much EVERY thread here?


Nah, not every thread has wild, out-there hypotheses like the ones RollingSambos seems to have. Can't wait until next month's one.

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But people (other then us don't go "OOHHH IT'S BENOIT! LET'S CHEER LIKE CRAZY!") like they do for RVD and such.

Well, it depends on whether or not the match is in Canada. :D

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Guest RollingSambos

Yeah, my Bret/Austin Deja Vu hypotheses fell about * flat. But I am still holding out for the rematch.

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Guest Choken One

But people (other then us don't go "OOHHH IT'S BENOIT! LET'S CHEER LIKE CRAZY!") like they do for RVD and such.

Well, it depends on whether or not the match is in Canada. :D

Maybe it's mean but does RVD have a real problem getting over in the south?


He's over like rover in the NYC/ATLANTIC Coast-Midwest/West Coast scene but he doesn't seem to be all that over in Florida or those areas...

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Currently, Orton is bland. A lot can change in 6 months to a years time though, I'd say wait and see how he develops further.


Honestly, once the current top dogs have run their race, I don't see a lot of wrestlers coming up to pick up the slack. There are one or two standouts, but nothing special or even that interesting right now.

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6. The promos and the charisma...either some people around here are deaf and/or blind, or they just hate Randy so much that nothing he does will ever be good enough for them. For me, his promos ooze a natural cockiness. Like I've said before, he's not over-the-top with it like Lex or Buff Bagwell...he's just laid-back and very sure of himself. To me, that's a more realistic portrayal of conceit. And tell me that his entrance doesn't convince you that he thinks that he's the shit. Let's not forget those RNN Updates either...

Have you seen the Raw where Randy was the guest announcer? Randy did a very bad job where he did the impossible he was worse than Lita and even Jazz!


What charisma? La Resistence have been doing the same shit that Randy has done and they are better at it. Grant it La Rez gets cheap french heat but just being part of evolution Randy should get the same but all that results is dead silience. The cocky arms out pose does not work, also his mono tone cocky voice does not sound threating but rather over practiced as if he was remembering his lines from the night before, it does not sound natural.

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But people (other then us don't go "OOHHH IT'S BENOIT! LET'S CHEER LIKE CRAZY!") like they do for RVD and such.

Well, it depends on whether or not the match is in Canada. :D

Maybe it's mean but does RVD have a real problem getting over in the south?


He's over like rover in the NYC/ATLANTIC Coast-Midwest/West Coast scene but he doesn't seem to be all that over in Florida or those areas...

RVD rules the school in Louisiana. It does help that they used to tour there often with ECW.


As for Florida, I'd think the same thing would apply there because ECW worked Florida for about 6 years by the time they went under, although they probably burned out the towns.

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Sadly it's true. I'd peg Batista to be a bigger star than Orton.

Batista has more charisma and already seems to be better in the ring than Orton. His moves come off crisper and more stiff looking. Orton's come off like crap. Yeah he's got 2 good moves....that's hardly enough to make someone a star unless there name is Hulk Hogan.

Oh and by the way. Another problem Orton has is that they push him as the legend killer and this big time player...but he doesn't get the wins like one. That's what made HHH super heel to begin with. He was beating top faces cleanly. Orton has to cheat like mad and then he barely wins. The top faces easily embarass him during confrontations and when he has a match with them they slap him around until he gets help from Ric Flair(see Orton/HBK). Batista however is allowed to look dominant and that's probably what will help him in the long run.

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ECW was on the Sunshine Network late night, I would think it has a following in the state.


I also agree that Batista is better than Randy Orton. Batista is better at the interview than Randy and he also has that scary look.


If Randy Orton has all of this natural charisma, then where are his segments of the Blue Chipper living the high life? Why isn't Randy on Heat or Confidential doing promotion stops like John Cena? Where are the commercials for Stacker2 or other WWE merchandise?

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Guest Choken One

Because he is a heel.


Heels don't do Promotional Stuff unless they are champion (i.e Brock/HHH)...

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Should'nt the cocky bastard be flying in his private plane going to Space Mountain with 2 or 3 women then gamble a few thousand dollars on one hand of poker as if his name was Phil?


Shit if Shane and Kane can have a romantic dinner at a **** restuarant than we should expect the same from a member of the Main Event stable, right?

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Guest Choken One

speaking of which...


What Happened to Batistia winning the Bounty?


They never fucking explained what he did with the money...

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