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Trish/Jerich & Xitan/Lita

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And Me. I hate it more than DH. I think everyone knows that I'm the biggest non-mark for this feud...


Besides, _at_the_time_ Torrie vs. Dawn got WAY more play than Jericho/Trish.

Greatest.........inside joke...............ever.

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And Me.  I hate it more than DH.  I think everyone knows that I'm the biggest non-mark for this feud...


Besides, _at_the_time_ Torrie vs. Dawn got WAY more play than Jericho/Trish.

Greatest.........inside joke...............ever.


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Guest Anglesault

Well, my only reason for watching raw has been destroyed in order to return everything to the way it was. Figures.


The only, only redeeming part of that segment was that Jericho and Christian are basically ruining these women's lives for over a bet of about 80 cents. That made me laugh.


And I THINK Trish was laughing at the beginning (Maybe at the "One dollar, canadian of course" line) before she started crying.


But she did make me feel bad for her, and that's all I can ask.

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If Trish sluts up to another RAW heel (Henry, Batista, pick your hoss) for revenge, I could see a double turn working. 


"What Jericho did was wrong, I know that, we all know that - but no crime deserves the punishment he's getting right now!  Trish, you've gotten your revenge, isn't that good enough!" - JR, on Jericho getting beaten excessively.

Don't you know that one of the iron-clad rules of WWE announcing is that Jericho is a loser regardless of whether or not he's a face or a heel and that anytime he gets beaten up it's because Jericho deserves to be beaten up?

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Guest Coffey

But the other one was an inside joke too...it's not like I was wrong the first time.

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Guest Anglesault
But the other one was an inside joke too...it's not like I was wrong the first time.

The other one was a play on words.

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And I THINK Trish was laughing at the beginning (Maybe at the "One dollar, canadian of course" line) before she started crying.


But she did make me feel bad for her, and that's all I can ask.

You noticed that, too? So did I and a friend of mine. I'm pretty sure she did. Maybe that caught her off guard or she hadn't been cued yet.


I think it's more like 70 cents, though.

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Chris- Do you think that these ninjas are in a Ninja Syndicate with Raven's infamous Mystery Ninja and one day they will rule the WWE and possibly the world?


Cause I do.

No, they're not associated with Raven's Mystery Ninja.


I don't want the Ninja Camerman to be anywhere near being associated with Tori (AKA Tombstone Tori)

Blame Tori for that, it was her idea. She wanted to be a ninja (courtesy the Raven shoot video).

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Guest Anglesault

Loved what? That the only really good aspect of Raw has been shot?


Now there's next to nothing watchable.


I don't care about Goldberg, I don't care about HHH, I don't care about Kane (Thanks again, Shane.) I don;t care about Orton, i don't care about RVD (Thanks again, HHH)


Batista and Shawn have ALOT to carry.

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I still don't think the angle is over AS- that's where we differ.


I loved the whole set up and the way the camera panned out to Trish who started crying.


For the first time in a long time I couldnt wait to watch RAW next week to see what happens.

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Guest Anglesault
I still don't think the angle is over AS- that's where we differ.


I loved the whole set up and the way the camera panned out to Trish who started crying.


For the first time in a long time I couldnt wait to watch RAW next week to see what happens.

::pulls out crystal ball::


I predict Lita and Trish getting their revenge, with Angle/Edge level comedy.


Naked Jericho/Xian (or wearing "funny sex outfits") and somehow finding themselves in bed together is a must.


Ass Cream may get involved.

Edited by Anglesault

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You know. Isn't it kind of scary how RavishingRickRudo called that this was EXACTLY how this angle was going to play out more or less?

1. It was blantantly obvious this was going to happen.

2. Focus groups have been telling Vince his audience is now beginning to include females ages 12-24.

3. This is the most cliche, over-done storyline in TV and movie history. Vince has long since become just a parrot, repeating every stupid thing he sees.

Are you saying that RRR can't see the future?

I'm saying once you've seen enough pop culture and/or wrestling, you can predict just about anything that will happen, even how a storyline will come to a head, and maybe even how it will end.

I've been watching wrestling for 13 years...and I didn't think they'd be this dumb.

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Guest Anglesault
In other words... you're a girl... go watch YnR girly girl.

I prefer Sex and the City thank you

That explains alot.


And barron, what good could come from the "hilarious" segments where Trish gets revenge?

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We'll see what happens AS. We'll see.


I'm more concerned about Jericho being off the PPV. If he doesnt have a match then Triple H is the current PPV ironman.

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Guest CronoT
You know. Isn't it kind of scary how RavishingRickRudo called that this was EXACTLY how this angle was going to play out more or less?

1. It was blantantly obvious this was going to happen.

2. Focus groups have been telling Vince his audience is now beginning to include females ages 12-24.

3. This is the most cliche, over-done storyline in TV and movie history. Vince has long since become just a parrot, repeating every stupid thing he sees.

Are you saying that RRR can't see the future?

I'm saying once you've seen enough pop culture and/or wrestling, you can predict just about anything that will happen, even how a storyline will come to a head, and maybe even how it will end.

I've been watching wrestling for 13 years...and I didn't think they'd be this dumb.

Then you obviously haven't been watching enough wrestling or sappy teenage TV shows or movies.


You also don't quite grasp how bad Vince and the writers have become.


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Guest Anglesault
I'm more concerned about Jericho being off the PPV. If he doesnt have a match then Triple H is the current PPV ironman.


That's sort of sad.


Jericho can only be from J-Day last year to SurSer of this year. That's a SAD iron man.


We'll see what happens AS. We'll see.


Everytime someone says that to me it blows up in their face the next week.

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Guest Anglesault

One minor example.


Remember when I predicted the Angle/Cena feud?


The Angle/Lesnar feud?


The Jericho/HHH feud? (Okay, that was an easy one but still.)

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Angle v. Cena- I was feeling it until they had Angle dressed up as Cena and the midget dressed up as Angle.


That confused me. I did enjoy the match.


Angle v. Lesnar- I enjoyed the matches that came from it and the buildup to WM. I agree that the Ambigously Gay Duo stuff was dumb.


Jericho v. HHH- Well duh. I think everyone figured that one out.


The real question is- Did you call Lucy the Dog?

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Didn't you say the Survivor Series Austin v. Bischoff match would suck and it ended up being one of the most praised matched of the year?

A match being praised by this board doesn't exactly say much, considering the Retard Ratio we have.

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Didn't you say the Survivor Series Austin v. Bischoff match would suck and it ended up being one of the most praised matched of the year?

Who praised that?

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